
正在展出 | 仪式、表演、次文化:卡梅隆·詹米(Cameron Jamie)的三件影像作品

 ▶︎ 格莱斯顿画廊 | 正在展出

卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie


Domestic Arenas: Massage the History, BB, Kranky Klaus

格莱斯顿画廊 | 纽约西21街530号(切尔西区)

Gladstone Gallery, 530 W 21st St, New York


 《BB》1998–2000; 影片静帧,来自Super 8胶片移转到35mm,配乐:讨厌鬼乐队(The Melvins),Still from Super 8 film transferred to 35mm with soundtrack by The Melvins; 片长 / Duration: 18:20   ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

 《古怪克劳斯》Kranky Klaus, 2002-2003; 影片静帧,配乐:讨厌鬼乐队(The Melvins), Still from video with soundtrack by The Melvins; 片长 / Duration: 26:00   ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

 《按摩历史》Massage the History, 2007–2009; 影片静帧,配乐:音速青年乐队(Sonic Youth),Still from 35mm film with soundtrack by Sonic Youth; 片长 / Duration: 10:00    ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

格莱斯顿画廊将荣幸地呈现,艺术家卡梅隆·詹米Cameron Jamie)的三件影像作品展。作品跨越了艺术家职业生涯中的一个十年。这组影像装置作品包含了BB(1998 - 2000)、《古怪克劳斯》Kranky Klaus, 2002 - 2003)、《按摩历史》Massage the History, 2007 - 2009)三部影片,标志着詹米第一次以“家庭”作为核心关注点,展现公共和私密仪式之间交集的场所。在每件作品中,詹米对其拍摄对象的近距离观察,使他得以揭示出那些附着于我们的文化结构之中的令人难以琢磨的怪诞现象。从洛杉矶郊区的后院,到美国南部地区的客厅,再到中欧的阿尔卑斯山村,这三部影片以多元化的视角,审视着暴力、奥术传统和性之中的仪式化的表演性。在从室内到室外空间的过渡转化中,这组影片有如一幅连结着不同文化中的仪式行为的心象地图。此外,讨厌鬼The Melvins)和音速青年Sonic Youth)两支开创性地拓展了摇滚视听语言的乐队,为影片带来了迷幻的声音设计,成为了影片整体上不可或缺的重要组成部分。

 《按摩历史》Massage the History, 2007–2009; 影片静帧,配乐:音速青年乐队(Sonic Youth),Still from 35mm film with soundtrack by Sonic Youth; 片长 / Duration: 10:00    ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels


 《按摩历史》Massage the History, 2007–2009; 影片静帧,配乐:音速青年乐队(Sonic Youth),Still from 35mm film with soundtrack by Sonic Youth; 片长 / Duration: 10:00    ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

 《BB》1998–2000; 影片静帧,来自Super 8胶片移转到35mm,配乐:讨厌鬼乐队(The Melvins),Still from Super 8 film transferred to 35mm with soundtrack by The Melvins; 片长 / Duration: 18:20   ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

《BB》捕捉了美国南加州青少年在模仿热门电视摔跤节目上的动作时,半舞蹈化的打斗肢体动作。这部由超8毫米摄影机拍摄的影片,将青少年粗糙的临时竞技场,转化成为了展现青春期耍斗本色的社会舞台。由讨厌鬼乐队(The Melvins)带来的嗡鸣摇滚乐原声,营造出一个不受时间影响的自由空间,同时拆解和建构出一种瓦格纳式的整体艺术体验。

 《BB》1998–2000; 影片静帧,来自Super 8胶片移转到35mm,配乐:讨厌鬼乐队(The Melvins),Still from Super 8 film transferred to 35mm with soundtrack by The Melvins; 片长 / Duration: 18:20   ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

 《古怪克劳斯》Kranky Klaus, 2002-2003; 影片静帧,配乐:讨厌鬼乐队(The Melvins), Still from video with soundtrack by The Melvins; 片长 / Duration: 26:00   ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

