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2017-01-13 贝斯达外语 绵阳微英语









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Welcome to Mianyang -- Hometown of Li Bai and China Science and Technology City!


In ancient China, Mianyang was called "Fu County" or "Mian Zhou", later known as "Mianyang" because it lies in the south of Mianshan Mountain. With population of 5,480,000, it covers an area of 20,200 km2, and consists of 6 counties, 2 districts and 1 city, also as acting administrator of Science and Technology City office of Sichuan Provincial Government. Its built-up area is 125 km2 with 1,243,000 inhabitants. Li Bai, a poet in Tang Dynasty, was born in Mianyang. It's the unique Science and Technology City constructed with approval of the Party Central Committee and State Council of PRC, the National Advanced City of Sci-tech Progress and Entrepreneurship, the Pilot City of China's First Batch of "Triple Play" and "Promotion of Combination of Science and Finance", Demonstration Base of China's New Industrialization, the Pilot City of National Smart City and Information Consumption, Comprehensive Pilot City of National New Urbanization, National Civilized City, National Sanitary City, National Garden City, National Model City for Environmental Protection, China Favorable Tourism City, and National Double Support Model City. In 2015, Mianyang's gross regional production totaled RMB 170.033 billion with a growth of 8.6%; the added value of industries above a designated scale increased by 10.7%; retail sales of consumer goods rose 13% to RMB 87.916 billion; the added value of service industry 9.4% to RMB 58.135 billion; total fixed assets investment 6.8% to RMB 115.409 billion; local public budget revenue 2.3% to RMB 10.413 billion. 

绵阳古名“涪县”“绵州”,后因城址位于绵山之南而得名“绵 阳”。幅员面积2.02万平方公里,总人口548万,辖6县2区1市,代管四川省政府科学城办事处。城市建成区面积125平方公里,城区常住人口124.3万。绵阳是唐代诗人李白的出生地,党中央、国务院批准建设的我国唯一科技城,全国科技进步先进市、全国首批“三网融合”试点市、全国首批“促进科技和金融结合”试点地区、国家新型工业化产业示范基地、国家智慧城市试点市、国家信息消费试点市、国家新型城镇化综合试点市,全国文明城市、国家卫生城市、国家园林城市、国家环保模范城市、中国优秀旅游城市、全国双拥模范城、全国创业先进城市。2015年,全市实现地区生产总值1700.33亿元、增长8.6%,规上工业增加值增长10.7%,社会消费品零售总额879.16亿元、增长13%,实现服务业增加值581.35亿元、增长9.4%,完成全社会固定资产投资1154.09亿元、增长6.8%,地方一般公共预算收入达到104.13亿元、增长2.3%。  

Mianyang has a long history and lots of outstanding people. Since the government of Han Dynasty established Fu County in 201 BC, it has been governed by its commandery (jun) and province (zhou). Mianyang is one of the occupied places of China in early times, with Neolithic stoneware and potteries 4,500 years ago unearthed at its Bianduishan site; it's the hometown of Lei Zu who was the wife of the Yellow Emperor and famous for discovering silk, and of Yu the Great, a national hero for his introduction of flood control and inaugurating dynastic rule in China by founding the Xia Dynasty; and it is also one of cradles of traditional Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion; and the wooden figurine painted with channel network for acupuncture, unearthed in Shuangbaoshan Tomb of Han Dynasty, is by now the first human channel network model discovered in the world. Through the ages, Mianyang has gathered splendid cultures and talents, home to Li Bai, Ouyang Xiu, Wen Tong, Li Tiaoyuan, Sha Ting, Deng Jiaxian, Feng Dashi and other such numerous prominent figures. In addition, ancient scholars like Sima Xiangru, Yang Xiong, Jiang Wan, Song Zheyuan and Du Fu, Wang Bo, Yang Jiong as well as Lu Zhaolin, all have been here and created important relics or masterpieces for this city. 

