
Memphis Milano Galleria

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MemphisMilano Galleria


一家新画廊在米兰布雷拉市中心的拉戈特里维斯开业。这里是Memphis Milano Galleria,从上世纪80年代开始,这个设计群体尝试定义了意大利设计。Memphis Milano Galleria展出了设计师们的代表作。

A few weeks ago a new gallery opened in Milan in Largo Treves, in the heart of Brera. It is the new Memphis Milano Galleria, where some of the most important works created by the designers who were part of Memphis, the collective that helped define Italian design starting in the 1980s, are on display.

1980年12月11日,该集团在Ettore Sottsass的家中成立,旨在尝试重写设计历史,打破设计模式,重新思考产品文化。近年来,作品在世界各地的展览中展出,经过复刻如Ettore Sottsass的Carlton和Casablanca书柜,重新进入大众视野。

On December 11, 1980, the group was founded in the home of Ettore Sottsass, with the aim of trying to rewrite the codes of design, breaking design patterns and rethinking product culture. In recent years, works have been presented within exhibitions around the world, with reissues of some of the studio’s most significant products and timeless appeal, as in the case of Ettore Sottsass’s Carlton and Casablanca bookcases.


Memphis has renovated its exhibition venue, giving Milan an apartment where palettes and patterns define a creative environment charged with artistic concepts. Memphis Milano Galleria is a symbolic place of Italian design and a new hub for fans of industrial design history and a new approach to design born in a season of great conceptual rethinking.

不久之前,这家历史悠久的集团被意大利Radical Design收购。收购Memphis Milano是保护意大利设计品牌项目的一部分,这是一项保护意大利遗产的行动,在这个新画廊中也得到了体现。

A few months ago the historic group was purchased by Italian Radical Design, which already owned Gufram for ten years. The acquisition of Memphis Milano is part of the project to preserve Italian design brands, an operation of restoration of the Italian heritage that also has its fulfillment in this new gallery.

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