
正在展出 | 罗斯玛丽·特洛柯尔 Rosemarie Trockel 最新和近期创作的作品

 ▶︎ 格莱斯顿画廊 | 正在展出 

罗斯玛丽·特洛柯尔 Rosemarie Trockel

《过去完成时》 Plus Quam Perfekt

格莱斯顿画廊 | 东64街130号(上东区)

Gladstone Townhouse, 130 East 64th Street

展期:2017.09.13 – 10.28

▲  罗斯玛丽·特洛柯尔《过去完成时》展览现场,格莱斯顿画廊,2017.09.13–10.28。Rosemarie Trockel Plus Quam Perfekt, installation view at Gladstone Gallery, 09.13–10.28.2017. 

▲ 《时钟拥有者》 Clock Owner, 2017;釉面陶瓷 Glazed ceramic; 24 x 17 x 7 cm

格莱斯顿画廊将荣幸地呈现展览“过去完成时”(Plus Quam Perfekt),展览涵盖了罗斯玛丽·特洛柯尔(Rosemarie Trockel)过去十余年里的创作。艺术家透过她广泛多元的艺术实践,质疑了艺术客体和社会关系的本体论。她将传统意义上由女性从事的家庭手工艺家务劳动,如纺织和陶艺,与观念艺术实践相结合。在对性别自然世界神话编造过程展开的高度个人化的审视中,特洛柯尔如变魔术般地创造出了一个质疑与反思的空间,瓦解了既有观念中对可复制的与独立的、个体的与匿名的、熟悉的与神秘的等诸多概念的假定。

▲ 《憨》 Candide, 2017;釉面陶瓷 Glazed ceramic; 91 x 79 x 28 cm

▲ 《憨》 Candide(局部 detail),2017;釉面陶瓷 Glazed ceramic; 91 x 79 x 28 cm

▲  罗斯玛丽·特洛柯尔《过去完成时》展览现场,格莱斯顿画廊,2017.09.13–10.28。Rosemarie Trockel Plus Quam Perfekt, installation view at Gladstone Gallery, 09.13–10.28.2017. 

▲ 《过去完成时》 Plusquamperfek,2017;数码打印、纸、铝框 Digital print on paper on Forex with aluminum frame;140 x 100 cm

▲ 《自己的囚徒》 Prisoner of Yourself,2016;釉面陶瓷 Glazed ceramic; 58 x 48 x 5 cm

《自己的囚徒》 Prisoner of Yourself(局部 detail),2016;釉面陶瓷 Glazed ceramic; 58 x 48 x 5 cm


▲ 《反对自己》 Wette gegen sich selbst,2005;综合材料 Mixed media;14 x 44 x 22 cm

▲  罗斯玛丽·特洛柯尔《过去完成时》展览现场,格莱斯顿画廊,2017.09.13–10.28。Rosemarie Trockel Plus Quam Perfekt, installation view at Gladstone Gallery, 09.13–10.28.2017. 

▲ 《是的,其他人说不》 Yes where others say no,2017;数码打印、纸、铝框 Digital print on paper on Forex with aluminum frame;90 x 90 cm

▲ 《幸运的女士》 Lucky Lady,2017;陶瓷、釉底 Ceramics, slip trailing;60 x 60 x 20 cm

▲  罗斯玛丽·特洛柯尔《过去完成时》展览现场,格莱斯顿画廊,2017.09.13–10.28。Rosemarie Trockel Plus Quam Perfekt, installation view at Gladstone Gallery, 09.13–10.28.2017. 

罗斯玛丽·特洛柯尔1952年出生于原西德施维特,目前在科隆生活和工作。她的重要个展包括:最近期的“反射:罗斯玛丽·特洛柯尔和来自托里诺收藏的作品”,PINACOTECA AGNELLI,都灵,意大利;“一个宇宙”,由马德里索菲亚王后艺术中心主办,巡展至纽约新博物馆和伦敦蛇形画廊;“骇人听闻的愉快”,曾在布鲁塞尔威尔斯当代艺术中心、里斯本Culturgest艺术节和博尔扎诺博物馆展出。特洛柯尔曾在诸多国际知名艺术机构举办个展,包括:奥地利布雷根茨美术馆;巴塞尔美术馆;圣保罗Paco das Artes文化中心;科隆路德维西博物馆;纽约绘画中心;巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心;纽约现代艺术博物馆;巴塞尔美术馆。特洛柯尔的作品曾收录于2013年威尼斯双年展意大利国家馆展览,她曾代表德国参加了1999年威尼斯双年展。此外,她还参加了1997年和2012年的卡塞尔文献展。