绵阳历史悠久,人杰地灵。公元前201年汉置涪县始,历来为郡县、州府治所。这里是我国早期人类活动地区之一,边堆山遗址出土有4500年前新石器时代的石器和陶器;是黄帝元妃——丝绸之母嫘祖的故乡,中华民族治水英雄及夏王朝的缔造者大禹的诞生地;是我国中医针灸发源地之一,双包山汉墓出土的经脉漆 木俑是现今发现的世界最早的人体经脉模型。古往今来,这块土 地孕育了李白、欧阳修、文同、李调元、沙汀、邓稼先、冯达仕等无数杰出人物,司马相如、扬雄、蒋琬、宋哲元及杜甫、王勃、杨炯、卢照邻等均在此留有重要遗迹或作品。  

Mianyang has mature science and education systems and prosperous industries. It has our important National Defense Industry and scientific research and production bases, 18 state-level scientific research institutions (such as China Academy of Engineering Physics, China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, National Gas Turbine Establishment), 14 colleges and universities like SWUST, 8 national key laboratories, 5 national engineering research centers, 6 national enterprise technology centers, 26 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering and 207,000 technical talents from various industries. In 2015, Mianyang R&D appropriation expenditure accounted for 6.53% of GDP, and comprehensive level index of sci-tech progress reached 68.28%. Mianyang now has 72 large and medium key enterprises, 15 listed companies, 7,108 technical SMEs. Sales scale of Changhong Holdings Group has been above RMB 100 billion, and gross industrial output value of Jiuzhou Group has exceeded RMB 20 billion. Six “high-tech and strategic emerging” industries of electronic information, automobile, new materials, energy conservation and environmental protection, high-end equipment manufacturing and biology is developing rapidly, with output value accounting beyond 45.6% and 34% respectively of the gross industrial output value, and output value of military and civilian integration industry accounted beyond 70% of the gross industrial output value. Mianyang has built National High-tech Industrial Development Zone and National Economic and Technological Development Zone, platform of technological innovation and achievement transformation with 800,000 m2, like Science and Technology City Innovation Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute, National University Science Park Innovation Center of Southwest University of Science and Technology, and also established 14 strategic emerging industrial alliances like Sichuan Smart TV, BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, new energy automobile and information industry. Mianyang has become the permanent site of China (Mianyang) Science and Technology City International High-tech Expo. It has successfully launched three sessions, thus winning the title of “China top ten exhibition brand projects”.

绵阳科教发达,产业兴盛。是我国重要的国防军工和科研生产基地,拥有中国工程物理研究院、中国空气动力研究与发展中心、中国燃气涡轮研究院等国家级科研院所18家,西南科技大学等高等院校14所,国家重点实验室8个,国家工程技术研究中心5家,国家企业技术中心8家,“两院”院士26名,各类专业技术人才21.7万。2015年,绵阳R&D经费支出占GDP比重6.53%,科技进步综合水平指数达到68.28%。现有大中型骨干企业85家、注册上市公司24家,科技型中小企业7108家。长虹控股集团销售规模突破千亿大关,九洲集团工业总产值超过200亿元。电子信息、汽车、新材料、节能环保、高端装备制造、生物等六大“两新”产业加快发展,“两新”产业产值占工业总产值比重分别超过45.6%、34%, 军民融合产业产值占工业总产值比重超过70%。建有国家级高新技术开发区和国家级经济技术开发区,拥有科技城创新中心、工业技术研究院、西科大国家大学科技园孵化中心等80万平方米的科技创新和成果转化平台,成立有四川省智能电视、北斗卫星导航、新能源汽车、信息产业等14个战略性新兴产业联盟。是中国(绵阳)科技城国际科技博览会永久会址,已经成功举办三届,蝉联“中国十佳品牌展会项目”称号。  

