

北京瑜舍 2023-04-07

居舍系列推出中秋月饼礼盒,从中国传统 「多宝阁」中汲取灵感,融入别具一格的建筑巧思,顶部「璧玉」平安扣,秉承可持续性的概念,满载平安寓意,把代表平安喜乐的祝传达给所有亲朋。


This Mid-Autumn Festival, The House Collective is delighted to unveil its mooncake box set to you all. Inspired from Chinese tradition curio boxes blended with unique architectural features of our Houses, each box also comes with a jade “Ping An Kou” at the top of box. The amulet pays homage to the traditional artefacts that families used to pass peace and safety down generations, especially in this festive season.


To start off with the whole concept design, we understand that The House Collective is all about history, culture, contemporary, art and design. With this in mind, we were really excited to design this mooncake box set that can pass on this message. Mooncake festival is all about family and unity!


My parents are antique dealers. The piece that struck me the most is curio box. The origin of curio box was like emperor's treasure, when they open up the boxes, all the tiny treasures are nicely placed for him to discover.



With a mind-set of sustainability, each box’s “jade” Ping An Kou amulet is made of recycled material created using 65 kg glass bottles and 50kg uniforms collected from the Houses.

在EDITECTURE,Jacqueline 和 Genevieve 一直鼓励客户融入更多的可持续发展理念。这次创作中的平安扣就用到了制服和玻璃瓶等原材料,去创造类似翡翠的质地,与老一辈人产生共鸣。从而通过这个平安扣传递祝福。

Within EDITECTURE, they always encourage clients to incorporate more of sustainable ideas. Jacqueline & Genevieve were able to use uniforms and glass bottles collected from our House to make a decorative for the packaging. They tried to create this new jade where older generation can create a dialogue with younger generation, but also passing on this symbolic peace and unity to send blessings in Mid-Autumn Festival.


The House Collective Mooncake Set is available at RMB 488. Grab yours now with an early-bird 30% discount. Click to purchase!

For more information


+86 10 6417 6688


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