

鲁秋莲 外交官说事儿 2023-12-06


鲁秋莲 钓鱼台国宾馆大连山庄总经理,1974年至2015年在钓鱼台国宾馆工作至退休,先后在钓鱼台国宾馆总统楼从事服务接待工作,在国宾馆业务部担任楼经理;在当时局长朱贵玉的要求和指导下,查找、收集、整理、存档自国宾馆建馆以来接待国宾的档案;钓鱼台大酒店担任办公室主任等职。



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作者与美国室友及中国同学 作者供图)










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不但男士们户外这样穿着,连知识界人士也是如此,比如,杨伯翰大学夏威夷分校那位个头高高的讲授饭店人事管理的教授,总是穿着不同花式的短袖上衣到教室给我们上课(不过,他下身穿的是长裤和皮鞋)除了夏威夷风格的穿着,这位教授即幽默又严格。比如,有一次我发现,在我的作业批改中,他把我写的“三十年的工作经历”用红笔体圈了起来,并在旁边有这样一句诙谐的批语:“Candy(我的英文名字),看上去,你还没有三十岁呢!”同样是这位老师,给来自香港的一名同学的一门课程考试打了不及格的59分(60分及格)。这个同学去找他,期待老师给他加1分,让他及格,可老师坚决地对他说“NO” ,那名同学不得不补考。












在课堂,上课前和下课时,都会由一个学生领着有个简短的祈祷。于是,在上第一堂课时,老师给班里的同学每人发个小纸条, 询问大家是否愿意领头祈祷。我们同一个项目的几个中国学生,因为不信奉这个教,所以都回答"no"。果真,在以后的课堂,老师仅仅轮流叫那些愿意带头祈祷的学生,不叫我们领着祈祷。










因此,我期待有朝一日,人类社会人人有信仰,有高尚的精神境界;正义战胜所有邪恶;友好取代无聊的争斗;善良取代一切伪善;和平取代残酷的战争;不存在征服与被征服, 所谓“丛林法则”、种族歧视之类的弱肉强食的社会顽疾和行为,都被人类的盛世太平所取代。




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作者BYU-Hawaii 毕业典礼日纪念照(作者供图)




万圣节的“小鬼们” (作者供图)





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I was favorably impressed with Hamburg, for its hard-working and friendly people there, the passionate of its life, the harmonious development of material and spirit of the society. Hamburg, Germany is full of good memories, and the study life in the United States is also very splendid. 

Next, I would like to share something about my experiences and observations during my study at BYU Hawaii USA.

98、I heard about Hawaii's beauty, but I still couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that beautiful place as large as life.  In all the wonderful sceneries I had seen, It's the nearest thing to a wonderland in the world, I amazed in my heart.

When it comes to Hawaii, people always connect/associate it with stunning natural beauty. It differs from four seasons in Beijing, where I live, Hawaii has four seasons like spring. The sun is always bright, it is cool and wet, the air freshening, the sea blends into/in the sky, and the clouds in the distant sky just like the stretching and soaring snow mountains, Happy birds sang heartily in the trees… such a unique place, making people feel relaxed and happy.

BYU-Hawaii is located in the island Oahu of Hawaii State. It is a famous religious university in the United States. It began as a charity school to help children in the Pacific Islands who could not afford to go to school.  Today, it has bloomed into a comprehensive university, its students come from near and far/far and wide of the world, including from other States in America.

Because, BYU-Hawaii is located in the picturesque scenery Hawaiian coast, hence, it is in the happy position of having sea views in plenty that no other universities can reach.  The campus is charming, very beautiful; a great flock of egrets always followed tightly the lawn mower to harvest their yummy food /delicacies. When they were enjoying their meal, they became an interesting and beautiful scenery of the campus. The campus was small in size. The natural scenery and campus management not only seemed to have no loopholes, but also complement each other, making it an ideal place to study.