Mianyang has long been known for its splendid culture and custom and meandering landscape. As a major site both in the international tourist loop line of Great Jiuzhai and the international tourist route of the Three Kingdoms’ Shudao Culture, Mianyang is a famous historic and cultural city in Sichuan Province with the “Beichuan Qiang City Tourist Area” 5A class scenic spot, eleven 4A class scenic spots like the Qiqushan Temple, the Jiuhuang Mountain, the Baoen Temple, the Doutuan Mountain, and the Jiangyou Memorial of Li Bai. The city is embodied with profound cultural deposits by historically traditional culture such as Lei Zu culture, Yu the Great culture, the Three Kingdoms’ Shuhan culture, Li Bai culture and Wenchang culture. It becomes characteristic and unique in national culture for its Qiang ethnic minority culture and Baima Tibetan ethnic minority culture. It is also featured in Defense-related science and technology culture for the invention of atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb and Asia’s largest wind tunnel group. In Mianyang, grateful and exertive culture shaped during the process of earthquake relief work and post-disaster reconstruction moves the world to tears. Mass culture activities such as Wenchang temple fair and Jushui River step-on-the-bridge activity have a well-established and long standing history. Scenic spots of historical culture are represented by the native place of Li Bai, the Cuiyun Corridor, the Fule Mountain, the Yuewang Mansion and the Bao’en Temple. The demonstration plots of "three bases and one window project" are represented by the relic of old Beichuan county town, the memorial hall of 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake and the new Beichuan county town. Scenic spots of natural ecology are represented by the Wanglang National Nature Reserve, the Yuanwang Cave, the Six Gorges of Fujiang River and the Xiaozhaizi Valley. Scenic spots of leisure vacation are represented by the Xianhai Lake and the Luofushan Hotspring. Scenic spots of rural tourism are represented by Huacheng Guoxiang and Xiangcao Garden. Characteristic urban blocks are represented by the Yuejin Road 1958, the FuRong HanCheng and the Banaqia of new Beichuan. 

绵阳人文绚烂,风光迤逦。是四川省历史文化名城,大九寨国际旅游环线和三国蜀道文化国际旅游线上的主要节点,拥有“北川羌城旅游区”5A级景区,七曲山大庙、九皇山、报恩寺、窦圌山和江油李白纪念馆等11个4A级景区。嫘祖文化、大禹文化、三国蜀汉文化、李白文化、文昌文化等历史传统文化底蕴深厚,羌族文化、白马藏族文化等民族文化特色鲜明,两弹城、亚洲最大 风洞群蕴含的国防科技文化独具魅力,抗震救灾和灾后重建铸就 的感恩奋进文化感天动地,文昌庙会、雎水踩桥等大众文化活动源远流长。有以李白故里、翠云廊、富乐山、越王楼、报恩寺为代表的历史文化景区,以北川老县城遗址、5·12汶川特大地震纪念馆、北川新县城为代表的“三基地一窗口”示范区,以王朗国 家级自然保护区、猿王洞、涪江六峡、小寨子沟为代表的自然生态景区,以仙海湖、罗浮山温泉为代表的休闲度假景区,以花城果乡、香草园为代表的乡村旅游景区,以跃进路1958、芙蓉汉城、新北川“巴拿恰”为代表的特色街区。  

Mianyang has distinctive location with convenient transportation. Mianyang, located in the center of Chengdu, Chongqing and Xi'an, is an important node city of urban agglomeration of Chengdu Plain. Its downtown is 98 km from Chengdu to the south, over 300 km from Chongqing to the east and 700 km from Xi'an to the north. Mianyang has Bao (ji) Cheng (du) railway, Cheng (du) Mian (yang) Le (shan) high-speed rail and Cheng (du) Mian (yang) expressway and multiple tracks, Mian (yang) Guang (yuan) expressway, Mian (yang) Sui (ning) expressway, Cheng (du) Ba (zhong) expressway, and is now building Cheng (du) Xi (an) high-speed rail, Cheng (du) Lan (zhou) railway and Mian (yang) Xi (chong) expressway. Jiu (zhaigou) Mian (yang) expressway is going to be put into construction. Mianyang Nanjiao Airport has direct lights to 26 cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Kunming, Shenyang, Lhasa and Urumqi, with over 1,548,000 passengers in total in 2015. Mianyang has self-contained customs, inspection and quarantine institution, class II railway port station, public bonded warehouse, container warehouse and export processing zones. 


Mianyang is a habitable city with good ecology and employment environment. With the confluence of Fujiang River, Anchang River and Furong River and Surrounded by Mianshan Mountain, Fule Mountain, Xishan Mountain, and Nanshan Mountain, Mianyang enjoys moist mild climate, with four distinct seasons. Sanjiang Lake and Xianhai Lake respectively offer 5.1 km2 and 6.3 km2 water areas. In 2015, the fairly good air quality days are up to 303 days. The reaching criteria rate of water quality is 100% at the river boundary section in major water basins. It provides improved public facilities and services such as 5 national demonstration secondary vocational schools and key secondary vocational schools, 6 provincial grade 1 demonstration high schools, and 2 large-scale stadiums. Building the Science and Technology City Convention & Exhibition Center with about 80,000 m2  exterior and interior exhibition area has led Mianyang to become the second convention and exhibition city, following Chengdu. 


