
专四专八 | 是否应取消标准化大学入学考试? - 专八写作

2017-03-04 蔡雷英语



Most major educational systems utilize some sort of standardized test for university admissions. The importance of these tests varies between countries. In China, the result of College Entrance Examination almost solely determines university admission. It has been suggested that they encourage standardized test schools to “teach to the test” rather than focus on the installation of pure knowledge. The followings are opinions on whether standardized tests should be abolished.

Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:

  • summarize briefly the arguments;

  • give your comment on the issue.


Many arguments have been made in regard to whether to abolish the standardized tests in the education system. One allegation against these tests is that standardized tests for college admission only measure a small portion of a student’s emtore academic performance. Concern also arises about its inherent discrimination against financially inferior students, or the tendency that teacher have to “teach to test”. However, defenders for standardized tests often bring forth some of their advantages and positive effects, such as objectivity and equality.

As far as I am concerned, it’s unwise to abolish standardized tests at present. On this issue, I would like to point out first that the fundamental function of a well designed standardize test is to provide an assessment of an individual’s mastery of certain knowledge or skill. If standardized tests can be designed without bias, and to the greatest extent assess a student’s academic knowledge and skills precisely, there seems little doubt that we should maintain it in our education system.

Our students come from different family backgrounds, different schools and taught by different teachers. Only standardized testing by far can equalize all these settings and offer the most objective insight in to many components of a student’s eventual performance at school. It is also important to note that a well-constructed test will examine that test-takers’s rudimentary ability or skills to apply what they have learned to novel problems and to make connections and inferences. For example, as with most cases of standardized testing, there is a limit time frame to answer all questions. Students are trained to improve their time management skills.

In reality, standardized testing has its problems, but considering its current effect, abolishing it does not necessarily help generate a more objective way to assessing the academic should be the primary instrument to measure student progress in studying.


