
英语新闻(常速听力) November 25, 2019 &号外293

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November 25, 2019

This is VOA news. I'm Marissa Melton.





That's Reuters David Doyle reporting.

The secretary of the U.S. Navy has resigned over the case of a SEAL facing disciplinary proceedings. AP correspondent Ben Thomas reports.

The Pentagon says Navy Secretary Richard Spencer submitted his resignation at the request of Defense Secretary Mark Esper, who it says had lost trust in confidence in Spencer because of a lack of candor over conversations with the White House involving the handling of the SEAL case.

President Trump tweeted last Thursday that he would not let the Navy take away Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher's Trident Pin which designates him a Seal.

But at an international security forum Saturday, Spencer said he did not consider a tweet to be an order and it would take it a formal order to stop the Navy Review Board which is set to meet December 2 to consider Gallagher's case.

Gallagher was acquitted of murder in the 2017 stabbing death of a captured Islamic State militant in Iraq. But a military jury did convicted him opposing with the corps.

Ben Thomas, Washington.

From Washington D.C., you're listening to VOA news.

More than three dozen people are reported dead in a series of security-related incidents in Afghanistan, including a fatal attack on a U.N. vehicle in the capital of Kabul. Several of the dead are civilians.

Afghan officials said Sunday that Taliban rebels assaulted a security outpost in central Daykundi province overnight, killing eight soldiers and wounding four others.

Senior provincial authorities claimed the ensuing firefight also killed at least 20 assailants though the Taliban disputed those claims.

Meanwhile, doctors and residents in western Farah province said an Afghan government airstrike has killed at least nine civilians and injured several others.

A survivor of the Hiroshima atomic bombing has shaken hands with Pope Francis who gently placed his hand on her head for a blessing. AP correspondent Charles De Ledesma reports.

Yoshiko Kajimoto, who developed stomach cancer and leukemia due to radiation from the August 6, 1945, bombing, said after meeting Francis that she works hard "to bear witness that we must not use such demonic atomic bombs again, nor let anyone in the world endures such sufferings."

Kajimoto then asks "Do we still need nuclear weapons even after you see all of this?"

She is among many bombing survivors who frustrated with refusal of Japan, which is under the U.S. nuclear umbrella, to sign the Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty.

I'm Charles De Ledesma.

New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg formally lodged his Democratic presidential bid today. AP correspondent Julie Walker.

The former New York City mayor made the announcement on his campaign website, writing "I'm running for president to defeat Donald Trump and rebuild America. We cannot afford four more years of President Trump's reckless and unethical actions. He represents an existential threat to our country and our values. If he wins another term in office, we may never recover."

Bloomberg's entrance just ten weeks before primary voting begins reflects his concerns that the current slate of candidates is not well-positioned to defeat Trump.

Bloomberg also has the personal wealth to make himself a force. He's already reserved more than $30 in television ads.

Julie Walker, New York.

There is a presidential election taking place in Guinea-Bissau. Incumbent José Mário Vaz is among the 12 candidates vying to lead the West African country. He is the first democratically elected president in Guinea-Bissau's history to finish his term.

He is up for reelection but is facing still competition from several opponents. If no candidate receives more than 50 percent of the vote, another vote will be held next month.

And security forces on Sunday raided the offices of one of Egypt's last remaining independent media outlets. They briefly detained its top editor and two of the journalists.

The raid is the latest in a widening government crackdown on dissent.

Marissa Melton, VOA news.

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