
王皓 ‖ 明清之际西洋气象知识传华考略

王皓 汇智澳门 2023-02-15

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[提  要]明清之际,有很多天主教文献介绍了当时的西方气象知识。这些知识本于亚里士多德的天象论,其理论基础是“四元素说”。与十九世纪形成的气象科学迥异,当时的气象学说是知识和信仰的混合体,知识从属于信仰。天主教士将西方气象知识传入中国,是为了从知识论上颠覆中国传统关于气象的认知,进而取代中国传统的气象观念,达到传播信仰的目的。检讨这一历史过程,可以看出,除皈依天主教的士人群体以外,天主教士的上述策略并未产生较为显著的影响。尽管如此,这一历史过程却在无意之中开启了自明末以来在西学冲击的背景下中国气象观念变迁的序幕。[关键词]耶稣会士  气象知识 亚里士多德[作者简介]王皓,上海大学历史系讲师,博士[原文出处]《澳门理工学报》(人文社会科学版)2019年第3期“中西文化”栏目

A Preliminary Study on the Introduction of Western Meteorological Knowledge by the Missionaries during the Ming-Qing Transitional Period /  Wang Hao

Abstract: In the late Ming and Early Qing dynasties, much of the Chinese Catholic literature of the time included western meteorological knowledge that was a combination of the Christian faith and Aristotelian theories. The four-element theory is the basis of this kind of knowledge. It is in direct contrast to modern meteorology which began developing from the 19th century, with its epistemological basis in the Christian faith rather than reason. The missionaries introduced it to China in order to replace the Chinese traditional ideas of weather and climatic changes and thus converted the Chinese from their indigenous beliefs. It is paradoxical that the missionaries' efforts nearly proved to be in vain. Only a few Chinese literati who adopted the Christian faith, also accepted western meteorological knowledge as well. On the whole, Chinese society's view on meteorology remained intact. Nevertheless, this historical process made itself the prelude of the modern transformation of meteorological ideas for the Chinese against the background of the long-term western impact.

Keywords: Jesuit; meteorological knowledge; Aristotelian




责任编辑  陈志雄

