
EdFest 2021 | Full live and virtual schedules now available!

惠灵顿(中国) WellingtonCollege惠灵顿公学 2022-07-15

There is no time like the present to start thinking about the future, especially when it comes to the crucial topic of how we teach our children. And this is why the theme for Wellington College China's 2021 Festival of Education is Interpreting the Future of Education. This annual gathering is an opportunity for educators, parents and enthusiasts to share ideas and gain new insights into teaching and learning and we are delighted to announce that the full schedule of events is available to view.

Our campuses in Tianjin, Shanghai and Hangzhou will host some of the foremost thought leaders in the field of education in China as they lead informative talks, panel discussions and workshops. This year we will explore what the future of education may hold in store for us via five key strands:

Future Schools

Early Years Education



Mental Health

Events from the past years

Additionally, for those unable to attend any of these live events in person, we are hosting a series of online virtual EdFest sessions featuring not only international educators but also authors, researchers and television personalities.  

Festival Director Paul Rogers says, "Recent events have reaffirmed to us that we owe it to our children to continue to be forward-thinking when it comes to their education. As educators, we should always be reassessing current assumptions and considering new possibilities. This is why we are truly excited about this year's programme of events. For both our live and online sessions, we have hand-selected a roster of some of the most impressive minds in progressive education today, both here in China and from abroad."

Our programmes for each campus are as follows:

Tianjin – Saturday, 17 April

Shanghai – Saturday, 24 April

Hangzhou – Sunday, 25 April

Our virtual events will take place from 18–23 April. Programmes are as follows:

If you would like to learn more about any speakers and what they will be discussing in their events, you can scan the code below to access our convenient 2021 Festival of Education mini-programme.

Dates and Times

Live Events

Saturday 17th April – Tianjin 

Saturday 24th April – Shanghai

Sunday 25th April – Hangzhou

Scan the QR code to book your tickets now!

Virtual Events

Sunday to Friday 18th – 23rd April 

Open to all interested parties free of charge

Scan the QR code to 

book your virtual tickets now!

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