Voice Of Diplomacy
立足中国 放眼世界
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To all Chinese families, to all of you, who are interested in Switzerland, who honor me by looking at me now. I wish you a very happy Mid-autumn festival. Enjoy your family days, enjoy your gatherings
and think beyond. Think of vacationing. Think of having a good time. Come to Switzerland. Switzerland loves China. You should come and experience that warmth, that my people extend to Chinese visitors. Switzerland is as diverse and interesting as the whole China maybe to foreign guests. And in Switzerland, we like to establish personal relationship. With that in mind, I do advise, you, I do suggest , I do invite you to come and discover what we have in store for you. Switzerland tourism has developed programs and it is very welcoming when it comes to enabling you travel around the country, enabling you also to discover our cities. Our cities are very interesting. They are still in the past, usually have a very old historic area in the center.
We have more and more Chinese restaurants. We have more and more Switzerland speaking Chinese. We like to communicate. We have always been very open to the world. Now you will experience our openness to China, to Asia, to the rest of the world as we extend hand and benefits from what we get back from our friends, from afar.
So, with all that in mind, again, have a very joyous family gathering of friends gathering around the notion of a wonderful Mid-autumn festival and enjoy your moon cakes.
特别鸣谢: 新学者
《外交之声》祝全球华人中秋快乐 花好月圆!
编辑:正清 罗宾 杨舒然 吴军 王梦汐 薛珂 王思文 韩蕾 曹婧
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Voice Of Diplomacy
立足中国 放眼世界
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