

点击这里☞ 尹老师在线 2019-03-30







Module 8 Unit 1 We're going to visit Hainan. 

第八模块 第一单元 我们将去游海南

Activity 1 Listen and chant. 活动1  听一听,并说唱
I'm going to visit the zoo. 我将去参观动物园。
I'm going to go with you. 我将和你一起去。
I'm going to eat some fruit, 我要去吃点水果,
and drink some juice too. 再喝点儿果汁。

Activity 2 Listen, point and find""going to""." 活动2 听一听,指一指,然后找“going to”
Time for bed, children. 该上床睡觉了,孩子们。
We're going to visit Hainan tomorrow. 我们明天要去海南旅游
We're going by plane! 我们将乘飞机去。
And we're going to get up at 5 o'clock! 我们将在5点钟起床。
Hello. What's your name? 你好,请问你叫什么名字?
I'm Sam. 我叫萨姆。
I'm from the UK. 我来自英国。
I'm Xiaoyong. 我叫小勇。
I'm from China. 我来自中国。
We're going to visit Hainan. 我们将去海南旅游。
I'm going to swim in the sea. 我们将去大海里游泳。
I'm going to visit my grandpa. 我们将去拜访祖父。
And I'm going to swim too. 我也要去游泳。
I'm going to swim now! 我现在就要去游泳了。
Oh no! This is Xiaoyong's bag! 哦,不!这是小勇的包。
And Xiaoyong's swimsuit... 这是小勇的泳衣。
and shoes and socks! 还有鞋子和袜子。

Activity 3 Listen and say. 活动3 听一听,说一说
I'm going to visit my grandma. 我将去看我的祖父。
We're going to swim. 我们要去游泳。

Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse. 

第二单元 萨姆将去骑马

Activity 1 Listen, point and say.

 活动1 听一听,指一指,说一说
It's going to fish. 它要去钓鱼。
It's going to fish too. 它也要去钓鱼。
We're going to eat the fish. 我们要去吃鱼。
Ha ha... 哈哈哈哈。

Activity 2 Listen and say.

 活动2 听一听,说一说
We're going to play in the park tomorrow. 我们明天要去公园玩。
Hooray! 万岁!
Amy is going to fly a kite. 艾米要去放风筝。
Daming is going to take some pictures. 大明将去拍些照片。
Sam is going to ride a horse. 萨姆要去骑马。
Lingling is going to row a boat. 玲玲要去划船。
She's going to fish too. 她还要去钓鱼。

Activity 4 Listen and say. Then sing.

 活动4 听一听,说一说,然后唱
The zoo 动物园
The zoo, the zoo, the zoo, 动物园,动物园,动物园
We're going to visit the zoo. 我们要去参观动物园。
And you? And you? And you? 你呢?你呢?你呢?
You can come too. 你也可以一起来。






























