
专四专八 | Free Choice of Roommates(是否自己选择舍友?) - 专八写作

2017-03-02 蔡雷英语



In many countries, it is quite common that universities would assign students to share a dorm room. The following article discusses the roommate selection system in some universities in the US. Read it carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:

  • summarize briefly the author’s opinion and then

  • express your opinion on whether college students should be allowed to choose their roommates.

Free Choice of Roommates

The author of the article as a whole argues that college students should be allowed to choose their roommates. On the one hand, forcing a college student to live with a random roommate could result in negative impact such as interfering with college students’ natural social relationships, awkward living situations, etc. On the other hand, some people just don’t get along with certain others. What’s more, college students are paying customers so they should decide whom to live with. In my opinion, university students should be granted with the freedom to choose roommates.

First of all, the practice of choosing our own roommates comes nearer to real life. University students are grownups capable of making independent decisions in a manner of one’s own choosing. It is an immature act by school by assign students to share a dorm room. College life should be a rehearsal that prepares students for the full-scale drama of reality.

Secondly, an incompatible dormitory life is likely to entail inconvenience, distress, or even fatal tragedies. Imagine a case scenario like this: Student A keeps a clocklike timetable by going to bed before 11 o’clock and getting up at 7:00  a.m., while his roommate Student B is a night owl who seldom turns in before midnight. So when A is trying to fall asleep, B has just raised the curtain of his “prime time”. In this case, A’s sleep might be compromised, affecting his study with a lack of rest. When the efforts of reconciliaion fall apart, these two students might turn against each other with incessant quarrels. What’s even graver is the possibility that irreconcilable conflicts between roommates could result in appalling murders now and then reported in the newspaper.

Generally speaking, it takes congeniality for two persons to live together in harmony. Since this cannot be forced or arranged, it’s better to leave the choice in the hands of students themselves.


