
STU课程思政案例19 | 林梅爱:Quantitative Cell Biology

1.课程 简介

  The course insists its intrinsic quality to cultivate the students with moral education, integrating the ideological and political education to make students have both political integrity and ability.Students are expected to have the prudent attitude toward research work with good professional ethics. The field of quantitative cell biology seeks to address the need for methods to measure, model, and predict complex behavior sat the level of cells and sub-cellular processes. This course is designed to provide a foundation of basic principles for modeling cell biology problems by combining computational modeling and quantitative data analysis. We will introduce the fundamentals of cell structure and function from a physical perspective and discuss quantitative or semi-quantitative analysis and approaches applicable to a number of important topics in cell biology, with central notion best described by:“an appropriate application of a relatively small number of fundamental physical models can serve as the foundation of whole bodies of quantitative biological intuition, broadly useful across a wide range of biological problems.” The goal of this course is therefore to help biomedical engineering students to master a series of quantitative approaches to acquire a biophysical perspective to address problems in cell biology. The course is heavily supplemented by research articles related to topics in biophysics and modeling of cell biology.

2.课程 内容

3.教学 组织过程


    Learning Objectives (emphasize the important points and requirements)

  • Define the main classes of macro molecules constructing organisms (Proteins, lipids,nucleic acid and carbohydrates) and model the macromolecules.
  • Define the macro molecules assemblies and describe how the macro molecules of proteins,nucleic acids, sugars and lipids form macro molecules assemblies (Nucleosomes,Nuclear pore complex, ATP synthase, Ribosome).
  • Describe and estimate the viral assemblies (Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),SARS-CoV-2 virus) .


     Scientists and other curious humans observe the natural world around them and try to make sense of its constituent parts and the ways that they interact. The particular subset of the natural world called life has always held special fascination. In the quest tounderst and the nature of life, scientists over hundreds of years have investigated the properties of living organisms and their constituent materials. Living organisms contain a large number of small, simple molecules that are critical to their function. These small molecules are important to life processes and are used by the cell as building blocks to make the macro molecules.



1. Structure,functions and models of basic macro molecules.(1) Proteins (Concept/Model)Protein folding. Primary structure,secondary structure, tertiary structure and quaternary structure. Unfoldedor misfolded proteins contribute to the pathology of many diseases.Example. Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, several allergies have been shown to be caused by incorrect protein folding.思政元素2:强调规则意识,规则/有序的重要性,基础的重要性切入点解析:从微观层次上的蛋白质折叠错误导致严重疾病如阿尔兹海默症,帕金森等的发生,可见内部/基层的微乎其微的出错或者打破规则,可能引起不可挽回的致命后果。2Nucleic acids3Lipids4Carbohydrates2. The macro molecules assemblies of cellMacro molecules come together to form assemblies working as a team. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.思政元素3强调团结合作的重要性,强调个人责任意识,个体组成集体所发挥的力量是1+1>2。切入点分析:从蛋白质、核酸、脂质和糖类通过合作的形式,组装形成了具有不同功能不同类别的高分子,实现了1+1>2的作用。(1)   Nucleosomes(2)   Nuclearpore complex(3)   Ribosome(4)   ATPsynthase3.Viruses as Assemblies(1) Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)(2) SARS-CoV-2 virus
  1. 4. Academic paper learning and discussion
(清华大学李赛团队和李兰娟院士团队发表关于新冠病毒三维结构解析论文)(1)  The Story Behind(2)  Questions and Discussion①What is the challenge to reveal the architecture of SARS-CoV-2 virus?②What tools are involved to image the structures of virus?③How to design the experiments?④Can you describe the main conclusions about SARS-CoV-2 virus?思政元素4:强调先进技术和科技强国的重要性,为国家做贡献的意识;科学研究的探索精神和奉献精神。切入点分析:李赛团队排除万难,和李兰娟院士团队通过先进技术,首次实现对新冠病毒组装结构的三维全方位的解析的重要研究成果。

4.教学 案例


图文来源 | 林梅爱
审核 | 洪秀秀 蔡玲如

