文献分析 | 中央银行应对气候变化的金融政策分析
原文标题:Climate actions and macro-financial stability: The role of central banks
原文作者:Francesca Diluiso, Barbara Annicchiarico, Matthias Kalkuhl, Jan C.Minx
发表期刊:Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
应对气候变化的目标与政策可能会对宏观经济金融的稳定造成影响,已有部分文献逐渐从气候环境转型风险的角度对DSGE模型进行创新,探讨环境气候政策对宏观经济波动的影响以及货币政策当局的反应和作为。那么,气候环境政策究竟在多大程度上影响了宏观经济金融稳定?气候环境政策的趋严对于央行等的政策制定有什么影响?偏向于绿色企业的非常规货币政策(资产购买计划)以及宏观审慎政策会造成什么样的后果呢?本文在GK框架下通过构建包含金融部门、生产部门和能源部门的动态随机一般均衡模型(Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium, DSGE)对上述议题进行模拟分析。
在上述模型构建的基础上,本文接下来做了以下几个方面的工作:首先,比较了平稳推进的气候政策(orderly scenario)和三年期滞后的非平稳推进的气候政策(disorderly scenario)对于主要经济指标的影响。模拟结果发现,当气候政策平稳逐渐推进时,转型成本有所降低,在这一情形下,模型中的经济主体能够平稳地将转型的成本在不同的时间期限内进行分散。非平稳推进的气候政策,即化石燃料税的突然飙升则会给整体经济带来巨大的转型成本,并且导致通货膨胀率的波动上升,给中央银行的政策制定带来较大的挑战。
Limiting global warming to well below 2°C may pose threats to macroeconomic and financial stability. In an estimated Euro Area New Keynesian model with financial frictions and climate policy, we study the possible perils of a low-carbon transition and evaluate the role of monetary policy and financial regulation. We show that, even for very ambitious climate targets, transition costs are moderate along a timely and gradual mitigation pathway. Inflation volatility strongly increases for disorderly climate policy, demanding a strong monetary response by central banks. In reaction to an adverse financial shock originating in the fossil sector, a green quantitative easing policy can provide an effective stimulus to the economy, but its stabilizing properties do not significantly differ from those of market neutral asset purchase programs. A financial regulation, encouraging the decarbonization of the banks’balance sheets via ad hoc capital requirements, can significantly reduce the severity of a financial crisis, but prolongs the recovery phase. Our results suggest that the involvement of central banks in climate actions must be carefully designed to be in compliance with their mandate and to avoid unintended trade-offs.
王文蔚 中央财经大学金融学院博士研究生
王 遥 中央财经大学绿色金融国际研究院院长