
四六级 · 听力 | 新闻听力练习- N20170423

2017-04-23 蔡雷英语
四六级 · 往期回顾 

Question Three

  1. The White House warned them not to do now .

  2. The panel of experts objected the proposals.

  3. NASA didn’t get adequate money.

  4. It would be too costly to do so.

Question Four

  1. By loaning money from the state bank.

  2. By cooperating with private enterprises.

  3. By resorting to commercial banks.

  4. By intensifying structural adjustment.






A panel of experts appointed by the White House has warned that the current plans to send astronauts back to the moon in preparation for manned missions to Mars are just not possible. One of the panel members Li Ruoqiao says the space agency NASA hasn't been given enough funds to realize the plans.


“That is when the visions for space aspirations were first announced ten years ago there was expectation of a certain budget level of the next several years. In fact over the last five years those numbers are nothing realized. So because of that we are in trouble that we are in now.”

The experts say the current budget of the space agency NASA would need to be increased by billions of dollars. Without the extra money, the experts say , [4]NASA would have to work with private companies now trying to engage in commercial space flights.

  • Question 3: Why is it unrealistic to send astronaut back to the moon now?

  • Question 4: How can NASA settle the financial matter?


