夏中义 / 重估“美学大讨论”暨《人间词话》评论的地缘语境
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[提 要]通过文献细读,并借用萨义德关于身份认同、文化领土等观念,可进一步理解苏联日丹诺夫理论模式对于中国20世纪五六十年代“美学大讨论”和《人间词话》“境界说”评论的重要作用。无论是李泽厚等人对朱光潜唯心主义美学的批判,还是稍晚朱光潜对周谷城表现主义的批判;无论汤大民、吴奔星、陈咏诸等对“境界说”进行唯物化的“整容”,还是吴文治、叶秀山等揭出“境界说”之唯心本质,当时的诸多学案都可在此框架下得以重估。[关键词]美学大讨论 境界说 日丹诺夫 朱光潜 文化领土 身份认同[作者简介]夏中义,上海交通大学人文学院中文系教授、博士生导师[原文出处]《澳门理工学报》(人文社会科学版)2020年第1期“文学研究”栏目Re-evaluating the Local Context of the “Aesthetic Debates” and the Comments on the Ren Jian Ci Hua / Xia Zhongyi
Abstract: A further understanding of the influence of theories from Andrei Zhdanov on the “aesthetic debates” and commentaries on the artistic realm theories of the Ren Jian Ci Hua in the 1950s’ China can be reached through a close reading of key archives in the light of Edward Said’s theoretical concepts of identity and cultural territory. Many historical and theoretical cases could be put under the scrutiny of this framework, such as criticism against Zhu Guangqian’s idealistic aesthetics from Li Zehou among others; critiques of Zhou Gucheng’s expressionism from Zhu Guangqian; the materialist artistic realm theories from Tang Damin, Wu Benxing and Chen Yongzhu; identifications of the artistic realm theory as idealistic from Wu Wenzhi and Ye Xiushan.
Keywords: The aesthetic debates; artistic realm; Zhdanov; Zhu Guangqian; cultural territory; identity
网络编辑 陈志雄