

田野双年展 田野双年展 2021-09-26







To all those who care about and support the Second Field Biennale 2020 (Zigong):

As the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic has not yet been lifted, which affected everyone's heart, and in order to respond to the management and requirements of the government and relevant units on the epidemic, avoid the crowd gathering, minimize the spread of the epidemic, and ensure the health and safety of all artists, audiences and staff, we decided that the original planned deadline for submission will be extended from February 8, 2020 to February 29, 2020. The follow-up series of activities will be announced through official channels according to the situation of epidemic control. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Since the first stage of collection was released, more than 100 works schemes from artists all over the world have been received. In terms of the quality of works, most of the artists' works have made contemporary attempts and transformations around the farming culture represented by the theme "Lateritic Land". The organizing committee hopes that the majority of contributors will continue to deepen the theme in the second stage, so as to make the work plan create contributions based on the conditions of locality and interactivity during the implementation. Meanwhile, the enforceability (budget) and land occupation of the work should also be fully considered. Epidemic prevention is the first. Thank you for your attention and support in the special period. For further progress, please pay attention to the official WeChat account of the 2020 Field Biennale (Zigong).

The epidemic will be defeated. I wish you all a happy, healthy and safe Lantern Festival! Looking forward to our meeting!

Organizing Committee of the 2020 Second Field Biennale (Zigong)

Saturday, February 8, 2020

了解“全球征集 | 红土地——2020第二届田野双年展(自贡)”详细信息可点击上图跳转征集详情

Mobile:15101130219     13124722947

Email address: tianyezhanlan@126.com

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