

Springer 语言科学 2021-09-19

新型冠状病毒疫情的爆发前所未有地冲击到全球教育,施普林格•自然(Springer Nature)为此推出一项全球方案,免费开放500多册重点教材,以支持全球各地受疫情影响而关闭的高等教育机构能继续其教学活动。这些教材涵盖了施普林格•自然电子图书的各个学科系列,可通过网站 SpringerLink 获取,开放时间至少持续到今年7月底。


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Book  TitleAuthor
Fundamentals of Power  ElectronicsRobert W. Erickson, Dragan Maksimovic
Handbook of the Life CourseJeylan T. Mortimer, Michael J. Shanahan
All of StatisticsLarry Wasserman
Social Anxiety and Social  Phobia in YouthChristopher Kearney
Discrete MathematicsLászló Lovász, József Pelikán, Katalin Vesztergombi
Developmental NeurobiologyMahendra S. Rao, Marcus Jacobson
Intuitive Probability and  Random Processes using MATLAB®Steven Kay
Handbook of Disaster ResearchHavidan Rodriguez, Enrico L. Quarantelli, Russell Dynes
Handbook of the Sociology of  GenderJanet Saltzman Chafetz
Handbook of Sociological  TheoryJonathan H. Turner
Clinical NeuroanatomyJohn Mendoza, Anne Foundas
Acquired Brain InjuryJean Elbaum, Deborah Benson
Numerical OptimizationJorge Nocedal, Stephen Wright
Handbook of Biological  Confocal MicroscopyJames Pawley
Ceramic MaterialsC. Barry Carter, M. Grant Norton
Principles of Fluorescence  SpectroscopyJoseph R. Lakowicz
Fundamentals of BiomechanicsDuane Knudson
Primer on the Rheumatic  DiseasesJohn H. Klippel, John H. Stone, L eslie J. Crofford, Patience  H. White
International Handbook of  Historical ArchaeologyTeresita Majewski, David Gaimster
Database MarketingRobert C. Blattberg, Byung-Do Kim, Scott A. Neslin
Composite MaterialsKrishan K. Chawla
Time Series AnalysisJonathan D. Cryer, Kung-Sik Chan
Transmission Electron  MicroscopyDavid B. Williams, C. Barry Carter
Handbook of Quantitative  CriminologyAlex R. Piquero, David Weisburd
Plant Physiological EcologyHans Lambers, F Stuart Chapin III, Thijs L. Pons
Introductory Statistics with  RPeter Dalgaard
The Elements of Statistical  LearningTrevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman
Psychology, Religion, and  SpiritualityJames M. Nelson
Introductory Time Series with  RPaul S.P. Cowpertwait, Andrew V. Metcalfe
Child NeuropsychologyMargaret Semrud-Clikeman, Phyllis Anne Teeter Ellison
A Beginner's Guide to RAlain Zuur, Elena N. Ieno, Erik Meesters
Geomorphology of Desert  EnvironmentsAnthony J. Parsons, A. D. Abrahams
The Joy of ScienceRichard A. Lockshin
Fatigue of Structures and  MaterialsJ. Schijve
Essential AstrophysicsKenneth R. Lang
Introduction to Evolutionary  ComputingA.E. Eiben, J.E. Smith
Data AnalysisSiegmund Brandt
International Perspectives on  PsychotherapyStefan G. Hofmann
Electrical MachinesSlobodan N. Vukosavic
Mechanics and ThermodynamicsWolfgang Demtröder
Applied Behavior AnalysisKimberly Maich, Darren Levine, Carmen Hall
Reading, Writing, and ProvingUlrich Daepp, Pamela Gorkin
Linear and Nonlinear  ProgrammingDavid G. Luenberger, Yinyu Ye
Introduction to Partial  Differential EquationsDavid Borthwick
Energy StorageRobert Huggins
Metabolism of Human DiseasesEckhard Lammert, Martin Zeeb
Sensory Evaluation of FoodHarry T. Lawless, Hildegarde Heymann
Fundamentals of Robotic  Mechanical SystemsJorge Angeles
Integrative Human  BiochemistryAndrea T. da Poian, Miguel A. R. B. Castanho
Philosophy of Science for  ScientistsLars-Göran Johansson
Particles and NucleiBogdan Povh, Klaus Rith, Christoph Scholz, Frank Zetsche,  Werner Rodejohann
Data Structures and  Algorithms with PythonKent D. Lee, Steve Hubbard
LGBT-Parent FamiliesAbbie E. Goldberg, Katherine R. Allen
Integrated NeuroscienceElliott M. Marcus, Stanley Jacobson
Introduction to Partial  Differential EquationsPeter J. Olver
MicroeconomicsPeter Dorman
System DynamicsBilash Kanti Bala, Fatimah Mohamed Arshad, Kusairi Mohd Noh
Cosmology for the CuriousDelia Perlov, Alex Vilenkin
Methods of Mathematical  ModellingThomas Witelski, Mark Bowen