For instance, the student dormitories were a pure land dripped with warmth and beauty. They were divided into three parts -male dormitories, female dormitories, and apartments for married-couple students. They were equipped with computer room, laundry room, reception room, table tennis room, microwave oven and other public facilities each,which provided convenience for students to study and live. There was a special person in charge of each part of the dormitory, and the management was serious and strict. People who did not belong to the same dormitory building were not permitted to visit the dorms.  

In addition, I was deeply impressed by the industrious students in that university. For the convenience of the students who needed to earn money to pay their tuition, the university had followed a long-standing practice of offering jobs to them.  During the school years, those students could work at the Polynesian Cultural Centre(a tourist attraction) where close to the BYU-Hawaii while completing their studies, to gain the corresponding working hours in exchange for school expenses.

This approach won favor with those students who needed to earn their tuition on their own.  Hence, those students who worked while attending school, as well as who did not need to work, as long as focused on learning, with busyness, they were shuttling back and forth between the campus and the Polynesian Cultural Center, formed brilliant colors of youth, making the original beautiful campus icing on the cake.  

During the day, you could always see the young students dripped with youth and vitality , walking with brisk, were busy in the  campus, that's they rushed to have a class,or finished one class, and swiftly went for another one; Or, after class, put back their books in dorm, and dashed to work at the Polynesian Cultural Center.   

At night, the campus was a different view. With the receding sunset, it was getting dark. The busy and noisy campus of the day was transformed into a secluded garden. Only the dim street lamps were illuminating, the cool sea breeze gently rustling, a few white clouds or sparse stars dotted over the campus sky. 

However, the places of study on campus, such as libraries, study rooms, computer rooms and so on, were emitted/radiated by the powerful light, which made them as bright as in the daytime until mid-night.

In those places of study, existed both the dumb silence and the stillness without movement, except for the soft tapping of the keyboards. In the silence, students were finishing their homework or immersing themselves in the ocean of knowledge.

109、Recalling the busy, diligent, and stout will of young students in the BYU-Hawaii campus, I remembered the famous saying of the former president Abraham Lincoln, one of the fathers of the United States, about diligence that Mr. Qi taught in our class: “sloth makes all things difficult, but industry all easy”. 

The world is a better place because generations of talented people -busy, hard-working youngsters like BYU-Hawaii - use their energy and ingenuity to help build the human homeland. As their schoolmate, I am very proud of the students I met at BYU-Hawaii and wish them well.   

At that time, in terms of my biological age, my faces had lost the youthful bloom. However, LIFE could have the opportunity to spend a period of learning time with the young schoolmates whom were good mixture of diligence and youth at BYU-Hawaii, I feel very gratified.

Here and now, I remind of the wisdom of life shared by Mr. Qi at the end of Lesson 63: "Youth has nothing to do with age", and a youthful passage of prose related to this idea: Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it's not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it's the matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

Sure, being together with young people, had been radiated by their passion, I also felt young inside.  It let me have a true feeling that "regardless of the grand age, youth is an attitude" as large as life. At the same time, witnessed those young people’ hard work and struggled for financial independence, their bright future could be dimly seen. 

In my English learning course that I took as a hobby, when teacher Qi wore a flowered shirt in the screen class , I felt very affability, as if it let me went back to the warm spring breeze and beautiful scenery of Hawaii, and brought back to me a common sight over the Island of Hawaii - the way men dress in their daily lives - flowered short-sleeved shirts, baggy shorts, and a pair of slippers.  with this style, they could go anywhere they would like within the whole Hawaii State.  Such a dress style should be related to the climate and geographical conditions there.

Not only did men dress this way outdoors, but intellectuals, too. For example, the tall professor at BYU-Hawaii who taught Hotel Personnel Management, always wore different kinds of flower short sleeved tops to lecture us (though he wore pants and leather shoes).

