
TED | 你是人吗?

2017-03-10 蔡雷英语
TED - 往期回顾





  • (Music) This is the human test, a test to see if you are a human. Please raise your hand if something applies to you. Are we agreed? Yes? Then let's begin.

  • (音乐)这是一个关于人的测验,来检验你是否是人类。如果你曾经做过这些就你请举起手,我们都一致同意,对吧?那我们就开始吧。

  • Have you ever eaten a booger long past your childhood? (Laughter) It's okay, it's safe here.

  • 你们曾经吃过鼻屎吗?在很久以前的童年?(笑声)没关系,在这儿说很安全。

  • Have you ever made a small, weird sound when you remembered something embarrassing?

  • 当你记起某件尴尬事儿的时候,你曾经发出过很小的又很奇怪的声音吗?

  • Have you ever purposely lowercased the first letter of a text in order to come across as sad or disappointed? (Laughter) Okay.

  • 你曾经有意地把正文的第一字母小写,为了去表现出伤心或者是失望吗?(笑声)好吧。

  • Have you ever ended a text with a period as a sign of aggression? Okay. Period.

  • 你曾经用过“句号”去结束一个短信以示一种强势感?好吧。(句号)

  • Have you ever laughed or smiled when someone said something shitty to you and then spent the rest of the day wondering why you reacted that way? Yes.

  • 你曾经用过大笑或微笑去回应有些人对你说过的侮辱的话,然后在那一天接下来的时间内都在想为什么自己会那样表现?是的。

  • Have you ever seemed to lose your airplane ticket a thousand times as you walked from the check-in to the gate? Yes.

  • 你有没有好像觉得从办理登记手续到登机前机票丢失了千万遍?是的。

  • Have you ever put on a pair of pants and then much later realized that there was a loose sock smushed up against your thigh? (Laughter) Good.

  • 你有没有曾经穿上一条裤子之后才发现有一只袜子松团地贴着你的大腿(笑声)很好。

  • Have you ever tried to guess someone else's password so many times that it locked their account?Mmm.

  • 你曾经有试着去猜测别人的密码吗?你试了太多次以至于把别人的账户给锁住了。嗯。

  • Have you ever had a nagging feeling that one day you will be discovered as a fraud? Yes, it's safe here.

  • 你曾经有没有一种很不安的感觉,觉得某一天人们会发现你是一个骗子?当然,这里很安全。

  • Have you ever hoped that there was some ability you hadn't discovered yet that you were just naturally great at? Mmm.

  • 你是否希望自己有着一种尚未被发现的才能,是你特有的天赋?嗯。

  • Have you ever broken something in real life, and then found yourself looking for an "undo" button in real life?

  • 你有没有曾经在现实生活中搞砸了什么,然后发现你自己在现实现实生活中寻找复原的按钮?

  • Have you ever misplaced your TED badge and then immediately started imagining what a three-day Vancouver vacation might look like?

  • 你有没有曾经放错了你的TED标牌,然后马上开始想象一次三天的温哥华度假是什么样的?

  • Have you ever marveled at how someone you thought was so ordinary could suddenly become so beautiful?

  • 你有没有感到过很吃惊,当看到某个你认为长相很普通人可以突然变得很漂亮?

  • Have you ever stared at your phone smiling like an idiot while texting with someone? Have you ever subsequently texted that person the phrase "I'm staring at the phone smiling like an idiot"?

  • 你有没有曾经盯着你的手机,像一个傻瓜一样地笑着给某人发短信?随后你给那人发短信的句子是“我像个傻瓜一样,盯着手机微笑”。

  • Have you ever been tempted to, and then gave in to the temptation, of looking through someone else's phone?

  • 你有过曾经受到诱惑去做什么,而结果就是被诱惑了,比如偷窥别人的手机?

  • Have you ever had a conversation with yourself and then suddenly realized you're a real asshole to yourself?

  • 你曾经有没有自己跟自己对话,然后突然发现你对自己来说简直像一个混蛋?

  • (Laughter)

  • (笑声)

  • Has your phone ever run out of battery in the middle of an argument, and it sort of felt like the phone was breaking up with both of you?

  • 你的手机是否曾经在你跟人激辩时没了电,感觉好像这个手机决定跟你们两个都要断绝关系一样?

  • Have you ever thought that working on an issue between you was futile because it should just be easier than this, or this is supposed to happen just naturally? Have you ever realized that very little, in the long run, just happens naturally?

  • 你有没有曾经想过努力去解决你们之间的问题但是并无效果,因为它应该比这要简单,或者说它本应该顺其自然地发生?你有没有意识到从长远来看,很小的事情都是自然而然发生的?

  • Have you ever woken up blissfully and suddenly been flooded by the awful remembrance that someone had left you?

  • 你有没有曾经特别幸福地醒来却突然被悲伤的记忆给淹没某个人已经离你远去了?

  • Have you ever lost the ability to imagine a future without a person that no longer was in your life? Have you ever looked back on that event with the sad smile of autumn and the realization that futures will happen regardless?

  • 你有没有曾经失去了某种能力去想象未来如果没有这个人在你的人生中会怎样?你有没有曾经回头去看某件事,带着一种疲惫的伤感的笑容,然后发现不管怎样该来的依然会来?

  • Congratulations. You have now completed the test. You are all human.

  • 恭喜你。你现在已经完成这个测试,你是一个完完全全的人。

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