



On July 6, 2022, the opening ceremony of HSK School Experience North American Summer Chinese Language Camp - USTB was held online. The camp is co-hosted by Chinese Testing International Co Ltd (CTI) and University of Science and Technology Beijing, and is supported by Greater Miami Asian Business Coalition (GMABC) Chinese Test Center and HSK Toronto Centre. The eight-week online tour to learn about China and Chinese thus began. Li Peize, General Manager of CTI, Zhao Baoyong, Director of USTB International Student Center, Zuo Qian, Director of GMABC, Zeng Hongping, Deputy Director of HSK Toronto Centre, and USTB teaching management staff members met with 115 international students from the US and Canada online during the opening ceremony. 


Li Peize expressed his heartfelt thanks to USTB and the HSK test centers in the US and Canada for their great supports. He extended his hope to help more overseas Chinese language learners learn well, speak well, and use the language well, and provide more opportunities to more overseas people who love Chinese language and culture.Li Peize expressed his heartfelt thanks to USTB and the HSK test centers in the US and Canada for their great supports. He extended his hope to help more overseas Chinese language learners learn well, speak well, and use the language well, and provide more Chinese learning and testing opportunities to more overseas people who love Chinese language and culture.


Zhao Baoyong said USTB is one of the first batch of “Double First-Class” universities in China. In this summer camp, USTB elabrately prepared Chinese language courses, HSK training sessions, Chinese culture and modern development courses for the students. He hoped that North American students could take this opportunity to further improve their Chinese language proficiency and enhance their understanding of Chinese culture and the country’s modernization process. He said that all students are welcome to visit USTB, Beijing and China, so as to have a firsthand taste of the profound Chinese culture.


Zeng Hongping shared the development history of the Toronto HSK Test center since its establishment in 2000. In 2001, the first batch of candidates took HSK tests at the center. In 2002, the first candidate who received HSK scholarship pursued further study at Tsinghua University in China. She pointed out that learning Chinese and taking the HSK test have become very popular in Canada, the US and even the whole world. She hoped all students can take this opportunity to learn more about Chinese language and culture, make more friends, and study harder for a better future.

来自美国大迈阿密亚裔商务联盟HSK考点的学生代表 Bryce Trabucco用流利的中文讲述了自己与中文的缘分。20岁的Bryce Trabucco来自美国俄勒冈州,中文名叫陶海晨,自2019年开始学习中文,2019年7月为了学习少林功夫来到中国,并在这里生活了一年。Trabucco表示在中国的时候,她十分希望能用中文与当地人交流,并上一所中国的大学,这也是Trabucco学习中文的目标。

Bryce Trabucco, a student representative from GMABC, shared her experience of learning Chinese language in fluent Chinese. Trabucco is 20 years old and is from Oregon, the US. Her Chinese name is Tao Haichen. She has been learning Chinese since 2019. In July 2019, she came to China to learn Shaolin Kungfu and lived in the country for a year. Trabucco said that when she was in China, she was eager to communicate with the locals. Trabucco also wants to attend a Chinese university, which is why she learns Chinese.


In the end of the opening ceremony, Lang Yuechao, a teacher at the USTB International Student Center, introduced the curriculum arrangement, class setting and attendance requirements of the program. With warm welcome and heated discussion, the North American summer camp was kicked off!


The First Lesson of the Summer Chinese Language Camp


After the opening ceremony, students received their first lesson.


Program Background:

HSK留学中国(HSK Study in China)是汉考国际(Chinese Testing International 简称CTI)主办的项目。汉考国际是全球HSK考试管理运营总部。HSK留学中国项目通过全球HSK考点,为海外中文学习者留学中国提供第一手信息和全面帮助;协助中国大学、中学招收符合要求的国际留学生。

HSK Study in China is a program held by Chinese Testing International (CTI). CTI is the global headquarter of HSK test management and operation. HSK Study in China provides first-hand information and all-around supports about study in China to overseas Chinese learners through HSK test centers. It also assists universities and middle schools in China to recruit international students who meet their requirements.


Up to now, CTI has held a number of HSK Study in China Online Info Sessions and Online School Experience Programs for overseas students, which are quite well received. A new wave of studying in China has been created, attracting more and more overseas students.