《古怪克劳斯》记录了一场有关克朗普斯(Krampus)——一个可怖的魔鬼/怪兽形象——的异教徒圣诞庆祝仪式:在奥地利巴德-加施泰因山谷(Bad Gastein Valley)的阿尔卑斯村落,圣尼古拉斯带领着穿戴皮毛和犄角的参与者,进行一种惩罚性的恐怖仪式。影片已然成为了一部道德寓意剧(morality play),审视着善与恶并存的文化共生现象,以及暴力在宣泄性的表演中渗透进入社会的过程。

卡梅隆·詹米1969年出生于美国洛杉矶,自2000年至今在法国生活和工作。2018年,里昂当代美术馆将举办卡梅隆·詹米大型回顾展。今年,他的作品正在布鲁塞尔威尔斯当代艺术中心(Wiels)的“缺席的博物馆”("The Absent Museum")展览中展出。2016年,他的作品曾被海沃美术馆(Hayward Gallery)举办的“无限混合”("The Infinite Mix")展收录。2013年和2006年,瑞士苏黎世美术馆和美国明尼阿波利斯沃克艺术中心曾分别举办有关卡梅隆·詹米的专题展,后者曾巡回至麻省理工学院视觉艺术中心。詹米的作品曾在众多国际性电影节和重要群展上展出,其中包括:蓬皮杜艺术中心的展览 “圣迹”("Traces du sacré," 2008);柏林双年展(2010);惠特尼双年展(2006);威尼斯双年展(2005);里昂双年展(2015)。2008年,卡梅隆·詹米成为了韩国洋贤艺术奖首位获奖人。2016年,他被授予了丹尼尔&弗洛伦丝·娇兰艺术基金会绘画奖。

 《BB》1998–2000; 影片静帧,来自Super 8胶片移转到35mm,配乐:讨厌鬼乐队(The Melvins),Still from Super 8 film transferred to 35mm with soundtrack by The Melvins; 片长 / Duration: 18:20   ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

 《古怪克劳斯》Kranky Klaus, 2002-2003; 影片静帧,配乐:讨厌鬼乐队(The Melvins), Still from video with soundtrack by The Melvins; 片长 / Duration: 26:00   ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

 《按摩历史》Massage the History, 2007–2009; 影片静帧,配乐:音速青年乐队(Sonic Youth),Still from 35mm film with soundtrack by Sonic Youth; 片长 / Duration: 10:00    ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

Gladstone Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition of three films by artist Cameron Jamie, spanning a decade of work. This installation marks the first time that Jamie has programmed these films, including BB  (1998-2000), Kranky Klaus (2002-2003), and Massage the History (2007-2009), to focus on the theme of the home as a site of intersection between public and private rituals. In each of these works, the proximity to his subjects allows him to reveal the uncanny in the cultural fabric. Finding subject matter in diverse fields of play—from the suburban backyards of Los Angeles, to the living rooms of the American South and Alpine villages of Central Europe—these three works investigate the ritualized performativity of violence, arcane tradition, and sexuality. Moving between interior and exterior spaces, the film program traces a mental map connecting rites of passage in different cultures. Additionally, rock bands The Melvins and Sonic Youth, who have expanded the language of rock music, provide hallucinatory soundscapes that are an integral aspect of the films.

 《按摩历史》Massage the History, 2007–2009; 影片静帧,配乐:音速青年乐队(Sonic Youth),Still from 35mm film with soundtrack by Sonic Youth; 片长 / Duration: 10:00    ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

Massage the History records amateur dancers, whom Jamie found accidentally online, who freely engage the quotidian domestic scene with their own sexually suggestive movements. Unintended for an actual audience, the automatic nature of their body language evolves from an intimate spectacle into a dreamlike scenario of transcendence through onanistic desire.

