王皓 ‖ 明清之际西洋气象知识传华考略
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Abstract: In the late Ming and Early Qing dynasties, much of the Chinese Catholic literature of the time included western meteorological knowledge that was a combination of the Christian faith and Aristotelian theories. The four-element theory is the basis of this kind of knowledge. It is in direct contrast to modern meteorology which began developing from the 19th century, with its epistemological basis in the Christian faith rather than reason. The missionaries introduced it to China in order to replace the Chinese traditional ideas of weather and climatic changes and thus converted the Chinese from their indigenous beliefs. It is paradoxical that the missionaries' efforts nearly proved to be in vain. Only a few Chinese literati who adopted the Christian faith, also accepted western meteorological knowledge as well. On the whole, Chinese society's view on meteorology remained intact. Nevertheless, this historical process made itself the prelude of the modern transformation of meteorological ideas for the Chinese against the background of the long-term western impact.
Keywords: Jesuit; meteorological knowledge; AristotelianPDF版全文下载地址: