
海虹老人保护地标建筑苏格兰Queensferry Crossing大桥

全球知名的涂料制造商海虹老人被指定为苏格兰Queensferry Crossing项目提供创新防腐涂料解决方案。桥梁位于苏格兰首府爱丁堡附近的福斯湾,横跨2.7公里,气势恢弘,是全球最长的三塔斜拉桥。




能够参与这个宏伟的现代工程,我们感到十分自豪。Queensferry Crossing项目要求客户(FCBC联合体)、承包商(上海振华重工)和海虹老人在全球不同的地方开展紧密的协作。我们曾在项目说明会期间,与钢材制造商和业主的工程顾问团队在英国开展合作,以确保我们的涂层体系能够符合项目要求。我们的技术服务团队曾在振华的生产基地和英国的施工现场实地工作,监督作业过程,确保以准确且高效的方式涂刷产品。 ——海虹老人集团基础设施经理Lars Risum


Queensferry Crossing大桥预计将于2017年夏季正式通车。

Below please find the English version:

Hempel protects iconic Queensferry Crossing

Leading global coatings provider Hempel appointed to provide innovative tough coating solutions against corrosion to the Queensferry Crossing. Located on the busy Forth Estuary near Edinburgh, on the east coast of Scotland, it spans an impressive 2.7 kilometres, making it the longest three-tower cable-stayed bridge in the world.

Due to its extensive experience and high-quality coating solutions, Hempel was chosen to coat the 35,000 tons of steel needed for this innovative new bridge. The steel was manufactured in the UK and China and then transported to Scotland by sea and so it was important that the coating solution chosen would be tough enough to withstand the impacts and exposure during the 7,700-kilometre journey, and robust enough to protect the bridge from the harsh Scottish climate and coastal conditions for years to come.

Steel manufacturer, Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (ZPMC) was impressed with Hempel’s range of high performance anti-corrosion systems. Hempel has an extensive track record of protecting infrastructure, including four of the world’s ten largest cable-stayed bridges, and so was appointed to provide a top-quality coating system for this project.

Kai Zhao, Project Manager, ZPMC said:

“We chose Hempel because we know the quality of their paint and the high levels of service we can expect from them. Their coatings deliver robust and stable performance against corrosion and their technical services are professional, precise and global, providing great support to this project. We have worked with Hempel for many years, with great success.”

Lars Risum, Group Segment Manager, Infrastructure, Hempel A/S said:

“We are proud to be a part of this spectacular piece of modern engineering. The Queensferry Crossing project required close collaboration and coordination between the customer (FCBC Consortium), the contractor (ZPMC) and Hempel on different sides of the world. We worked with both the steel manufacturer and the owner’s advisory engineering team in the UK during the specification process to ensure the coating systems were equal to the task. Our technical service teams worked at the steelyard in China and at the construction site in the UK to oversee the application and ensure the coatings were applied accurately and efficiently.”

Over 600,000 litres of Hempel coatings have been supplied. For the exterior, products applied to the Queensferry Crossing include Hempadur Zinc 17360 which is a highly weather-resistant coating offering cathodic protection against local mechanical damage. Hempadur MIO 47950 which combines a relatively high-volume solids content with a short drying time and Hempathane HS 55613 which provides a high-build finishing coat for protection of structural steel in corrosive environments. For the interior, Hempadur ZP 47940 was applied combining high volume solids content with short drying time. Hempel’s Galvosil 15700 was applied to the connection joints to provide the necessary coefficient of friction (slip resistance).

The Queensferry Crossing is due to open in the summer of 2017.

For further information, please contact:

Malte V. Eggers

Group Branding & Communication Director

Phone: +45 2097 5809

Email: meg@hempel.com

