
李春青 / “古诗”何以成经典——中国古代文学阐释学思考之一

汇智澳门 2023-02-15

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[提  要]“古诗”是指产生于东汉中后期的一批难以确定作者的文人五言诗。它们既无华辞丽藻,旨趣上又乖于儒家主流意识形态,然而却受到历代阐释者的称颂与模拟,无论社会政治状况与价值观念如何发展,无论诗文思潮与文人审美意识如何演变,都不足以撼动“古诗”的经典地位。这是一种很独特的文学和美学现象。“古诗”之成为经典,一方面证明了中国古代“文人趣味”中包含着一些“基本价值”,正是这些“基本价值”使得“古诗”超越时间限制,受到历代阐释者的推崇;另一方面这也说明“古诗”包含着某种特殊价值,具有一种富于魅力的独特性,以至于在千百年中没有任何其他作品可以替代它。“基本价值”使“古诗”在不同时代的读者那里产生普遍认同感;“特殊价值”使之在不同时代的读者那里都能激起新奇感。正是这种“普遍认同感”和“新奇感”的双重作用使“古诗”成为千古绝唱。在具体历史语境中人们对“古诗”的阐释关涉到政治状况、文化学术走向以及“文人身份”的形成等问题,是一种十分复杂的综合性文化现象。[关键词]古诗  阐释  经典  文人趣味  文人身份[基金项目]国家社科基金重大项目“中国文学阐释学的中外话语资源、理论形态研究与文献整理”(项目号:19ZDA264)[作者简介]李春青,华南师范大学特聘教授、博士生导师[原文出处]《澳门理工学报》(人文社会科学版)2020年第1期“名家专论”栏目

The Road to the Canonization of Classical Poetry: A Consideration on the Hermeneutics of the Classical Literature of China Li Chunqing
Abstract: Generally speaking, classical poetry refers to the pentasyllable poems which were written in the middle and late eastern Han Dynasty by a group of poets whose identity has been kept vague until now. The poems had neither sumptuous rhetoric, nor reference of politically righteous Confucius ideology, but they were however highly evaluated and imitated by generations of interpreters. As political situations and value systems evolved, the ideology tides of literati and aesthetic trends of poets continued to develop and the sublime status of classical poetry could hardly be shaken, rendering itself a very unique literary and aesthetic phenomenon. Regarding the canonization of classical poetry, on the one hand, it verified the existence of the fundamental value within the tastes of literary scholars, which was just the fundamental value that rendered classical poetry to go beyond the limits of time and receive high esteem from the latter interpreters; on the other hand, it proved the fact that classical poetry possessed some sort of particular value, a feature which was always uniquely fascinating, and it was for this reason that no other master pieces could take their place in literary history. This fundamental value made classical poetry acquire a common sense among readers from different ages and its unique value helped arouse curiosity in all consecutive eras. It was this combination of the fundamental acknowledgment and unique sense that molded the ultimate status for classical poetry. The interpretation of classical poetry in various historical circumstances has concerned the political situation, the tendency of culture and academic scholarship as well as the formation of the identity of literati, making itself a complicated and comprehensive cultural phenomenon.Keywords: Classical poetry;interpretation; classics; taste of literati; identity of literati




责任编辑  刘泽生

网络编辑  陈志雄

