
这个展览里有香烟、蔬菜、全鸡与长袜 | 萨拉·卢卡斯 Sarah Lucas:“裸体”

Gladstone GLADSTONE格莱斯顿画廊 2021-09-26

萨拉·卢卡斯 Sarah Lucas


Au Naturel

新当代艺术博物馆 | 纽约市

The New Museum, New York City

展期:2018.09.26 – 2019.01.20

▲ “裸体”展览现场,纽约新当代艺术博物馆, 2018.09.26–2019.01.20 / Installation view of Au Naturel, The New Museum, New York City, 2018.09.26–2019.01.20



▲ “裸体”展览现场,纽约新当代艺术博物馆, 2018.09.26–2019.01.20 / Installation view of Au Naturel, The New Museum, New York City, 2018.09.26–2019.01.20


本次展览也囊括了卢卡斯很多重要的艺术项目;除了贯穿卢卡斯整个创作生涯的自拍像系列作品外,展览还展出了她的早期创作,包括其自1990年代开始创作的、结合了人类身体部位与日常家具的雕塑作品,以及在同时期创作的、被放大了的"通俗小报"等,卢卡斯通过这些作品反思了对于女性身体的客体化再现传统。展览也展出了卢卡斯最为著名的作品系列——生物形态雕塑(biomorphic sculpture)——这些作品有效地复杂化了根深蒂固的性观念和社会规范。著名的填充丝袜作品“兔子”(1997-至今)、“NUDS”(2009-至今)和“私处”系列(2008-至今),以及卢卡斯曾在伦敦弗洛伊德博物馆(2008)以及威尼斯双年展英国国家馆(2015)展出的装置作品都将一并首次于美国境内展出。除此之外,卢卡斯还在新当代艺术博物馆四层展厅内为本次展览创作了新的雕塑作品。

▲ 《理解这个》Get Hold of This, 1994, 橡胶 Rubber; 29.8 x 36.8 x 30.5 cm.

“裸体”展览由新博物馆艾德利斯·尼森收藏艺术总监(Edlis Neeson Artistic Director)马西米利亚诺·吉奥尼(Massimiliano Gioni)和策展人玛格特·诺顿(Margot Norton)共同策划。展览还将同步推出一本收录了所有展览作品、由新博物馆和英国费顿出版社联袂出版的展览画册。这本图录收录了马西米利亚诺·吉奥尼对萨拉·卢卡斯的采访,以及惠特妮·恰维克、安妮·埃尔古德、安格斯·菲赫斯特、奎恩·拉蒂默、玛吉·纳尔逊、琳达·诺克林、玛格特·诺顿和安妮·瓦格纳撰写的文章。

▲ “裸体”展览现场,纽约新当代艺术博物馆, 2018.09.26–2019.01.20 / Installation view of Au Naturel, The New Museum, New York City, 2018.09.26–2019.01.20


萨拉·卢卡斯(1962年生于英国伦敦)目前在英国萨福克生活和工作。她曾参加由达明安·赫斯特在伦敦萨里码头策划的传奇性群展“冻结”(1988)。1993年,她和艺术家翠西·艾敏在伦敦东部开设了一家维持了六个月的商店,并共同制作和销售T恤衫、纸徽章和印花马克杯。卢卡斯的作品在诸多国际艺术机构中广泛展出,其中包括:泰特美术馆,伦敦(2004);泰特现代美术馆,伦敦(2002);弗洛伊德博物馆,伦敦(2000);特克拉·萨拉艺术中心,巴塞罗那(2000);路德维西博物馆,科隆,德国(1997);博伊曼斯·范·伯宁恩博物馆,鹿特丹,荷兰(1996);门廊博物馆,法兰克福(1996);纽约现代艺术博物馆(1993)。2005年,卢卡斯的巡回回顾展在苏黎世美术馆、德国汉堡艺术协会和泰特利物浦美术馆展出。她近期的个展包括:“好缪斯”,旧金山荣誉殿堂,加州(2017);“INNAMEMORABILIAMUMBUM”,尼古拉·特鲁萨尔迪基金会,米兰(2016);“女性力量”,约翰·索恩爵士博物馆,伦敦(2016);“萨拉·卢卡斯”,电车艺术空间,格拉斯哥(2014);“情境-绝对的海岸男人碎石”回顾展,白教堂画廊,伦敦(2013);“NOB + Gelatin”,分离派艺术馆,维也纳,奥地利(2013);“普通事物”,亨利·摩尔美术馆,利兹,英国(2012)。卢卡斯代表英国参加了2015威尼斯双年展并呈现展览“I SCREAM DADDIO”。

▲ 《性感宝贝床架》Sex Baby Bed Base, 2000, 床架、鸡、T恤衫、柠檬、衣架 Bed case, chicken, T-shirt, lemons, and hanger; _180 x 133.5 cm.

The New Museum presents the first American survey of the work of British artist Sarah Lucas (b. 1962, London, UK).


