去年在朱家角草堂客栈,我们跟一群love and peace又好玩儿的嬉皮士爬梯了几晚,好音乐加米酒,跳舞的劲儿一直没下来过,可谓逍遥快活。所以我们把开心药 - 米酒带回Elevator,让大家也尝尝快活的好滋味。在小电梯寻找新家的这段时间里,除了一些尝过米酒清甜味道的蹦迪伙伴,似乎很多人都忘记了电梯甘甜芳醇,入口绵柔的好喝中式甜酒!
A few years ago, at Caotong hostel and bar in Zhujiajiao, we spent some long, blurry, ecstatic nights of peace and love with a gang of fun-loving hippies. The fuel? Good music - and mijiu. Returning to Shanghai, we missed the taste of those nights - so we contacted our friends there, to bring the joys of mijiu to the city. While Elevator was looking for it's new home, Elevator has met a lot of new friends - and has been discovering, some of them have never tasted mijiu! And others, in their busy days, have forgotten about the sweet, soft-tasting liquor that can make you dance for days.
Mijiu - like a Chinese Sake - has about three thousand years of history, and is delicious. Made from the simplest ingredients - just sticky rice, yeast and pure water - it contains both vitamins and amino acids to help you rave until jianbing.
相较起其他的酒,柔软的米酒是害羞的邻家姑娘,不具有攻击性,迷人又恰到好处。在微醺中 感知是奇妙的,人与人之间的距离也变得更加微妙,当我走进舞池,一切都变得暧昧了起来,
Why in love with Mijiu?
Compared with other wines, mijiu is a shy, pretty one - actually gorgeous, when you notice it fully. Embracing mijiu, the distances and differences between people becomes more subtle - the dancefloor starts to move together.
8-10度的清凉起泡米酒,一口一口顺着喉咙缓缓滑进胃里,酒色澄清、冰凉清甜,除了我们新安装的空调,同样米酒会抚平你在炎热夏天的燥热粘腻。 而粘稠的原味米酒则是用醇厚的口感,激增跳舞能量!快速get蹦迪抖腿新姿势!
Cool sparkling rice wine, only eight to ten percent in alcohol, slides slowly into the stomach - milky, cold and sweet. Together with our newly installed air conditioners, mijiu is here to calm summer heat, while sparking dancing energy - make new mijiu moves in the moonlight!
▼米酒系列 Mijiu Menu▲
In addition to fresh mijiu on the rocks, our bartenders have created three mijiu cocktails: the mijito, migarita and mihopper.
在传统鸡尾酒的基础上, elevator调酒师团队使用米酒作为调配基酒,
转发并在 留言描述对米酒的爱,
▼7月蹦迪日程表 | Elevator July Dance Plan▲
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