【周末福利】4th NASA航空动力控制和诊断,产学研研讨会PPT下载
该会议目前举办已经超过4届,其目标为:推动NASA参会各方:NASA研究所、大学和工业界在设计工具、方法、软件上的共享。从第4届开始,随着合作的深入,技术文档和PPT都开始限制向外传播。目前第4届仅能下到Session 6的相关PPT。
Sanjay Garg (NASA):NASA Aeronautics Programs
Session 1: High Speed Propulsion Modeling and Control
Tom Stueber (NASA):Overview
Tom Stueber (NASA):CCE-LIMX Mode Transition Modeling and Control
George Kopasakis (NASA):Dynamic Modeling of Supersonic Propulsion Systems for Aero-Propulso-Servo-Elasticity Analysis
Session 2: Enhanced Engine Control
Dr. Ten-Huei Guo (NASA):Overview
Jeff Chapman (VPL):C-MAPSS40k V2.0 Overview and Update
James Liu (N&R Eng.):Controller Design for Enhanced Engine Response
Jonathan Litt (NASA):Using Propulsion System for Loss of Control Prevention and Mitigation
Ryan May (VPL):Engine Icing Modeling, Detection and Accommodation
Session 3: Model-Based Control and Diagnostics
Don Simon (NASA):Overview
Don Simon (NASA):Propulsion Diagnostic Method Evaluation Strategy (ProDiMES): Public Benchmarking Results
John Lekki (NASA):Vehicle Integrated Propulsion Research (VIPR) Engine Testing
Don Simon (NASA):VIPR Gas Path Diagnostics Results
Joe Connolly (NASA):Assessment of Model-Based Control for an Aircraft Engine Simulation using an Optimal Tuner Approach
Don Simon (NASA):Mechanical Components Diagnostics Research
Session 4: Distributed Engine Control
Dennis Culley (NASA):Overview
Alicia Zinnecker (N&R Eng.):Modeling Control Elements With an Outlook Toward Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) Operation
John McArthur (RR):Decentralized Engine Control System Simulator
Eliot Aretskin-Hariton (NASA):HIL System Integration
Larry Greer (NASA):Power-Line Data Communication in High Temperature Environments
Glenn Beheim (NASA):High Temperature SiC Electronics: Update & Outlook
Industry perspective on PCD Research (Panel Session)
General Electric Aviation:Bill Mailander (GE)
Honeywell:Grant Gordon (Honeywell)
Pratt & Whitney:Bruce Wood (P&W)
Rolls-Royce:Keith Calhoun (RR)
Boeing:James Urnes (Boeing)
DoD Perspective on PCD Research
U.S. Air Force:Al Behabahani (AFRL)
U.S. Army:Bert Smith (AATD)
U.S. Navy:Jessica Spadaccini(NAVAIR)
Session 5: Active Combustion Control
Tom Stueber (NASA):Overview
Clarence Chang (NASA):Combustion Process Instability Issues Being Addressed
Randy Thomas (NASA):Fuel Flow Modulator Characterization Facility Overview and Operation
Joe Saus (NASA):Next Generation Fuel Modulators for Combustion Pilot Fuel Modulation
Session 6: Dynamic Modeling and Systems Analysis
Jeff Csank (NASA):Overview
Jeff Csank (NASA):Dynamic Systems Analysis
Jeff Chapman (Vantage Partners, LLC):T-MATS (Toolbox for the Modeling and Analysis of Thermodynamic Systems)
Ryan May (Vantage Partners, LLC):Reducing Conservatism in Aircraft Engine Response Using Conditionally Active Min-Max Regulators
All:Review and Discussions
One-on-One Meetings with Task Leads