In addition to his Hawaiian dressing style, the professor combined humorous with strict. Such as, I once found in my project correction, the teacher circled the "thirty years of work experience" in red ink, and next to it was his witty remark: “Candy, you don't look older than thirty!!! "  The same teacher, gave one of my classmates from Hong Kong a-59 for falling (60 will pass) in a course exam.  The student went to him, looking forward to the teacher giving him a point more, let him pass, the teacher stubbornly said NO to him. My classmate had    to take a make-up exam.   

Another colleague and I were obtainable to go to BYU-Hawaii for further study thanks to the Polynesian Cultural Centre.  The center signed a contract with Diaoyutai State Guesthouse to train executive management staff for free. The human resource manager John, who was in charge of our project, and the accountant in the office, a lady, were people I was to contact with in regular.

Both of them were tanned, and of the most striking feature of a native Pacific Ocean islander build.  John, mountainous figure; the accountant, a plump lady. Although the body type of the two had something in common and they were very friendly, their personalities were vastly different. 

John was quiet, plain and simple, smiling, gentle and considerate, and looked like a kind uncle. The accountant was an expansive person, fast-speaking and never beating around the bush, outgoing and optimistic, with a merry nature (or I can say, endowed with joy). The combination of their personalities and manners were typical of the warm, friendly and optimistic Hawaiian people, which were in sharp contrast to the frost, cold and distant of human relations in the metropolis.

For example, John,every time we saw him, was always  with friendly smile. Once he said to us, "greeting and sending off, I've received people group after group just like you, after leaving, they will keep in close touch with me, but as time goes by, the contact is less and less, even vanished.  Okay, I know. they're all busy with their own things.”  

One day, the female accountant drove me and my friend in the unit to tour Honolulu. Cars were moving along the winding coastal path of the mountains, a rainbow flickering across several mountains in front of us, very beautiful.  We were chatting all the way, she said, "I offered to work in the U.S. mainland, where to be said the payment will be much generous than in Hawaii, but I stubbornly declined because I love Hawaii so much and I'm happy here. " I approved of her idea, saying that her choice was a smart move, because money earning will never end, and having a happy place was worth cherishing.

Since BYU-Hawaii is a religious university, here. I'm going to say something related to it.

At BYU- Hawaii, all students, religious and nonreligious, or some other religions, are required to take Mormon's basic course, in which teachers introduced students to the basic ideas of the religion.  One of the students in the class would lead a short prayer both at the start and the end of classes. Therefore, on the first class, the teacher gave each student a note asking if one would like to lead the class in prayer.  Several Chinese students in our same program answered no because we did not believe in this religion.  

Sure enough, in later classes, the teacher only took turns calling those students who were willing to lead the prayer, and did not ask us to do. certainly, healthy religious beliefs deserve respect, hence, we all close our eyes and kept quiet during class prayer. 

Most of the faculty staff and students, including many Chinese students who got to school there followed Mormon(it is said a branch of Christianity). It could be seen that the believers there believed in Mormon, their enthusiasm, fervent love, and piety, no less than the founders of the Communist Party of China and other revolutionary pioneers believed in the Communist Party, and Communism.

For example, members of the congregation paid their dues and attended weekly services.  My Chinese roommate at BYU-Hawaii, a Member of the Mormon Church, got up early in the morning and read the Book of Mormon with passion. The morning sunlight spilled in the room from outside the window matched her face and devotion to the Church pretty well.  

Although religion is free in our country, I grow up under the leadership of the Communist Party of New China, from the start of life, I bathed in the glory of the Party, later, and voluntarily joined/participated the Party Organization, I will not change/convert my loyalty to the Party, the belief in the Party forever.  But after observing the religious activities at BYU-Hawaii, a religious university, I consider that it is good for people to have faith.

Because faith makes people kind, friendly, upright and persevering. A person has faith, the soul will have a home; When the soul has home, the person can have spiritual support; With spiritual support, the person will not lose the direction of life, will have a heart of awe, know what to do, and what not to do; With spiritual support, when the person faces with extreme difficulties, can turn to one's faith for a way out and lift the soul from it.  

