
英语新闻(常速听力) November 26, 2019&号外307

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November 26, 2019

This is VOA news. I'm Marissa Melton.

A U.S. judge has ruled that [pres...] U.S. President Donald Trump's former White House counsel Don McGahn must comply with a congressional committee's subpoena for testimony in the impeachment inquiry of the U.S. president. We'll have more on that story as it develops this evening.

The U.S. Supreme Court says Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has returned to the court after a health scare this weekend.

AP correspondent Jennifer King reports.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is back after a two-night stay in a hospital.

The Supreme Court says the 86-year-old justice is attending an annual fall classical music program that she's presided for more than 10 years.

Ginsburg was taken to Johns Hopkins Hospital on Friday with a fever and chills. She was treated for a possible infection with intravenous antibiotics and fluids.

The justice has had cancer four times, twice in the past year. She underwent radiation treatment in August for a tumor on her pancreas and had surgery last December to remove a growth on her lung.

Jennifer King, Washington.





You're listening to VOA news.

Pope Francis who is in Japan has met victims of the Fukushima disaster and voiced concern over nuclear power. AP correspondent Charles De Ledesma reports.

After comforting some of the Fukushima evacuees, Francis said the accident would not be fully resolved until the scientific, medical and societal concerns it raised are addressed.

Francis then said the development of future energy sources must take environmental considerations into account.

He didn't explicitly urge a ban on nuclear energy during his emotional encounter with victims. But he recalled that Japan's Catholic bishops had called for the abolition of nuclear power plants in the aftermath of the Fukushima tragedy.

I'm Charles De Ledesma.

As the pope visits Japan, abuse cases roil the church in his home country, Argentina. AP correspondent Walter Ratliff reports.

An Argentine court has convicted two priests of abusing deaf children at a Catholic-run school. Each of the priests was sentenced to more than four decades in prison.

In another case, an Argentine bishop once close to the pope has announced he would arrive back in the country Tuesday to respond to prosecutor's allegations of sex abuse.

The attorney for Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta says the bishop will fully cooperate with authorities.

A prosecutor accuses the bishop of "aggravated continuous sexual assault" of two adult seminarians. He has denied the charges.

I'm Walter Ratliff.

The U.S. has called its ambassador to South Sudan back to Washington for consultations. This comes as Washington reevaluates its relationship with the country after a delay in implementing a fragile peace deal.

Two people were killed in clashes with police in eastern Congo Monday after protesters in the town of Beni set fire to the mayor's office and several United Nations buildings. The protesters are angry over a new round of violence by suspected Islamist rebels.

More than 60 doctors have written to British authorities asserting that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange urgently needs medical treatment. VOA's Jeff Caster has more.

More than 60 doctors have written to British authorities asserting that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange urgently needs medical treatment.

The doctors say Assange suffers from psychological problems, including depression, as well as dental issues and a serious shoulder ailment.

Assange is in prison waiting for an extradition hearing set for February. He is sought by the U.S. on espionage charges relating to his WikiLeaks work.

Jeff Caster, VOA news.

London's transit authority on Monday refused to renew Uber's license to operate. The ride-hailing company is vowing to appeal the decision.

And Melania Trump, the first lady of the United States, kicked off a holiday season in Washington today by accepting delivery of the official White House Christmas tree.

A horse-drawn carriage delivered the tree to the front door of the White House. It will be the centerpiece of Christmas in the White House Blue Room.

I'm Marissa Melton. This is VOA news.




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