

学术之路 2021-03-08

2018 Chicago-Tsinghua Young Faculty Forum on Law & Social Science

May 31- June 1, 2018

❖ Venue:

May 31: University of Chicago Center in Beijing 

(20th Floor, Culture Plaza, 59A Zhong Guan Cun Street, Haidian District, Beijing)

June 1: Tsinghua University Law School | Venue: Moot Court


Dean Weixing SHEN, Tsinghua University Law School

Professor Omri Ben-Shahar, The University of Chicago Law School

❖ Language: English

❖ Registration: 

Please click “Read more” to register for this event, a confirmation email will be sent to you in a week if you are admitted. 


The Chicago-Tsinghua Young Faculty Forum is a first of its kind collaboration between leading American and Chinese law schools. The organizers selected twelve scholars working in the area of law-and-social-science to present work-in-progress. The purpose of the Forum is to allow for rigorous and critical discussion in the Chicago “round table” style workshop, to help improve the work, and to set the standards for successful publications. Four members from the faculty of the University of Chicago Law School will also join the Forum as discussants, all of whom have rich experience in conducting inter-disciplinary study of law and social science. Together with a few top Chinese legal scholars, they will raise questions and comments to the presenters. The Forum also hopes to increase the sense of community among American and Chinese legal scholars generally, particularly among those working in the area of law and social science. To facilitate the round table, there will be no prepared comments by the discussants. Each paper will be presented briefly, followed by an open discussion among the participants. 



Weixing Shen, Dean and Professor of Law, Tsinghua University

Omri Ben-Shahar, Kearny Director, Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics, University of Chicago

Ruoying Chen, Associate Professor and Assistant Dean, Peking University

Jinhua Cheng, Distinguished Professor of Law & Vice Dean, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Adam Chilton, Professor of Law, University of Chicago

Guobin Cui, Associate Professor of Law and Vice Dean, Tsinghua University

William Hubbard, Professor of Law and Editor of Journal of Legal Studies, University of Chicago

Hongzhen Jiang, Associate Professor & Vice Dean, KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Zhimin Liao, Professor of Law, East China University of Political Science and Law

Haitian Lu, Professor and Associate Dean, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Richard McAdams, Bernard D. Meltzer Professor of Law, University of Chicago

Wei Shen, Dean and Professor of Law, Shandong University Law School

Yuyu Wang, Professor of law and Director of China Institute for Rule of Law in Finance, Southwest University of Political Science and Law

Defeng Xu, Professor of Law, Peking University

Jun Zhao, Professor and Vice Dean, Guanghua Law School, Zhejiang University


Day 1: University of Chicago Center in Beijing (Thursday, May 31)

9:00am Opening Remarks

Dean Weixing Shen, Tsinghua University Law School

Professor Omri Ben-Shahar, Director of Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics, University of Chicago

Panel I Governance and Institution in China

Moderator: Omri Ben-Shahar

9:30am Challenging Eminent Domain in the High People’s Courts: Procedure is the Key!

Shitong Qiao, Hong Kong University

10:15am Break

10:30am Decentralizing Authoritarianism:  A Study of China’s Dramatic Expansion of City Lawmaking Power

Jiang Wan (with Wei Cui), Southwest University of Political Science and Law 

11:15am Information Technology and E-Participation: An Empirical Study on Online Solicitation of Opinions on Lawmaking by the National People's Congress

Xin Zhang, University of International Business and Economics 

12:00pm Lunch

Panel II Corporate and Financial Law

Moderator: William Hubbard

1:30pm Corporate Loyalty to the Party: Evidence from Charter Amendments 

Angela Zhang (with Zhuang Liu), Hong Kong University

2:15pm Rethinking State Control over the PRC Financial System: The Black Box of Proactive Intervention 

Daile Xia (with Li Guo), Tsinghua University

3:00pm Break

3:30pm Understanding Public Enforcement of Securities Law in China: An Empirical Analysis of the Enforcement Outcomes of CSRC’s Regional Offices 

Wenming Xu (with Guangdong Xu), China University of Political Science and Law

4:15pm Prematurity and Incubator: Tradition, Transplantation and Bifurcation of Financial Development and Law in China 

Simin Gao (with Christopher Chen), Tsinghua University

Day 2: Tsinghua University Law School (Friday, June 1)

9:00am Opening Remarks

Vice Dean Guobin Cui, Tsinghua University Law School

Professor Omri Ben-Shahar, University of Chicago

Panel III Cutting Edge Topics in Law and Economics

Moderator: Guobin Cui

9:15am Self-Regulation in the Shadow of Public Power: Driving China’s Private Taxicabs out of Regulatory Dark Zone

Bingwan Xiong, Renmin University

10:00am Break

10:15am A Network Theory of Patentability: Towards An Empirical Measure of Paten Nonobviousness 

Ryan Whalen, Hong Kong University

11:00am The Chicago School in Beijing: Two Faces of Law and Economics in China 

Han Liu (with Xiaoli Zhao), Tsinghua University

12:00pm Lunch

Panel IV Judicial Behavior

Moderator: Ruoying Chen

1:30pm Do Justices’ Scholarly Backgrounds Affect the Writing of Separate Opinions in Taiwan Court?

Chien-Chih Lin, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

2:15pm What Is the Leviathan Hiding? “Missing Cases” and Selected Judicial Information Disclosure in China

Zhuang Liu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen


清华大学法学院 第 11 

来源 | 法学院外事办


责任编辑 | 马海晶


【新书推荐】刑事辩护的艺术 | 思索死刑 | 惊世判决 | 波斯纳及其他:译书之后 | 制裁论










中南大 | 国际法律高端人才培养暨学科发展咨询会会议通知





刘艳红教授接受CCTV2打击和防范经济犯罪活动采访 | 服务社会法治,聚焦社会热点

