Clare Cousins Architects
Aesop Paddington
The elegant scheme tells the story of Sydney’s intimate relationship with the water through observant detail. Iconic local landmark significant to Sydney’s avid bathing culture – think Bondi Icebergs, the Andrew ‘Boy’ Charlton Pool, the city’s many picturesque sea baths, as well as the scenic Bondi to Bronte trail – are longingly referenced within the new signature store.
The grey-green pebbles line the interior walls and ceiling as if the store were an upside-down pool, making for a deeply immersive experience. Seats emerge as contoured pool-steps; coved corners and recessed niches evoke shoreline grottos; luscious greenery spouts from the depths.
Soft, coved corners and recessed niches emphasise the design’s organic quality. Steel shelves in Eucalypt green echo the muted hues of the interior shell, and introduce a recognisably Australian colour palette.
Equally grounding and dividing the space is a central island, housing an extruded vessel which spans its length. The sand-coloured travertine slab ends stimulate the rugged contours and irregular strata of the seaside cliffs.
Dennis Paphitis
Aēsop是澳洲的化妆品品牌,名字起源于“伊索寓言”,伊索 (Aēsop) 在天然植物护肤的基础上率先推行有机理念,并结合内外调理的“理智”生活哲学,是美容界的“偏力”品牌。
正如品牌名的灵感来源「伊索寓言」一样,Aesop 也将哲学性深深植根于自己的品牌理念之中。它主张平衡、从容的生活态度,推崇健康饮食、适度锻炼、定期阅读的生活习惯,也坚信健康的肌肤状态源自这种内外理性调和的哲学智慧。这种平衡、内敛的品牌哲学更是完全渗透于 Aesop 的产品策略之中。
Aēsop的美学概念由百变的室内设计、品牌形象到产品包装,都贯彻简约主义,水平之高,可说是业界指标,有赖合适的设计师及建筑师。网上平台Taxonomy of Design就为此而建立,希望藉此推广背后的创作者。
Kouichi Kimura Architects| 樱花树下的家
Daminato | 融合于咖啡厅里的家具展厅Café Craft