
原版图书 | The Web As Corpus Theory and Practice

2017-03-30 蔡雷英语


每期推送 1 本英语原版教科研图书供各位英语教师、英语专业本硕博同学阅读和研究使用!感谢关注,欢迎转发!仅供学术交流,严禁商业传播。

本期图书:The Web As Corpus Theory and Practice


The Web as Corpus: Theory and Practice is a timely and thorough introduction to the promising field of 'Web as Corpus' at a time when exponentially cumulating online language use has, to a great extent, become the default mode of personal and professional communication ...The book is much welcomed for its balanced treatment of the theory and practice of 'Web as Corpus'. For this, it is unique. 

-- Liangping Wu, Beijing Foreign Studies University and Hunan University of Commerce Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 

Web as Corpus is a much welcomed book because it is the first unified account of the role of the web in the now well-established discipline of corpus linguistics. [...] This book shows the complementarity between CL and the web as corpus, and the mutual enrichment that derives from their interaction.

-- Maria Freddi, University of Pavia, Italy International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Vol. 20:1 

A thorough, insightful introduction to web-derived corpora and a valuable resource for exploring language use in the digital era. 

-- Sara Laviosa, Senior Lecturer in English Language and Translation, Universita di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy 

This book is a refreshing introduction to Web corpus linguistics, connecting 'traditional' concepts and methods to the new reality brought about by the Web 2.0. Issues discussed include the exploitation of the potential of ordinary search engines, the reworking of their output format to make it suitable for linguistic analysis, the creation of DIY specialized corpora, and the use of large reference corpora. Gatto provides clear and illuminating examples of how language learners, teachers and researchers, as well as translators and other language services providers can profit from the wealth of linguistic information available online, while at the same time addressing the inherent anarchy and chaos of the Web as corpus. 



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