
E Studio Office丨壹所设计工作室

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2023-09-24

壹所设计(E Studio),一个由多专业领域的90后创意人组成的团队,警惕经验惯性,鼓励独立思考和辩证思维,包容性的交流碰撞并输出自己的观点,多元的设计实践涉及建筑、室内、品牌、景观等跨专业协作,也促使团队在多行业领域背景下不断学习,用跨界思维去做一些推动行业边界的事情。

E Studio, a team composed of post-90s creatives in various professional fields, is alert to the inertia of experience and encourages independent and dialectical thinking. Inclusive exchanges and collisions take place in the office, promoting the production of individual opinions. The diverse design scope, including architectural design, interior design, branding, and landscape design, has also prompted the team to keep learning in the context of the diverse industries and use cross-border thinking to do things that push the boundaries of the industry.



不完美,倘若完美的,那它就没那么好了,设计师是聪明的展示者,懂得如何更好地展示自己的作品,更吸引眼球,精致的构图和修片,甚至有一些脱离真实的完美......   E Studio试图回到现实之中,将每个项目尽可能地真实呈现,保留初心。

It is not perfect, but this un-perfectivity is good. A designer is also a good presenter, and he knows how to better present his design, with more eye-catching and exquisite composition and polishing, some of which is even unreally perfect. E Studio tries to return to reality with the original intention, representing each project as realistically as possible.


项目名称 | 壹所设计工作室
项目地点 | 中国 深圳
项目面积 | 260平方米
完成时间 | 2022.11
设计公司 | EStudio壹所设计
主持设计 | 范君健、周炫焯
设计团队 | 胡裕龙、周婧、邓嫦怡
空间主材 | 清水混凝土、雾面不锈钢、磐多磨、Gabriel、海洋板、橡木地板
家具品牌 | MATSU玛祖铭立、Herman Miller、HAG
灯光设计 | 深圳市默克照明
定制家具 | 澳思家私制造厂
施工团队 | 梁智华 深亿装饰工程
项目摄影 | 张超、罗灿辉、谭汇涛、卓越恒
特别鸣谢 | 大皇蜂不锈钢、MATSU玛祖铭立、磐多磨Pandomo|砼馆,Gabriel、澳思家私制造厂、智境建材


深圳市壹所设计有限公司(E Studio)由范君健和周炫焯于2018年共同创立,是一家致力于探索商业空间设计的多元化创意服务机构。服务类型: 提供前瞻性的建筑、室内、平面、品牌策划服务。来自不同专业领域的壹所设计团队,擅于运用跨界的设计思维为品牌打造独特的整体形象。
E Studio was founded in 2018 by Fan Junjian and Zhou Xuanzhuo. We are a diversified creative service company dedicated to exploring commercial spaces, providing progressive architecture, interior, graphic design, as well as branding services.E Studio design team fuses professionals from different fields who are well-versed in using cross-boundary design thinking to create unique images for the brands.

JAAK Design | 一处自留地

ATM 氣象建築 | 光影采石场

山地土壤 | 以色彩来感知城市印象

ht studio | 遗迹上的艺术花园