Introduction to Logic  Circuits & Logic Design with VerilogBrock J. LaMeres
Structural AnalysisO. A. Bauchau, J.I. Craig
Engineering Flow and Heat  ExchangeOctave Levenspiel
Enterprise Risk Management  ModelsDavid L. Olson, Desheng Dash Wu
Reactive Power Control in AC  Power SystemsNaser Mahdavi Tabatabaei, Ali Jafari Aghbolaghi, Nicu Bizon,  Frede Blaabjerg
Principles of MicroeconomicsMartin Kolmar
Additive Manufacturing  TechnologiesIan Gibson, David W. Rosen, Brent Stucker
Principles of PhysicsHafez  A . Radi, John O  Rasmussen
Fundamentals of BiomechanicsNihat Özkaya, Dawn Leger, David Goldsheyder, Margareta Nordin
Irrigation and Drainage  EngineeringPeter Waller, Muluneh Yitayew
LaTeX in 24 HoursDilip Datta
Psychology of PerceptionSimon Grondin
Extragalactic Astronomy and  CosmologyPeter Schneider
Automata and ComputabilityDexter C. Kozen
The Algorithm Design ManualSteven S Skiena
Chemical ThermodynamicsErnö Keszei
Computational PhysicsPhilipp O.J. Scherer
Introduction to Statistics  and Data Analysis Christian Heumann, Michael Schomaker,  Shalabh
Grammar for TeachersAndrea DeCapua
Time Series EconometricsKlaus Neusser
ElectrochemistryChristine Lefrou, Pierre Fabry, Jean-Claude Poignet
Classical Fourier AnalysisLoukas Grafakos
Human ChromosomesOrlando J. Miller, Eeva Therman
PhylogenomicsChristoph Bleidorn
Quantum Theory for  MathematiciansBrian C. Hall
Evidence-Based Critical CareRobert C. Hyzy
Clinical Assessment of Child  and Adolescent Personality and BehaviorPaul J. Frick, Christopher T. Barry, Randy W. Kamphaus
Design Research in  Information SystemsAlan Hevner, Samir Chatterjee
Intermediate Physics for  Medicine and BiologyRussell K. Hobbie, Bradley J. Roth
Principles of Data MiningMax Bramer
Fundamental AstronomyHannu Karttunen, Pekka Kröger, Heikki Oja, Markku Poutanen,  Karl Johan Donner
Fundamentals of Business  Process ManagementMarlon Dumas, Marcello La Rosa, Jan Mendling, Hajo A. Reijers
Brownian Motion, Martingales,  and Stochastic Calculus Jean-François Le Gall
UML @ ClassroomMartina Seidl, Marion Scholz, Christian Huemer, Gerti Kappel
Design and Analysis of  ExperimentsAngela Dean, Daniel Voss, Danel Draguljić
Foundations for Designing  User-Centered SystemsFrank E. Ritter, Gordon D. Baxter, Elizabeth F. Churchill
Handbook of Consumer Finance  ResearchJing Jian Xiao
Principles of Terrestrial  Ecosystem EcologyF Stuart Chapin III, Pamela A. Matson, Peter Vitousek
Applied Multivariate  Statistical AnalysisWolfgang Karl Härdle, Léopold Simar
Strategic International  ManagementDirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Joachim Zentes
Computer VisionRichard Szeliski
Engineering ElectromagneticsNathan Ida
Data MiningCharu C. Aggarwal
International Trade Theory  and PolicyGiancarlo Gandolfo
Alternative Energy SourcesEfstathios E (Stathis) Michaelides
Introduction to Electronic  Commerce and Social CommerceEfraim Turban, Judy Whiteside, David King, Jon Outland
Computational GeometryMark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Marc van Kreveld, Mark Overmars
Elementary Mechanics Using  PythonAnders Malthe-Sørenssen
Energy EconomicsPeter Zweifel, Aaron Praktiknjo, Georg Erdmann
Biomedical InformaticsEdward H. Shortliffe, James J. Cimino
Robotics, Vision and ControlPeter Corke
Acid-Base DiagramsHeike Kahlert, Fritz Scholz
Brewing Science: A  Multidisciplinary ApproachMichael Mosher, Kenneth Trantham
Learning Landscape EcologySarah E. Gergel, Monica G. Turner
ProbabilityJim Pitman
Modeling LifeAlan Garfinkel, Jane Shevtsov, Yina Guo
Introduction to Plasma  Physics and Controlled FusionFrancis Chen
Engineering Mechanics 1Dietmar Gross, Werner Hauger, Jörg Schröder, Wolfgang A. Wall,  Nimal Rajapakse
Business Statistics for  Competitive Advantage with Excel 2016 Cynthia Fraser
