

英语演讲第一站 精彩英语演讲 2020-08-21



Ivanka Trump Sunday cemented her position as the global spokesperson for women's economic empowerment, telling a Middle East summit that efforts she and international banks have championed over the past two years could lead to a $7 trillion boost in world GDP, $600 billion in the region alone.

“That number represents far more than an economic boom — it represents millions of lives full of promise — mothers who could provide for their children, daughters who could be the first to graduate high school, and young women who could start businesses and become job creators. This is the future we can and must achieve together,” she said at the Global Women’s Forum Dubai and We-Fi MENA Regional Summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

“We all know that when women are free to succeed, families thrive, communities flourish, and nations are stronger,” she said in comments shared with Secrets.

Over the past three years, as a senior adviser to President Trump, Ivanka Trump has emerged as the domestic jobs czar and internationally as a champion of women seeking business funding in nations where sexual discrimination is often crushing.

Along the way, she has won supporters and helped to free up funding.

In her comments, she cited the United States as an example of how a long fight for economic equality can lead to victories for women.

“A few decades ago, women could not take out a loan without a man or own a credit card in their name. They searched for jobs in the female section of employment listings and made up only 25% of managers in 1980. Today, more American women are leading in every aspect of society. Last year, there were more women than men in the U.S. workforce, with women securing over 70% of new jobs,” she said.

In her efforts, Trump has seen the types of discrimination and belittling that women have faced in the Middle East, Africa, and elsewhere. She is sometimes mocked, especially by the president’s critics, but she brushes off the attacks and sticks to her mission, often winning praise from world leaders who also champion women’s economic empowerment.

Her giving the keynote address at the Global Women’s Forum Dubai and the second annual regional summit of the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, or We-Fi, is the recognition for her efforts.

“Since we launched this historic initiative two years ago, with the UAE and United States as founding members, we will have mobilized $2.6 billion, of both public and private sector financing, to invest in more than 100,000 women-owned businesses in the developing world,” she said.

She also talked about her White House program, the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative, that has a goal of helping 50 million women in the developing world gain economic help.

“Recently, our White House Economists found that if nations addressed the five legal barriers that W-GDP is focused on reforming — accessing institutions, building credit, owning and managing property, traveling freely, and removing employment restrictions — women’s economic activity could increase annual global GDP by about $7.7 trillion,” she said.

“Imagine the lives transformed — the cities that could be built, the new schools that could open their doors, the children that could be helped — if we come together to make these reforms part of our future,” Trump concluded in her speech.


















