
[TRUE STORY] China is banning Cheese! [Explicit Content]

2017-09-07 Governor CheeseRep

All content below is true

These rules are national and impact all cheese resellers, not only Cheese Republic. We will stop selling these cheeses next week.

Click here & discover my cheeses

Citizen, the news from the front are not bad: they are catastrophic!

Camarade, les nouvelles du front ne sont pas mauvaises: elles sont catastrophiques !


When we are a warlord like me, we are used to losing brothers in arms (tribute to reblochon fell in an ambush last May and forbidden in this territory since!)

Quand on est un chef de guerre comme moi, on est habitué à perdre des frères d'arme (hommage au reblochon, tombé dans une embuscade en mai dernier et interdit de territoire depuis !) 

Why Cheese is getting banned?

""Official"" reason: too much bacteria

Brie contains too much bacteria = brie gets banned

""""Cheese"""" with no bacteria = still allowed

In my opinion: no bacteria = fake cheese

Want to know which cheeses are now banned? It will be shorter for me to list those who survived the offensive!

Tu souhaites savoir quels sont les fromages désormais interdits? Ce sera plus court pour moi de ce lister ceux qui ont survécu à l'offensive!

Which cheeses are still allowed?

The survivors of the carnage are: Comté (6, 12 and 36 months) and Beaufort !

Likewise, the whole family of hard cheeses can still be found here: Gruyère, Emmentaller, Tomme, Monk head, Manchego, Murcia and the raclette also survived ! What to warm our hearts bruised by this terrible news!

De même la totalité de la famille des fromages à pâte dure devraient s'en sortir: Gruyère, Emmentaller, Tomme, Tête de moine, Manchego, Murcia... Mieux encore, la raclette est sortie indemne! De quoi réchauffer nos coeurs meurtris par cette terrible nouvelle ! 

Fortunately, cheese spreads such as Tartare and Saint Morêt will also survive ! The mozzarella should also make it! Glory to her!

Par bonheur, les fromages à tartiner survivront aussi, tels que Tartare et le Saint-Morêt ! La mozzarella devrait aussi s'en sortir ! Gloire à elle ! 

Soft cheeses: forbidden in China in few days

I do not know what to say to describe the situation. A commemorative film was shot to give tribute to our friends the soft cheeses!


Les mots me manquent pour décrire la situation. Un film commémoratif a été tourné pour rendre hommage à nos amis les pâtes molles ! 

Support us to get soft Cheese back in China!

Will I stop the fight? Certainly not! Cheese has its place in China and it is in the best interest of our stomach to be able to continue to taste cheese!

We may have lost a battle, but we have not lost the war! Are we no longer allowed to taste cheese? Let's stop eating rice!

Vais-je arrêter le combat ? Certainement pas ! Le fromage a toute sa place en Chine et il est dans l'intérêt supérieur de notre estomac de pouvoir continuer à déguster le fromage ! On a peut-être perdu une bataille, mais on n'a pas perdu la guerre ! On ne nous laisse plus la possibilité de déguster du fromage ? Arrêtons de manger du riz !

Support Cheese Republic and share this article, I hope customs will read it: 


I enjoy living in China everyday but I would enjoy much more with a taste of Cheese! Please share this message to show we are millions thinking the same!

Limited edition platter: The "Cheese RIP" Platter
only 248 RMB instead of 318 RMB

Only 12 awesome platters which includes : 

1 x Gruyere 6 months DOP 200g 

1 x Comte 12 months DOP 190g

1 x Camembert Fermier 250g

1 x French Saucisson 200g

I post special deals on my wechat every week. Just add my personnal account and never miss them!  (ID: Cheesegouvernor)

And follow my WeChat account (ID: Cheeserep)