▲ 《工作室访问》 Studio Visit,2017;釉面陶瓷 Glazed ceramic;61 x 51 x 4.5 cm

▲ 《过去完成时》 Plusquamperfekt,2017;陶瓷、釉底 Ceramics, slip trailing;70 x 70 x 12 cm

▲ 《过去完成时》 Plusquamperfekt(局部 detail),2017;陶瓷、釉底 Ceramics, slip trailing;70 x 70 x 12 cm

Gladstone Gallery is pleased to present Plus Quam Perfekt, an exhibition of work made over the last decade by Rosemarie Trockel. Her diverse practice questions the ontology of the art object and social relations, by integrating traditionally feminine domestic craft and labor, such as textiles and pottery, with the praxis of conceptual art. Drawing on a highly personal survey of gender, the natural world, and the process of mythmaking, Trockel conjures spaces of inquiry that collapse assumptions about the nature of the reproducible and the singular, the individual and the anonymous, the familiar and the arcane. 

▲  罗斯玛丽·特洛柯尔《过去完成时》展览现场,格莱斯顿画廊,2017.09.13–10.28。Rosemarie Trockel Plus Quam Perfekt, installation view at Gladstone Gallery, 09.13–10.28.2017. 

▲ 《霜》 Frost,2017;釉面陶瓷 Glazed ceramic;54 x 47.5 x 6.5 cm

▲ 《霜》 Frost(局部 detail),2017;釉面陶瓷 Glazed ceramic;54 x 47.5 x 6.5 cm

For this exhibition, Trockel will animate the intimate spaces of the gallery through a multidisciplinary exhibition of new and recently made works, including ceramics, plexi-glass sculpture, an ensemble of posters, and other media. Further developing motifs and methods from her oeuvre, the pieces on view make material her distinct perspective on the interaction between art-making and being in the world. A series of new ceramic masks, developing a subject referenced in both her drawings and sculptures, are in dialogue with ceramic mirrors—lustrously glazed abstract forms that mingle allusion to the organic and the mechanical. Some of the ceramic pieces have a direct kinship to a series of work based in modeling parts of the body; in others, ambiguous geometries evoke shapes found both in the home and in nature. The notion of time also stretches across different media—from a plexi-glass sculpture that contains clockworks to an assemblage of posters that seem to be quoting and recontextualizing earlier pieces and attendant ideas via fragmentary images. While still playing against the expectations of a definitive artistic signature, Trockel’s simultaneous deconstruction and reconstruction of thematic and formal part-objects informs an idiosyncratic lexicon of her own. 

▲ 《香气》 AROMA,2014;釉面陶瓷 Glazed ceramic;60 x 37 x 24 cm

▲ 《艺术是抑郁症》 Art is Depression,2017;有机玻璃、陶瓷、油彩 Plexiglas, ceramic, paint;51 x 65.5 x 65 cm

▲  罗斯玛丽·特洛柯尔《过去完成时》展览现场,格莱斯顿画廊,2017.09.13–10.28。Rosemarie Trockel Plus Quam Perfekt, installation view at Gladstone Gallery, 09.13–10.28.2017. 

Rosemarie Trockel was born in Schwerte, West Germany in 1952 and now lives and works in Cologne. She has been the subject of major solo exhibitions: most recently Reflections / Riflessoni. Rosemarie Trockel and works from Torino Collections, Pinacoteca Agnelli, Torino, Italy; A Cosmos, which originated at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid and traveled to the New Museum, New York and Serpentine Gallery, London; and Flagrant Delight, which was presented at Wiels, Brussels, Culturgest, Lisbon, and Museion, Bolzano, Italy. Trockel has had solo exhibitions at numerous notable institutions including: Kunsthaus Bregenz; Kunstmuseum Basel; Museu Paco das Artes São Paulo; Museum Ludwig, Cologne; The Drawing Center, New York; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Museum of Modern Art, New York; and Kunsthalle Basel. Trockel’s work was included in the Italian Pavilion in 2013 and represented Germany at the Venice Biennale in 1999; she participated in Documenta in 1997 and 2012.

  ▶︎  About Gladstone | 关于格莱斯顿画廊 

格莱斯顿画廊(Gladstone Gallery)由芭芭拉·格莱斯顿女士(Barbara Gladstone)于1980年在纽约曼哈顿创办,目前在纽约和布鲁塞尔有多家分部。画廊代理超过五十位著名在世和已故的艺术家。




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