

韩国记者站 陶瓷研究中华陶艺 2024-03-15

金光吉 Kim Kwang Gil 作品

策划 / 陈恩泽

Planner/ Ben Chen

韩文采访,翻译  / 方钰琴

Korean Journalist, Translator/Fang Yuqin

英文翻译 / 余晖

English Translator / Sophia Yu

摄影/ 陈恩泽,周斌

Photography /Ben Chen,Zhou Bin







草绿的雨丝有淡淡的响声,沿着荷叶的线条平静地游荡, 不知不觉间进入了秋日.

鲤鱼群填满了空隙,让空间更加轻松。荷叶和鲤鱼的表面翻卷,水波荡漾,色彩缤纷,与无光相映成趣。在整洁的墙壁上洒下湖面的风景, 线条和面,色彩,宁静和喧嚣交织在同一个空间,让人产生了仿佛在天上才能看到的错觉。

The grass green rain has a faint sound, along the line of the lotus leaf calmly wandering, unknowingly into the autumn.

Carp schools fill the void, making the space easier. The surface of lotus leaf and carp is rolled, rippling, colorful, and matte. The scenery of the lake is sprinkled on the neat wall, line and surface, color, tranquility and hustle and bustle interweave in the same space, let a person produce as if can see in the sky illusion.




Why does Namwon is the hometown of Ceramic?

남원은 왜 도자기의 고장인가?


萨摩烧瓷器火计茶碗(firing only)的意思是“只有火”。该茶碗是丁酉再乱当时从南原被抓走的沈堂吉使用南原的泥土和技术制造而成。当时沈堂吉只借了日本的火,象征性地表现了南原的陶瓷术。


In 1998, Shen Shouguan, the 14th generation of Satsuma, collected fire in the southern Jiaolong Mountain City and held an activity of sharing fire to Samo, Japan. It was broadcast live on a massive scale by Japan's NHK.

Satsuma Firing tea bowl means' firing only '. The tea bowl is made from the soil and technology of the unarresting prison where ding you was taken from Namwon at that time. At that time, he only borrowed the fire from Japan, symbolically showing Namwon's ceramic technique.

In addition to Shen Tangji, it is said that there are Piao Pingyi and is respected as the ancestor of Li Shen ping is the original from Namwon. Thus, it can be seen that the Namwon is the representative area of Korean ceramics.

1998년 사쓰마야끼의 14대 심수관은 남원 교룡산성에서 불씨를 채화하여 일본 사쓰마로 봉송해가는 불씨나눔행사를 했었고 이를 일본NHK에서 대대적으로 생중계를 하였습니다.

사쓰마 도자기 히바까리 다완은 “오직 불만”이라는 뜻입니다.  정유재란 당시 남원에서 끌려간 심당길이 남원의 흙과 기술로 제작했고 오직 불만 일본 것을 빌렸다는 것인데 이것은 남원의 도자기술을 상징적으로 표현해주고 있습니다.

심당길 외에도 박평의, 도조로 추앙받고 있는 이삼평까지 남원 출신이라는 학설이 있을 정도로 남원은 조선 도자기의 대표지역 이었습니다.


Does Namwon still have advantages in ceramic industry?

현재도 남원이 도자산업에 강점을 갖고 있다고 보는지 ?



I think it's a pity that although there are several ceramic industries represented by Yin Yue Kiln, compared with the past reputation, today's Namwon ceramic industry is indeed not as good as before.

Like ceramic art camp, however, through the Samoyed ceramics with world-class masters the international exchange of business and citizens ceramic art university professional artistes’ active activities at the same time, It continues the soul of Namwon ceramic industry.

현재도 남원이 도자 산업에 강점을 갖고 있다고 보는지 그점이 대단이 아쉽게 생각합니다. 인월 요업을 대표로 하는 몇몇 도자 산업이 있지만 과거의 명성에 비해 오늘날 남원도자산업이 옛날 같지 못한 것이 사실입니다.

그렇지만 도예 캠프 같은 국제교류사업과  시민도예대학등 전문작가들이 왕성하게 활동하고 있고 세계적인 사쓰마도자기 명가 심수관작가와 지속적인 교류를 통하여 남원 도자 산업 혼을 이어가고 있습니다.


What efforts are needed for the development of Namwon ceramic industry?

남원의 도예산업의 발전을 위하여 어떠한 노력이 필요하다고 보는지?

最为紧迫的课题是,现在除了已调查的陶窑址24个,瓮器窑址23个,瓦窑址, 冶铁遗址之外, 据判断还有许多朝鲜时代的遗址。为了不让珍贵的地区文化遗产消失,我认为,为了能够更好地保存和继承地区文化遗产,需要专业学者及相关机关的参与并对其持续的研究和进行保存活动。

The most urgent task is that in addition to the 24 pottery kiln sites, 23 Onggi kiln sites, tile kiln sites and smelting iron sites that have been investigated, it is judged that there are many ruins of the Korean era. In order not to let the precious regional cultural heritage disappear, I believe that in order to better preserve and inherit the regional cultural heritage, professional scholars and relevant institutions need to participate in, continue to study and carry out preservation activities.

