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美国总统并不是选民直接选举产生的。根据美国宪法,11月8日是全民投票日,也就是“普选”(popular vote)。这一天选民们要“涂圈圈”并递交的选票长这样:


The United States Electoral College is the body that elects the President and Vice President of the United States every four years. Citizens of the United States do not directly elect the president or the vice president; instead they choose "electors", who usually pledge to vote for particular candidates.

所以说,大选的最终结果取决于这个貌似神秘的存在 ——“选举人团”(the Electoral College)


The Electoral College is a group of people appointed by each party.


The total number of electors is equal to the number of members in Congress: 538


The number of electors in each state is equal to the number of members of Congress to which the state is entitled, while the Twenty-third Amendment grants the District of Columbia the same number of electors as the least populous state, currently three. Therefore, there are currently 538 electors, corresponding to the 435 Representatives and 100 Senators, plus the three additional electors from the District of Columbia.


All states, except for Maine and Nebraska, have chosen electors on a "winner-take-all" basis since the 1880s. Under winner-take-all, a state has all of its electors pledged to the presidential candidate who wins the most votes in that state. 


So, if Candidate A wins the most votes in, say, New York, (s)he gets all 29 electoral votes.


The goal is to get to 270, which is just over half of 538.


Although no elector is required by federal law to honor a pledge, there have been very few occasions when an elector voted contrary to a pledge.



摇摆州(swing state)又称“战场州”(battleground state),指民主、共和两党候选人支持率势均力敌、差距不大的州。这些州在历届大选中经常会倒向不同的政党,频频摇摆。“摇摆州”的选票一般都是竞选双方争夺的重点,尤其是“关键摇摆州”(key swing states)的选票,最终往往可以决定大选的结果。

In presidential politics of the United States, a swing state (or battleground state) is a state that could reasonably be won by either major-party candidate and would require a special effort on behalf of either campaign in order to win. Objectively, it is a state in which no single candidate or party has overwhelming support in securing the state's electoral college votes.

Such states receive a greater share of attention and campaigning of political parties in presidential elections, since winning these states is the best opportunity for a party to gain electoral votes.



还有可能,两人打成平手,即两个人都获得了269张选举人票,未能达到270张以上。这时候,就由美国众议院(House of Representatives)继续投票,最终确定谁当总统。

The candidate who receives an absolute majority of electoral votes (currently 270) for the office of president or of vice president is elected to that office. The Twelfth Amendment provides for what happens if the Electoral College fails to elect a president or vice president. If no candidate receives a majority for president then the House of Representatives will select the president, with each state delegation (instead of each representative) having only one vote. On four occasions, most recently in the 2000 presidential election, the Electoral College system has resulted in the election of a candidate who did not receive the most popular votes in the election.


这个问题的答案又涉及了一个新词儿——“出口民调”(Exit Poll)


An election exit poll is a poll of voters taken immediately after they have exited the polling stations. Unlike an opinion poll, which asks for whom the voter plans to vote, or some similar formulation, an exit poll asks for whom the voter actually voted.


Pollsters – usually private companies working for newspapers or broadcasters – conduct exit polls to gain an early indication as to how an election has turned out, as in many elections the actual result may take hours or even days to count.


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