
四六级 · 新闻听力 | 英语新闻听力测试 - 20161026 [ 习题+答案 ]

2016-10-26 蔡雷英语
新闻听力 · 往期 

2016 Nobel Prize for medicine

CNN NEWS Zika virus [ 习题+答案 ]

CNN NEWS EU [ 习题+答案 ]

VOA NEWS - Hot Drinks Link to Cancer

英语新闻听力测试 - 20161024 [ 习题+答案 ]

英语新闻听力测试 - 20161025 [ 习题+答案 ]


听力练习Listening Practice

Part II Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hearthree news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or threequestions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the fourchoicesmarked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1 with a single line through the centre.

1. What do we learn about the migrant boat?

  1. It sank in Greece

  2. It sank near a Greek island

  3. It sank in Turkey

  4. It sank near the Italian coast


2. What does the IOM say about the migrants?

  1. Almost 1,000,000 migrants made sea crossings into Europe this year

  2. Less than 900,000 migrants made sea crossings into Europe this year

  3. Almost 500,000 migrants made sea crossings into Europe this year

  4. Almost 500,000 migrants were rescued in the first part of December by the Navy of Middle East and Africa.


3. What's the news report mainly about?

  1. Serena Williams had won the tennis championship yesterday.

  2. It is not the first time an African American woman has been awarded this honor.

  3. It is the first time that the award has gone to a woman in the magazine's history.

  4. Serena Williams was pronounced Sportsperson of the year.


4.  What was the social media's reaction to the announcement of Sports Illustrated?

  1. Williams was pronounced the role model for women around the world.

  2. People congratulated Williams winning the award.

  3. Social media were filled with complaints from the magazine's readers.

  4. Constant challenges comes with Williams‘s sex and ethnicity


5. What do we learn about "a yearly rate of 2 percent"?

  1. It would keep prices rising too high,too fast.

  2. It would keep prices stable and support the economy

  3. It would keep prices remaining flat or decline.

  4. It would lead to too much inflation

6. What is the current inflation rate?

  1. Inflation is more than 2 percent

  2. Inflation is well below 2 percent

  3. Inflation is more than 1 percent

  4. Inflation is well below 1 percent


7. Why is the Federal Reserve cautious about making rate changes?

  1. Because of the effects of a strong U.S. dollar.

  2. Because of the unsteady foreign markets to decrease

  3. Because of the fearing that the economy would react badly.

  4. Because of bad economic reports.

录音文本、答案Transcript & Keys



Part II Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hearthree news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or threequestions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the fourchoicesmarked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 1with a single line through the centre.

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on thefollowing news item.

Five children are among 11 people who drowned after a migrant boat sank near a Greek island on Wednesday. The Greek coast guard said a wooden boat with about 50 people on board sank after it left Turkeyearly in the morning. Thirteen people are still missing, but 26 were rescued. The deaths are just the latest in what has turned out to be a dangerous passage betweenTurkey and the Greek islandsin the Aegean Sea this year. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) says that more than 900,000 migrants made seacrossings into Europe this year from countries in the Middle East and Africa. Thousands more are trying to make the trip. The IOM reports almost 5,000 migrants were rescued in the first part of December by the Italian coast guard and Navy.

1. What do we learn about the migrant boat?

2. What does the IOM say about the migrants?


Questions 3 and 4 will be based on thefollowing news item.

She is a beautiful, graceful, tennis champion, a world class athlete, and role model for millions of women around the world. And yesterday in America,tennis ace, Serena Williams, was pronounced Sportsperson of the year by the sports magazine, Sports Illustrated. It is the first time an African American woman has been awarded this honor and only the third time that it has gone to a woman in the magazine's history. But, being a powerful, black sportswoman in tennis, a sport often viewed as a home field of white advantage, comes with constant challenges to her sex and ethnicity. Not long after the announcement of the award was made, social media were filled with a number of complaints from a section of the magazine's readers.

3. What's the news report mainly about?

4. What was the social media's reaction to the announcement of Sports Illustrated?


Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.

The head of the United States central bank says she expects the U.S.job market to continue to improve. Janet Yellen says the inflation rate should rise close to a yearly rate of 2 percent. That inflation rate would keep prices stable and support the economy, says the central bank, or Federal ReserveSystem. Too much inflation and prices rise too high, too fast. Not enough inflation and prices and growth remain flat or decline. Currently, inflation is well below one percent. Many economists interpret Yellen's comments as a signal that the Federal Reserve might raise the key interest rate on December 16. The Federal Reserve has considered increasing important interest rates for a long time. But it has been cautious about making rate changes, fearing that the economy would react badly. In a speech to the Economic Club of Washington on Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chair person Yellen said she expects the effects of a strong U.S. dollar and unsteady foreign markets to decrease over time. She cautioned that bad economic reports could still delay any rate increase.

5. What do we learn about "a yearly rate of 2 percent"?

6. What is the current inflation rate?

7. Why is the Federal Reserve cautious about making rate changes?