 《按摩历史》Massage the History, 2007–2009; 影片静帧,配乐:音速青年乐队(Sonic Youth),Still from 35mm film with soundtrack by Sonic Youth; 片长 / Duration: 10:00    ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

 《BB》1998–2000; 影片静帧,来自Super 8胶片移转到35mm,配乐:讨厌鬼乐队(The Melvins),Still from Super 8 film transferred to 35mm with soundtrack by The Melvins; 片长 / Duration: 18:20   ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

BB captures the semi-choreographed brawls of Southern Californian teens who mimic the movements seen on popular TV wrestling shows. Shot on Super-8, Jamie’s film transforms their raw makeshift arena into a social theater of primitive adolescent vaudeville. The rock drone soundtrack provided by The Melvins creates an atemporal space that simultaneously unravels and builds toward its Wagnerian conclusion.

 《BB》1998–2000; 影片静帧,来自Super 8胶片移转到35mm,配乐:讨厌鬼乐队(The Melvins),Still from Super 8 film transferred to 35mm with soundtrack by The Melvins; 片长 / Duration: 18:20   ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

 《古怪克劳斯》Kranky Klaus, 2002-2003; 影片静帧,配乐:讨厌鬼乐队(The Melvins), Still from video with soundtrack by The Melvins; 片长 / Duration: 26:00   ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

Kranky Klaus documents the pagan Christmas celebration of the Krampus—a menacing devil/monster character—in the Alpine villages of Austria’s Bad Gastein Valley where St. Nicolas leads participants costumed in horns and fur in a sanctioned ritual of harassment. The film becomes a morality play exploring the cultural symbiosis of good and evil and how violence socializes through performances of cathartic abuses.  

 《古怪克劳斯》Kranky Klaus, 2002-2003; 影片静帧,配乐:讨厌鬼乐队(The Melvins), Still from video with soundtrack by The Melvins; 片长 / Duration: 26:00   ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

Cameron Jamie was born in Los Angeles in 1969 and has lived in France since 2000. He will be the subject of a forthcoming retrospective at MAC Lyon in 2018 and is presently featured in The Absent Museum at Wiels, Brussels in 2017 and The Infinite Mix at the Hayward Gallery in 2016. Jamie has been the subject of museum surveys at the Kunsthalle Zurich (2013) and the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis (2006), traveling to the MIT List Visual Arts Center. Jamie has been featured in film festivals and major group exhibitions including Traces du sacréat Centre Georges Pompidou (2008), the Berlin Biennial (2010), the Whitney Biennial (2006), the Venice Biennale (2005), and the 2015 Lyon Biennale. In 2008 Jamie was the first recipient oft he Yanghyun Prize and in 2016 was awarded the Daniel and Florence Guerlain Art Foundation prize for drawing.

 《按摩历史》Massage the History, 2007–2009; 影片静帧,配乐:音速青年乐队(Sonic Youth),Still from 35mm film with soundtrack by Sonic Youth; 片长 / Duration: 10:00    ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

 《古怪克劳斯》Kranky Klaus, 2002-2003; 影片静帧,配乐:讨厌鬼乐队(The Melvins), Still from video with soundtrack by The Melvins; 片长 / Duration: 26:00   ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

 《BB》1998–2000; 影片静帧,来自Super 8胶片移转到35mm,配乐:讨厌鬼乐队(The Melvins),Still from Super 8 film transferred to 35mm with soundtrack by The Melvins; 片长 / Duration: 18:20   ©卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie; 图片 / Image:卡梅隆·詹米 Cameron Jamie、格莱斯顿画廊 Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

 ▶︎ 关于格莱斯顿画廊 

格莱斯顿画廊(Gladstone Gallery)由芭芭拉·格莱斯顿女士(Barbara Gladstone)于1980年在纽约曼哈顿创办,目前在纽约和布鲁塞尔有多家分部。画廊代理五十位著名在世和已故的艺术家。




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