下载 | 英文纪录片 - 国庆特辑:鸟瞰中国、美丽中国、中国故事、舌尖上的中国 [在线+下载]
国庆特辑,我们准备了China from Above、Wild China、The Story of China、A Bite of China等四部讲述中国的英文纪录片献给大家,不但可以学习英语,还能帮你了解我们的国家。国庆长假的第一天,就从“中国”这堂课开始吧。
China from Above
出品:Discovery 下载:见尾部提示
在线: http://dwz.cn/4gxXuz
《鸟瞰中国》分为上下两集,上集《源远流长》(The Living Past)记录自然风光,下集《继往开来》(The Future Is Now)讲述城市人文。Discovery在介绍中写道:
China is a land of immense scale and diversity, an ancient civilization with a fascinating history dating back thousands of years.
From the monumental engineering feats of the Great Wall, to innovative and unique farming techniques, and a massive water splashing festival, you'll discover how China has transformed its cities and infrastructure so much in three decades while still retaining its strong traditions, and how these strong traditions have shaped China's landscape to make it uniquely recognizable and truly magnificent, especially from the air!
Wild China
出品:CCTV、BBC 下载:见尾部提示在线:http://dwz.cn/4gxdGq
这是一部描写人与自然的纪录片。摄制组用3年的时间拍摄了50多个国家级的野生动植物和风景保护区,86种中国珍奇野生动植物,还有30多个民族的生活故事。全剧分为六集:富饶华南(Heart of the Dragon)、彩云之南(Shangri-La)、青藏高原(Tibet)、长城以外(Beyond the Great Wall)、龙之疆域(Land of the Panda)、喧闹海岸(Tides of Change),分篇介绍了中国壮丽的山河,奇趣的动物,以及人与自然和谐共生的美丽图景。我们来欣赏下开篇词,这段文字堪称用英语介绍东方文化的典范:
For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes, and surprising creatures.
Chinese civilization is the world's oldest, and today it's largest.
With well over a billion people, it's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groups, and a wide range of traditional life styles, often in close partnership with nature.
China is home to the world's highest mountains, vast deserts ranging from searing hot to mind numbing cold, steaming forests, harboring rare creatures, grassy plains beneath vast horizons, and rich tropical seas.
Now for the first time ever, we can explore the whole of this great country, meet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live here, and consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of China to the remarkable landscaping which they live.
This is wild China.
The Story of China
出品:BBC 下载:见尾部提示
在线: http://dwz.cn/2HrLBV
A Bite of China
出品:CCTV 下载:见尾部提示
《舌尖上的中国》第一季于2012年播出,以食物为主体进行介绍,一共分为七集:自然的馈赠(Gifts from Nature)、主食的故事(The Story of Stapel Foods)、转化的灵感(Inspiration of Change)、时间的味道(The Taste of Time)、厨房的秘密(Secrets of the Kitchen)、五味的调和(Perfect Blend of Five Flavors)和我们的田野(Our Farm)。
第二季于2014年播出,在食物的基础上多了些情感与传承的色彩,同样也是七集:脚步(Footsteps)、心传(Heart's Message)、时节(Seasons)、家常(Daily Domestics)、相逢(Encounters)、秘境(Realm of Secrets)和三餐(Three Meals)。