
热词 | 国产航母、论文撤稿、法国大选、迷你KTV … 新闻热词荟

2017-05-03 蔡雷英语




domestically built aircraft carrier

China launched its second aircraft carrier Wednesday morning. The new carrier, the first developed and built by China, was transferred from a dry dock into water at a launch ceremony starting at about 9 a.m. in the Dalian shipyard of the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation.


It came after the Liaoning, a refitted Soviet Union-made carrier put into commission in the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy in 2012. China began building its second carrier in November 2013, with dock construction starting in March 2015.


The main body of the carrier has been completed, with equipment of major systems including propulsion and electricity installed. Putting the carrier into water marks significant progress in China's efforts to design and build a domestic aircraft carrier.


After the launch, the new carrier will undergo equipment debugging, outfitting and mooring trials.


我国第二艘航空母舰(aircraft carrier)26日上午在大连举行下水仪式(launch ceremony)。这艘001A型航母由我国自行研制,2013年11月开工,2015年3月开始坞内建造(dock construction)。目前,航空母舰主船体完成建造,动力、电力等主要系统设备安装到位。出坞(undock)下水(hit the water, launch)是航母建设的重大节点之一,标志着我国自主设计建造航母取得重大阶段性成果。下一步,该航母将按计划进行系统设备调试(system and equipment debugging)和舾装(outfitting)施工,并全面开展系泊试验(mooring trial)。

航空母舰是一种可以实现飞机起降的军舰(warship),其角色相当于一个海上空军基地(seagoing airbase)。有了航母,海军(naval force/navy)就可以在不依赖当地军事基地的情况下在世界范围内部署空中力量(project air power)。该航母建成后,我国将成为继美国、俄罗斯、英国、法国、意大利和西班牙之后全球第七个有能力自行建造航母(be capable of building aircraft carrier independently)的国家。

目前,这艘航母还没命名。面对舆论关心的航母命名问题,国防部发言人杨宇军表示,网上投票(online voting)是网友自发行为。我军对于海军舰艇的命名有相应规定,通常是在舰艇交接入列(be delivered and join the fleet)时公布。根据1978年颁发、1986年补充和修改的《海军舰艇命名条例》,航空母舰、巡洋舰(cruiser)以行政省(区)或词组命名,我国首艘航母"辽宁号"就是以改造时它所在的省份辽宁为名。


  • aircraft carrier  航空母舰

  • dry dock  干船坞

  • refit  改装,整修

  • put into commission  (军舰等)编入现役

  • propulsion  推力;推动器

  • debug  调试

  • outfit  舾装(泛指在船舶各个生产阶段的安装工程)

  • mooring trial  系泊试验

  • 驱逐舰 destroyer

  • 核潜艇 nuclear submarine

  • 编入现役 put into commission

  • 推进系统 propulsion system

  • 航母战斗群 aircraft carrier strike/battle group

  • 掷瓶礼 ship christening with champagne



retraction of papers

An international publisher has retracted 107 research papers by Chinese authors, after finding out that the reports had been "compromised."


The articles were published by the Springer Nature publishing company in the journal Tumor Biology, between 2012 and 2016.


The publisher said it found that the papers, which are required to be peer-reviewed, had been submitted to reviewers who had fake email addresses.


The articles were submitted with the names of real researchers, but fabricated email addresses, Peter Butler, editorial director at Springer Nature for cell biology and biochemistry, was quoted in a report by state-run China Daily.



  • retract  收回/撤回所说的话,取消,缩回

  • peer-reviewed  同行评议,同行审阅

  • fake  adj.伪造的;v.捏造,假装;n.假货,骗子

  • with the name of…  以…之名

  • fabricate  制造;伪造;装配

  • state-run  国营的,国立的



French election

Centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen are set to face each other in a May 7 runoff for the French election after coming first and second in the first round of voting on Sunday.


In France’s most consequential election in recent history, voters on Sunday chose Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen to go to a runoff on 7 May to determine the next president.


The result upended traditional French politics: it is the first time in six decades that neither of France's main left-wing or right-wing parties has had a candidate in the second round.


At 39, Mr Macron could become the youngest president France has ever had - and the first president in the Fifth Republic who does not belong to a major party.


Mr Macron was current President Francois Hollande's economy minister but quit to create his own party, En Marche, which pushes a liberal, pro-EU agenda.


Macron remains the frontrunner, and the markets moved to reflect that. The euro jumped against the dollar to its highest level since November as investors bet that the chances of Le Pen winning power were fading.


法国内政部(Ministry of the Interior)公布的最终结果显示,在参加总统选举首轮投票的11位候选人(candidate)中,独立中间派候选人马克龙以23.75%的得票率位居第一,极右翼政党"国民阵线(Front National)"候选人勒庞以21.53%的得票率紧随其后,进入第二轮决选(second-round runoff)。24日,勒庞宣布辞去国民阵线主席一职,以全力备战(go all out)定于5月7日举行的总统选举(presidential election)第二轮投票。

此次投票结果打破了法国传统的政治格局(political landscape)。近60年来,法国政坛一直由中间左翼和中间右翼政党把持(French politics has been dominated by center-left and center-right parties)。由于法国实行多党制(multi-party system),没有一个政党能独自掌握政权(political power),必须由多个政党共同组成联合政府(coalition government)。


  • consequential  影响重大的,间接的,结果的,重要的,随之发生的

  • runoff  决赛

  • upend  倒立,颠倒

  • left-wing party  左翼政党

  • the Fifth Republic  法兰西第五共和国(即现法国)

  • push a ... agenda  推行……政策

  • frontrunner  领跑者,领先候选人

  • euro against dollar  欧元兑美元

  • 支持率 approval rating

  • 公投 referendum

  • 激进派 radical

  • 温和派 moderate

  • 极端主义 extremism

  • 上台 come to power



mini karaoke booth

From Beijing to Shenzhen, mini karaoke houses are being rolled out in shopping malls, cinemas, restaurants and even tourist spots in an effort to win back the past glory of KTV bars.


最近,在北京、上海、重庆、武汉等多个城市的热门商圈,迷你卡拉OK房或迷你KTV(mini karaoke booth)逐渐多了起来。这种迷你KTV形似电话亭(telephone booth),里面的设备与传统的KTV类似,有一个大型触摸屏(touch screen)、两个高脚凳(barstool),两副耳机(two pairs of headsets)和两个高感知度的麦克风(high sensitivity microphone),可供两人自由演唱。

迷你KTV支持微信和支付宝支付,还可以进行实时录音(real-time recording),演唱结束后,唱过的歌可以直接推送到用户手机上,以便分享到社交媒体(social media)。用户还可以选择把歌曲录音制作成专辑(make the recordings into an album)。此外,迷你KTV的收费方式比传统KTV更灵活(flexible),主要有按曲目数量付费和按时付费(charge by time)两种,但并没有统一的收费标准。

➤迷你KTV的出现,为消费者在碎片化的时间(fragmented time)里提供了一种全新的娱乐消遣方式(new way of entertainment)。业内人士认为,从长远角度看,迷你KTV需要考虑不同用户群体的需求(the wants and needs of different user groups),把市场细分(market segmentation)做好,另外,还要更加注重用户的服务体验(service experience)。


  • 包房 private room

  • 点歌 pick/choose a song

  • 麦霸 mic hog

  • 打发时间 kill time

  • 对唱 sing a duet

  • 情歌 love song

  • 民谣 ballad




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