On the contrary, people without faith, their souls are inevitably empty, easy to go to extremes.  Such people, when dominated by a negative mindset, will do things they shouldn't do, even evil things, regardless of the consequences.  As a result, they will be a source of unrest, even evil, and, of course, ruin of their own lives.  

Therefore, I look forward to: one day, everyone will have faith in the human society, and lofty spiritual realm;Justice will conquer all the evils; Friendship will replace robbery and fighting; Goodness will supersede all hypocrisy; peace will replace cruel war; There will be no conquest or conquered, and stubborn social diseases, such as racial discrimination, the so-called law of the jungle, will be replaced by prosperity/a time of peace and plenty of mankind.

Let the global village of mankind become a life community of solidarity, friendship, harmony and common prosperity.  Let this form of life, forming a huge circle dripping with flowers, people all over the world join hands with each other like families, around the flowers blooming circle dance together, to love and honor each other, and share the beauty, prosperity and civilization of the human world, to the future together.  

It is already a happy and rare experience to have a swift visit to Hawaii, the beautiful island on the Pacific Ocean, and I, worthy of being the luckier of the blessed. Because I got the experience of studying and living in BYU-Hawaii.

For this, after Mr. Qi's last lecture, I learned a new expression about it: I had an exploration trip to Hawaii(Meaning I travelled an in-depth tour of Hawaii). From there, not only I learned professional knowledge, but also enjoyed the beautiful wonderland scenery-sunshine, breeze, sand-beach, blue sky, white sail, tall palm trees, boundless pineapple plantation, and the peculiar/unique Aloha Spirit of Hawaiians...

Also, I was in those outstanding people, was inspired and moved by them again and again.  For instance, humor, fashion and strict professor; Those who studied diligently to fulfill their dreams while earning their tuition at the Polynesian Cultural Center; Those who were very disciplined jogging around in the campus, exercising in the gym, the swimming pool, tennis court and other places on campus; Dedicated and orderly administrators; Religious services of different content every Sunday; Kind, friendly, simple and plain Hawaiians who always use their “Aloha” spirit gesture to welcome guests, send friends away/off, and show loyal affection to loved ones...

Now, they are distant memories but more beautiful than I can say. And though some of the names are melted away in the mists of time, or foggy/vague/obscure, but those warm, kind faces, those happy words, those memories, till linger my heart.

They will shine like gold forever, will never fade in my heart, light up my spiritual home for the rest of my life. They have become my precious spiritual wealth/riches, cherished by my eternal life, let me enjoy them all my life. Thank God for my blessed and grand gifts!  

137、Well, "small talk" is only a micro/short-phrase, and I take it as the backbone of my article here, put my train of thoughts, through my fingers and keyboard integration, let my expecting words, flowing on the snow-white paper fluently, freely.

138、They are like vines looped themselves over the tree branches, or as branches and leaves extended far and wide from the trunk of a tree. After I spent industrious work in the garden, the trunk, the vines, the branches and leaves have formed a pleasant overall landscape that grow and flourish in my carefully enlarged garden gradually.

139、At the same time, using the noisy-repellent materials, I enclosed my garden with a fence, as a result, when you walk into my garden, entering this isolated but beautiful small world, you are welcomed/greeted by a world of luxuriant foliage and busy with flowers. Here, you can wander leisurely, enjoy the scenery,flowers, and tranquility, breathe deeply , exhale the old, inhale the fresh, smell the smell of the flowers that swirling over in my garden.  I really hope you enjoy your time here.  

Finally, I would like to take advantage of this platform to express my sincere appreciation to Mr. Fu Shuigen, the former general manager of Diaoyutai Hotel of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, for recommending and promoting me study at Brigham Young University Hawaii!

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图文 | 鲁秋莲

编辑 | 外交官说事儿 青岩





