
四六级 · 听力 | 新闻听力练习- N20170420

2017-04-20 蔡雷英语
四六级 · 往期回顾 

Question One

  1. You need an account to log in.

  2. You need a degree certificate.

  3. You need a notebook and a textbook.

  4. You need a computer and a notebook connection.

Question Two

  1. Most courses are very expensive.

  2. You cannot take a MOOC in a classroom.

  3. There is a lack of interaction between students and teachers.

  4. You need to meet the teacher in person several times during the course.

Question Three

  1. MOOCs are know as distance learning.

  2. There are good and bad sides of MOOCs.

  3. MOOCs are available in many subjects.

  4. Few people take MOOCs in the world.




  • Question 1: What do you need to attend MOOCs?

  • Question 2: What is the bad side of MOOCs?

  • Question 3: What is the news report mainly about?



Tens of thousands, or even more, people can take these classes all at once. You can be anywhere in the world to take a MOOC. All you need is a computer and a network connection. MOOCs add to a tradition of what is known as distance learning.


For years, many colleges have offered classes that are taught partly or mostly online. MOOCs are available in subjects like Computer Science, Engineering or Mechanics.


Scott Anderson teaches Philosophy at the University of British Columbia in Canada. He sees both good and bad sides of MOOCs. He says, “There are parts that will be fine. Mostlywhen students listen to a lecture, there is no special reason why they need to be physically present to hear and get it. There is certainly no reason why they need to be physically present to get the readings and to think about these things.” Mr. Anderson also adds that increased numbers of students in MOOCs can mean less communication between them and teachers. He says two ways to deal with this are by adding more teachers and setting up online discussion groups. 


