
Nick McKimm对色调和质地的探索

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2022-10-29


The Sussex



A bold contemporary form and celebration of materiality, showcasing bricks, bluestone and porcelain – embodying the mass of a boulder, delicately floating within the shallows of a deep blue body of pool water, the weighted walls are softened by warm timbers and curves, all perceived through a biophilic line-of-sight.


For a family of 6, and large extended family, zones and spaces were designed around interactive family life, large gatherings and entertaining. Bold contemporary form and materiality, bricks and bluestone softened by curves. Seamless flow and Biophilic line of sight connecting Indoor to outdoor garden spaces. Water movement with surrounding shallows and pool, integrating fluid connection of spaces. Celebrating textures through use of natural and raw materials; concrete, stone, timber cladding, with consideration of textural surfaces.


The Sussex

柔和的原木色、深蓝色与黄铜色相得益彰。外立面未经加工的原始材料呼应了周边的自然环境。厨房中花岗岩、黑色木饰面和水磨石的组合富有力量感,与深蓝色池水的轻盈形成对比,营造出漂浮之感。木饰面展示出温暖的质感。混凝土地板和青石瓦片有效提高了住宅的保温散热性能,二楼的格栅墙面在抵挡阳光的同事提供了一丝阴凉。家具的布置顺应整体空间造型,地下室的沙发既实用又巧妙地加强了室内外的联系,书房的沙发与弧线墙体排列成整齐的曲线。Muted timber tones, deeps blues, charcoals with hints of brass. Raw, unrefined textures in sympathy with the external façade finishes and surrounding natural environment. Leathered finish granite throughout and use of porcelain to the kitchen joinery, embodying the mass of a boulder or a rock face – floating within the shallows of a deep blue body of pool water. Timber veneers and timber lining board cladding exuding warmth in harmony with texture. Elements designed to enhance thermal mass efficiencies with concrete floors, bluestone blade walls, framed by solar shelf canopies to shield sanctuary spaces below. Furniture to compliment the form, basement sofa to facilitate indoor outdoor mood and aspect of functional space, rounded study sofa aligning with the curved sculptured walls.


A substantial scale home with no unused zone, the articulated journey between spaces eliminates the feeling of vast open style living. Intimate spaces created in the kitchen using pocket doors to bar and seating behind, with interaction also encouraged within the cooking zone and natural progression from coffee area to main kitchen, scullery, pantry and laundry journey along the large island bench. Concealed appliances to kitchen layout of cooking, utensil, sink and dishwasher amenity allows for a balance of display and functionality.

地下室设置了独立的藏酒室,曲线墙体引领着通向酒吧和影音室的通道。An exclusive Wine room allowing for separate seclusion within large basement area. The curved wall symbolizes the flow through to the main bar and open cinema.

一扇巨型拱门将人们引入画廊般的空间。主卧面向东方,清晨,阳光洒向卧室。室内陈设对应着居住者的日常,衣帽间等一应俱全。房屋北侧的遮阳构件全天沉浸在光照中,随着季节交替产生变化的光影。自然光也为深色的家具增添了一丝温暖。An oversized pivot front door shields the welcome experience and unfolding of the house through the gallery breezeway. Master bedroom is positioned specifically to embrace East with early morning sunrises. The flow from bed to dressing robe and Ensuite outlining the daily routine. Northern solar aspect crafted to embrace the journey of the sun throughout the day with shadow play everchanging in alignment with seasonal change. Natural light lifting the mood and warmth of a darker palette.

环绕房屋的流水代表着生活的轨迹,入口处的浅水区对应了轻松活泼的非正式聚会,而进入正式的用餐空间,水流也随之加深,并最终流向更低的僻静之处,标志着一天的结束。当新的一天开始,环绕房屋的流水也将投入新一轮的循环。Journey of surrounding water symbolizes the journey home at the end of a day with entry shallows for informal family reconnection leading to deeper water and connection at dinner gathering and finally cascading to lower secluded space at the end of the day, before the whole process is repeated in the morning as the movement of water recycles back to the shallows once again.

于 Mckimm

创始人 / Nick McKimm

Nick McKimm专门从事当代住宅设计、室内设计。对细节和设计的欣赏,加上优质的建筑,见证了的不断发展,现在以成为墨尔本最成功的住宅设计之一。

BUDA Hotel一所有“心灵”的酒店


Paulsen&Nilsen 流动的宁静