The Party Central Committee, State Council, Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and Sichuan Provincial Government attach great importance to the development of Mianyang and construction of Science and Technology City. State Council has established the coordination group of Science and Technology City Ministry of Construction, consisting of 18 ministries and commissions such as Ministry of Science and Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, and approved to expand Zhongguancun policies and 4 advance pilot policies in national self-dependent innovative demonstration areas to Science and Technology City. The Overall Plan Regarding Systematically Promoting Comprehensive Innovation Reform Experiment in Part of Area of the state takes Mianyang into the advance pilot area for national comprehensive innovation reform experiment, and grants the pilot task of scientific innovation driving transformation and upgrading of industrial and economic development to the Science and Technology City. Sichuan Province delegates 19 provincial economic and administrative authority to the Science and Technology City, introduces 10 Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Science and Technology City in Mianyang and Policies and Measures to Speed up the Construction of Science and Technology City in Mianyang. 7 investment invitation offices are set up in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Xiamen and Shenyang for municipal leaders’ direct link to key projects and “green channel” examination and approval. At present, 6 global top 500 enterprises and 25 domestic top 500 enterprises are developing in Mianyang. Presently, Mianyang is thoroughly implementing the requirements from the central and provincial Party committees in line with the overall layout of “five-in-one” and strategic layout of “four comprehensivenesses”. It is carefully practicing the “five development ideas” of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing, insists on scientific development and accelerates the determination of development direction, highlights the comprehensive innovation and reform featured by military and civilian integration, and puts efforts on structural reform, and carefully organizes the implementation of "Year of Project", vigorously promotes the "two No. 1 projects”, with efforts to do a good job of tackling poverty and traffic jam, and makes new breakthroughs in investment, earnestly promotes the construction of “a beautiful Mianyang” and “a happy Mianyang”, strives to facilitate the construction of national science and technology city, and a happy and beautiful Mianyang of "innovation, vigor and hope", and tries to realize secondary breakthrough firstly and comprehensively create a well-off society firstly in the whole province. It shall spare no effort to be the “leader” of innovation pioneering and “vanguard” of military and civilian integration in western China.

党中央、国务院和四川省委、省政府高度重视绵阳发展和科技城建设。国务院成立了由科技部、国家发改委等18个部委组成的科技城建设部际协调小组,批准科技城执行中关村政策和国家自主创新示范区4项先行先试政策。国家《关于在部分区域系统推进全面创新改革试验的总体方案》将绵阳纳入全国全面创新改革试验先行先试区域,赋予科技城以科技创新带动产业和经济发展转型升级的试点任务。四川省赋予科技城19项省级经济管理权 限,专门出台《关于加快推进绵阳科技城建设的指导意见》和《支持绵阳科技城加快建设政策措施》10条。设有海外和驻北京、上海、深圳、重庆、厦门、沈阳7个招商分局,对重点项目实行市级领导对口联系和“绿色通道”审批。目前,共有6家世界500强和25家国内500强企业在绵发展。当前,绵阳正深入贯彻落实中央、省委部署要求,按照“五位一体”总体布局和“四个全面”战略布局,认真践行创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享“五大发展理念”,坚持科学发展、加快发展工作取向,突出以军民融合为特色的全面创新改革牵引,着力推进结构性改革,精心实施好“项目年”,深入实施“两个一号工程”,扎实抓好脱贫攻坚和交通攻坚,推动招商引资实现新突破,大力推进“美丽绵阳”和“幸福绵阳”建设,加快建设国家科技 城和幸福美丽绵阳,着力建设一座“创新之城、活力之城、希望之城”,努力在全省率先实现次级突破、率先全面建成小康社会,争当西部地区创新创业“领头羊”和军民融合“排头兵”。  

Welcome to Mianyang -- Hometown of Li Bai and China Science and Technology City! 












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