Over the past thirty years, Lucas has created a distinctive and provocative body of work that subverts traditional notions of gender, sexuality, and identity. Since the late 1980s, Lucas has transformed found objects and everyday materials such as cigarettes, vegetables, and stockings into absurd and confrontational tableaux that boldly challenge social norms. The human body and anthropomorphic forms recur throughout Lucas’ works, often appearing erotic, humorous, fragmented, or reconfigured into fantastical anatomies of desire.


▲ “裸体”展览现场,纽约新当代艺术博物馆, 2018.09.26–2019.01.20 / Installation view of Au Naturel, The New Museum, New York City, 2018.09.26–2019.01.20

Initially associated with a group known as the Young British Artists (YBAs), who began exhibiting together in London in the late 1980s, Lucas is now one of the UK’s most influential artists. This presentation, which will take place across the three main floors of the New Museum, will bring together more than 150 works in photography, sculpture, and installation to reveal the breadth and ingenuity of her practice. The exhibition will address the ways in which Lucas’s works engage with crucial debates about gender and power, along with the legacy of surrealism—from her clever transformations of everyday objects to her exploration of sexual ambiguity and the tension between the familiar and the disorienting or absurd.


▲ 《小兔被阻挠#8》Bunny Gets Snookered #8, 1997, 蓝色内搭裤、海军蓝丝袜、软质乙烯基、木料椅子、夹子、木棉、铁丝 Blue tights, navy stockings, vinyl and wood chair, clamp, kapok, and wire; 99 x 86.5 x 79 cm.

“Sarah Lucas: Au Naturel” features some of Lucas’ most important projects, including early sculptures from the1990s that substitute domestic furniture for human body parts, and enlarged spreads from tabloid newspapers from the same period that reflect objectified representations of the female body. Alongside the photographic self-portraits that Lucas has produced throughout her career, the exhibition features biomorphic sculptures including her stuffed-stocking Bunnies (1997–ongoing) and NUDS (2009–ongoing), the Penetralia series (2008–ongoing), and selections from her installations at the Freud Museum in London (2000) and the British Pavilion at the Venice Biennale (2015). These works, which complicate inscribed codes of sexual and social normativity, have never been shown together in the United States. Lucas has also created new sculptural works for the exhibition, which will be exhibited in an installation on the New Museum’s Fourth Floor.


▲ “裸体”展览现场,纽约新当代艺术博物馆, 2018.09.26–2019.01.20 / Installation view of Au Naturel, The New Museum, New York City, 2018.09.26–2019.01.20

The exhibition is curated by Massimiliano Gioni, Edlis Neeson Artistic Director, and Margot Norton, Curator. The exhibition is accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue copublished by the New Museum and Phaidon Press. The catalogue includes an interview with Sarah Lucas conducted by Massimiliano Gioni, as well as contributions by Whitney Chadwick, Anne Ellegood, Angus Fairhurst, Quinn Latimer, Maggie Nelson, Linda Nochlin, Margot Norton, and Anne Wagner.


▲ “裸体”展览现场,纽约新当代艺术博物馆, 2018.09.26–2019.01.20 / Installation view of Au Naturel, The New Museum, New York City, 2018.09.26–2019.01.20

About Sarah Lucas

Sarah Lucas (b. 1962, London, UK) lives and works in Suffolk, UK. She was included in the now-legendary group exhibition “Freeze” (1988), organized by Damien Hirst at the Surrey Docks in London Docklands. For six months in 1993, she collaborated with fellow artist Tracey Emin on The Shop, for which the duo made and sold objects such as T-shirts, paper badges, and printed mugs in a London storefront. Lucas has since exhibited internationally, at institutions such as Tate Britain, London (2004); Tate Modern, London (2002); the Freud Museum, London (2000); Tecla Sala, Barcelona (2000); Museum Ludwig, Cologne (1997); Museum Boijmans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam (1996); Portikus, Frankfurt (1996); and the Museum of Modern Art, New York (1993). In 2005, a traveling retrospective of her work was shown at Kunsthalle Zürich, Kunstverein Hamburg, and Tate Liverpool. Recent solo exhibition include “Good Muse,” Legion of Honor, San Francisco (2017); “INNAMEMORABILIAMUMBUM,” Fondazione Nicola Trussardi, Milan (2016); “POWER IN WOMAN,” Sir John Soane’s Museum, London (2016); “Sarah Lucas,” Tramway, Glasgow (2014); the retrospective “SITUATION Absolute Beach Man Rubble” at Whitechapel Gallery, London (2013); “NOB + Gelatin,” Secession, Vienna (2013); and “Ordinary Things,” Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, UK (2012). Lucas represented Britain at the 2015 Venice Biennale with her exhibition “I SCREAM DADDIO.”

▲ “裸体”展览现场,纽约新当代艺术博物馆, 2018.09.26–2019.01.20 / Installation view of Au Naturel, The New Museum, New York City, 2018.09.26–2019.01.20

格莱斯顿画廊(Gladstone Gallery)由芭芭拉·格莱斯顿女士(Barbara Gladstone)于1980年在纽约曼哈顿创办,目前在纽约布鲁塞尔四家分部。画廊代理将近六十位著名在世和已故的艺术家





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