
正在展出 | 吉姆·霍奇斯《我梦想一个世界,它唤作爱》/ Jim Hodges

格莱斯顿画廊 GLADSTONE格莱斯顿画廊 2021-09-26

格莱斯顿画廊 | 正在展出

吉姆·霍奇斯(Jim Hodges)


I dreamed a world and called it Love

格莱斯顿画廊 | 纽约西21街530号(切尔西区)

Gladstone Gallery, 530 W 21st St, New York


吉姆·霍奇斯(Jim Hodges)自上世纪九十年代中期开始在作品中使用镜面玻璃这一材料。他将整块破裂的玻璃板置于未经处理的画布上,并由此发展出了手工切割的玻璃马赛克系列,以及具有独立结构形态的碾磨迷彩装饰图案。霍奇斯的很多作品都体现了他对于材料本身——玻璃、金、以及经过抛光处理的不锈钢——表面反射性的密切关注。艺术家的这种探索为作品带来了开放式的解读,拓展了创作实验的可能性,也打破了观者对场域先入为主的观念。作品《我梦想一个世界,它唤作爱》由大量独立单色块和彩色图案块组成,呈献出一种全景式的形态。这件体量空前庞大的装置作品为观者带来了颠覆惯常观画经验的沉浸式体验,而令人兴奋同时悬而未决的空间环境也将我们引向了对其肌理的凝视和哲学层面上的沉思。


Jim Hodges’ engagement with mirrored glass as a material originated in the mid 1990’s, with a single cracked panel mounted on raw canvas. So began a progression that has seen its employ through hand-cut mosaic series to milled camouflage motifs as stand-alone structural forms. An invested concentration in surface reflectivity as its own medium is present in much of Hodges’ work–glass, gold and polished stainless steel–and allows for multiple readings, broadening experiential possibilities and disrupting notions of a fixed site.  I dreamed a world and called it Love. materializes simultaneously as a single panorama, made up of numerous individual monochromes as well as multi-colored patterned panels.  Unprecedented in size, the installation offers an immersive inversion of the painting experience, along with an opportunity for reflection–literal and philosophical–in an exhilarating and undetermined environment.

Jim Hodges was born in 1957 in Spokane, Washington, and lives and works in New York. His work has been the subject of numerous solo exhibitions at institutions including: the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Camden Art Centre, London; the Aspen Art Museum; CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery at Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York; and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. Most recently a major traveling retrospective of Hodges’s work was exhibited at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; the Dallas Museum of Art; and the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles. Hodges has received multiple awards and grants including the Association International des Critiques d’art, the Albert Ucross Prize, Washington State Arts Commission, and the Penny McCall Foundation Grant. 


格莱斯顿画廊(Gladstone Gallery)由芭芭拉·格莱斯顿女士(Barbara Gladstone)于1980年在纽约曼哈顿创办,目前在纽约和布鲁塞尔有多家分部。画廊代理近五十位著名在世和已故的艺术家。




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