
张西平 杨少芳 ‖ 利玛窦在中国语言学上的贡献研究论纲

张西平 杨少芳 汇智澳门 2023-02-15

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[提  要]利玛窦作为耶稣会入华、基督教来华传播最具代表性的人物,其对汉语文字之功的重视,在当时的来华传教士中也是具有奠基作用的。本文尝试从注音、词汇、汉语学习等视角,梳理从利玛窦初涉汉语到汉语习得中重要的语言文献,将其对汉语的理解和创造性应用条分缕析,发现利氏于现代汉语注音系统、近代汉语外来词和汉语教育史中的开创性贡献,并试图从语言学的角度,揭示出中西两种文化相遇的真实图景。[关键词]利玛窦  注音  《西字奇迹》  词汇  汉语学习[作者简介]张西平,北京外国语大学比较文明与人文交流高等研究院院长、教授、博士生导师;杨少芳,天津外国语大学国际交流学院讲师,博士[原文出处]《澳门理工学报》(人文社会科学版)2019年第3期“中西文化”栏目

Outline Study on Matteo Ricci's Contribution to Chinese Linguistics /  Zhang Xiping & Yang Shaofang

Abstract: As the most representative figure of Jesuit Christianity in China, Matteo Ricci's emphasis on the Chinese language and character was pioneering among missionaries at that time. This paper attempts to sort out the important language documents from Ricci's Chinese acquisition from the perspective of phonetics, vocabulary and Chinese learning methodology, and also discusses in detail Ricci's understanding and creative application of Chinese, in order to discover Ricci's contribution to the modern Chinese phonetic notation system, Chinese loanwords, and history of Chinese education. This paper also attempts to reveal the true picture of the encounter between Chinese and western cultures from the perspective of linguistics.

Keywords: Matteo Ricci; phonetic notation system; Xi Zi Qi Ji; vocabulary; Chinese acquisition




责任编辑  陈志雄

