
【TED演讲43*】通过音乐,找到真实的自己!演说者:Anika Paulson

littleflute 红渡中学22班 2021-10-05




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演说题目:通过音乐,找到真实的自己!演说者:Anika Paulson

「音乐无所不在,它在万物当中。」Anika如是说。她是个音乐家、学生、也是 TED-Ed Clubs 的明星。手持吉它,她透过人生的拍子来弹奏着,探索音乐如何将我们连结在一起,造就现在的我们。 


The philosopher Plato once said,Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind,flight to the imagination and life to everything.Music has always been a big part of my life.To create and to perform musicconnects you to people countries and lifetimes away.

哲学家柏拉图说: 「音乐给予宇宙一个灵魂、 给予心灵一对翅膀、给予想像飞翔的能力、给予万物生命。」音乐一直是我人生中很重要的一部份。创造和表演音乐,能将你与不同国家、不同时代的人们连结。

It connects you to the people you’re playing with,to your audienceand to yourself.When I’m happy, when I’m sad,when I’m bored, when I’m stressed,I listen to and I create music.


When I was younger, I played piano;later, I took up guitar.And as I started high school,music became a part of my identity.I was in every band,I was involved with every musical fine arts event.Music surrounded me.It made me who I was,and it gave me a place to belong.


Now, I’ve always had this thing with rhythms.I remember being young,I would walk down the hallways of my schooland I would tap rhythms to myself on my leg with my hands,or tapping my teeth.It was a nervous habit,and I was always nervous.I think I liked the repetition of the rhythm --it was calming.


Then in high school,I started music theory,and it was the best class I’ve ever taken.We were learning about music --things I didn’t know, like theory and history.It was a class where we basically just listened to a song,talked about what it meant to usand analyzed it,and figured out what made it tick.


Every Wednesday, we did something called "rhythmic dictation,"and I was pretty good at it.Our teacher would give us an amount of measuresand a time signature,and then he would speak a rhythm to usand we would have to write it down with the proper rests and notes.


Like this:ta ta tuck-a tuck-a ta,ta tuck-a-tuck-a-tuck-a, tuck-a.And I loved it.The simplicity of the rhythm --a basic two- to four- measure line --and yet each of them almost told a story,like they had so much potential,and all you had to do was add a melody.


Rhythms set a foundation for melodies and harmonies to play on top of.It gives structure and stability.Now, music has these parts --rhythm, melody and harmony --just like our lives.


Where music has rhythm,we have routines and habits --things that help us to remember what to do and to stay on track,and to just keep going.And you may not notice it,but it’s always there.


And it may seem simple,it may seem dull by itself,but it gives tempo and heartbeat.And then things in your life add on to it,giving texture --that’s your friends and your family,and anything that creates a harmonic structure in your lifeand in your song,like harmonies,cadencesand anything that makes it polyphonic.And they create beautiful chords and patterns.


And then there’s you.You play on top of everything else,on top of the rhythms and the beatbecause you’re the melody.And things may change and develop,but no matter what we do,we’re still the same people.


Throughout a song melodies develop,but it’s still the same song.No matter what you do,the rhythms are still there:the tempo and the heartbeat ...until I left,and I went to collegeand everything disappeared.


When I first arrived at university,I felt lost.And don’t get me wrong -- sometimes I loved it and it was great,but other times,I felt like I had been left aloneto fend for myself.It’s like I had been taken out of my natural environment,and put somewhere new,where the rhythms and the harmoniesand the form had gone away,and it was just me --


silence and my melody.And even that began to waver,because I didn’t know what I was doing.I didn’t have any chords to structure myself,or a rhythmor a beat to know the tempo.


And then I began to hear all these other sounds.And they were off-timeand off-key.And the more I was around them,the more my melody started to sound like theirs.And slowly I began to lose myself,like I was being washed away.But then the next moment --


I could hear it.And I could feel it.And it was me.And I was here.And it was different,but not worse off.Just changed a little.Music is my way of coping with the changes in my life.


There’s a beautiful connection between music and life.It can bind us to realityat the same time it allows us to escape it.Music is something that lives inside of you.You create it and you’re created by it.Our lives are not only conducted by music,they’re also composed of it.


So this may seem like a bit of a stretch,but hear me out:music is a fundamental part of what we areand of everything around us.Now, music is my passion,but physics also used to be an interest of mine.


And the more I learned,the more I saw connections between the two --especially regarding string theory.I know this is only one of many theories,but it spoke to me.So, one aspect of string theory,at its simplest form, is this:matter is made up of atoms,


which are made up of protons and neutrons and electrons,which are made up of quark.And here’s where the string part comes in.This quark is supposedly made up of little coiled strings,and it’s the vibrations of these strings that make everything what it is.


Michio Kaku once explained thisin a lecture called,"The Universe in a Nutshell,"where he says,String theory is the simple idea that the four forces of the universe --gravity, the electromagnetic force,and the two strong forces -- can be viewed as music. The music of tiny little rubber bands.

加来道雄曾经在一场叫做「深入浅出谈宇宙」的演讲中,解释过这一点,那场演说中,他说: 「弦理论是个很简单的想法, 宇宙的四股力量── 引力、电磁力、和两股强核力── 可以被视为是音乐。小小橡皮圈的音乐。」

In this lecture, he goes on to explain physicsas the laws of harmony between these strings;chemistry, as the melodies you can play on these strings;and he states that the universe is a "symphony of strings."


These strings dictate the universe;they make up everything we see and everything we know.They’re musical notes,but they make us what we are and they hold us together.So you see,everything is music.

这些弦支配着宇宙;它们组成我们所见、所知的一切。它们是音符,但它们造成了我们, 让我们能连结在一起。所以,一切都是音乐。

When I look at the world,I see music all around us.When I look at myself,I see music.And my life has been defined by music.I found myself through music.Music is everywhere,and it is in everything.And it changes and it buildsand it diminishes.


But it’s always there,supporting us,connecting us to each otherand showing us the beauty of the universe.So if you ever feel lost,stop and listen for your song.Thank you.


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