남원의 도예산업의 발전을 위하여 어떠한 노력이 필요하다고 보는지 가장 시급한 과제는 현재지표조사 된 도요지24개, 옹기요지23개 등 와요지, 야철지 외에도 많은 조선시대 유적지들이 있는 것으로 판단되고 있습니다.  

소중한 지역의 문화유산들이 사라지지 않고 잘 보존계승 될 수 있도록 전문학자 및 관계기관 등이 참여하여 지속적인 연구와 보존활동이 필요 할 것으로 생각합니다. 


What is the significance of Namwon ceramic art camp?

남원국제도예캠프의 의미는 무엇입니까?

陶艺创作营到今年已举办了8届。为了重新审视和继承朝鲜时代灿烂的南原陶瓷文化,并使其在国际上得到发展, 因此举办了国际陶艺创作营。


The ceramic art camp has been held 8 times this year. In order to re-examine and inherit the splendid Namwon ceramic culture in Korean times and make it develop internationally, an international ceramic art camp was held.

Namwon international ceramics summer camp features not only exhibitions and seminars by domestic and international writers, but also a project involving participants and Namwon citizens.

도예 캠프는 올해 8회째 맞고 있습니다. 조선시대 찬란했던 남원도자문화를 재조명하고 계승하여 이를 국제적으로 발전시키고자 국제도예캠프를 개최하게 되었습니다.

이번 남원국제도예캠프는 국내 뿐만 아니라 국제적인 작가들을 초청하여 전시와 워크샵을 개최하고 캠프참여자와 남원 시민이 함께 참여할 수 있는 프로그램 구성되어 있는 것이 특징입니다.


What do you think is the result of this activity?

이 활동의 수확은 무엇이라고 생각하십니까?






With the holding of Namwon international ceramic art festival 2019, it provides an opportunity to promote the excellent history of local ceramic art and expects the local region to become an art center city in Hunan's ceramic art culture.


To promote the development of regional culture and economy by building a key city of ceramic culture, and to build infrastructure through academic cooperation with local ceramic writers.


Through the international pottery summer camp, the communication between Namwon citizens and pottery writers will be promoted, and the pottery art will become a new regional cultural event.


The ceramic writers in the local area introduce and teach the new technology to promote the development of local ceramic culture and promote the development of local regional economy.


2019 남원 국제 도예축제를 개최함으로서 우리지역의 도자예술의 우수한 역사성을 널리 알리게 되는 계기가 되어 호남의 도예문화 예술중심도시로 거듭 날 것으로 기대.

도자문화 중점도시로의 조성을 통한 지역문화 발전과 지역경제 활성화 및  지역 도예작가와의 학술적 협력을 통한 인프라 구축.

국제 도예캠프를 통해 남원시민과 도예작가들과의 소통을 이끌어 냄으로서 도자예술을 새로운 지역문화축제로 정착 가능.

지역 도예작가들의 신기술 소개와 전수로 지역도자문화 발전에 따른 지역경제 활성화 도모.


How can I check the application method of this activity?

이 활동 신청 방법을 어떻게 조회하시겠습니까?

ㅇ媒体宣传- 杂志:月刊 陶艺版面广告(7月 ~ 10月) - 新闻:报道资料的制作和发布(10月) - 广播:JTV全州播送 全北的发现等相关内容
ㅇ线上 - 官网:南原市政府- SNS, 博客:团体博客(blog.naver.com/kgkim4331), Facebook宣传
ㅇ户外广告- 横幅及巨人贝纳广告:9月~10月- 海报,传单制作与发放(全国各大学):9月  ㅇ Media-  Magazine: monthly pottery layout advertisement (July to October)- News: production and release of report materials (October)- Broadcasting :JTV broadcasts the discovery of the whole north and other related content
ㅇ Online- Official Website: Namwon municipal government-SNS, Blog: Group Blog (blog.naver.com/kgkim4331), Facebook
ㅇ Outdoor Advertising
- Banner & Giant banner: September ~ October- Poster, Leaflet production and distribution (universities nationwide): September ㅇ 언론 홍보- 잡지 : 월간 도예 지면광고 (7월 ~ 10월)- 신문 : 보도자료 작성 및 배포 (10월)- 방송 : JTV 전주방송 전북의발견 등 연계

ㅇ 온라인- 홈페이지 : 남원시청,-SNS, 블로그 : 단체 블로그(blog.naver.com/kgkim4331), 페이스북 홍보

ㅇ 옥외광고- 현수막 및 자이언트 베너 광고 : 9월 ~10월 - 포스터, 리플릿 제작 배부(전국 각 대학) : 9월