Principles of Polymer  ChemistryA. Ravve
A Primer on Scientific  Programming with PythonHans Petter Langtangen
Climate Change Science: A  Modern SynthesisG. Thomas Farmer, John Cook
Solar PV and Wind Energy  Conversion SystemsS. Sumathi, L. Ashok Kumar, P. Surekha
Statistical Analysis and Data  DisplayRichard M. Heiberger, Burt Holland
Business Process Management  CasesJan vom Brocke, Jan Mendling
Elementary AnalysisKenneth A. Ross
Cryptography Made SimpleNigel Smart
Fluid DynamicsMichel Rieutord
Social Media ManagementAmy Van Looy
Statistics in Criminal  JusticeDavid Weisburd, Chester Britt
Supply Chain Management and  Advanced PlanningHartmut Stadtler, Christoph Kilger, Herbert Meyr
Probability TheoryAlexandr A. Borovkov
Statistics and Data Analysis  for Financial EngineeringDavid Ruppert, David S. Matteson
Readings in Formal  EpistemologyHoracio Arló-Costa, Vincent F. Hendricks, Johan van Benthem
Differential Equations and  Their ApplicationsMartin Braun
Nanotechnology: Principles  and PracticesSulabha K. Kulkarni
Epidemiological Research:  Terms and ConceptsO. S. Miettinen
Multinational ManagementRien Segers
Partial Differential  EquationsJürgen Jost
Bayesian and Frequentist  Regression MethodsJon Wakefield
Strategic International  ManagementDirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Joachim Zentes
Basic Concepts in  Computational PhysicsBenjamin A. Stickler, Ewald Schachinger
Eye Tracking MethodologyAndrew T. Duchowski
Writing for PublicationMary Renck Jalongo, Olivia N. Saracho
Mathematical PhysicsSadri Hassani
Correctional Counseling and  TreatmentPeter C. Kratcoski
Thermodynamics and Energy  ConversionHenning Struchtrup
The Action Research PlannerStephen Kemmis, Robin McTaggart, Rhonda Nixon
Stochastic Processes and  CalculusUwe Hassler
Statistical Analysis of  Clinical Data on a Pocket CalculatorTon J. Cleophas, Aeilko H. Zwinderman
Clinical Data Analysis on a  Pocket CalculatorTon J. Cleophas, Aeilko H. Zwinderman
The Data Science Design  ManualSteven S. Skiena
An Introduction to Machine  LearningMiroslav Kubat
Guide to Discrete MathematicsGerard O'Regan
Petroleum GeoscienceKnut Bjørlykke
Structure Determination by  X-ray CrystallographyMark Ladd, Rex Palmer
Introduction to Time Series  and ForecastingPeter J. Brockwell, Richard A. Davis
Principles of Mobile  CommunicationGordon L. Stüber
Cardiovascular BiomechanicsPeter R. Hoskins, Patricia V. Lawford, Barry J. Doyle
Introduction to Smooth  ManifoldsJohn Lee
Taxation in European UnionPietro Boria
Essentials of Cerebellum and  Cerebellar DisordersDonna L. Gruol, Noriyuki Koibuchi, Mario Manto, Marco  Molinari, Jeremy D. Schmahmann, Ying Shen
Language Across the  Curriculum & CLIL in English as an Additional Language (EAL) ContextsAngel M.Y. Lin
Multivariate Calculus and  GeometrySeán Dineen
Statistics and Analysis of  Scientific DataMassimiliano Bonamente
Modelling Computing SystemsFaron Moller, Georg Struth
Search MethodologiesEdmund K. Burke, Graham Kendall
Representation TheoryWilliam Fulton, Joe Harris
Linear Algebra Done RightSheldon Axler
Stellar Structure and  EvolutionRudolf Kippenhahn, Alfred Weigert, Achim Weiss
Evolutionary Thinking in  MedicineAlexandra Alvergne, Crispin Jenkinson, Charlotte Faurie
Understanding CryptographyChristof Paar, Jan Pelzl
Linear AlgebraJörg Liesen, Volker Mehrmann
AlgebraSerge Lang
Understanding AnalysisStephen Abbott
Plate TectonicsWolfgang Frisch, Martin Meschede, Ronald C. Blakey
Linear ProgrammingRobert J Vanderbei
The Nature of Scientific  KnowledgeKevin McCain
Leadership TodayJoan Marques, Satinder Dhiman
Physics of Semiconductor  DevicesMassimo Rudan
Corporate Social  ResponsibilityJohn O. Okpara, Samuel O. Idowu
Ordinary Differential  EquationsWilliam A. Adkins, Mark G. Davidson
Electronic CommerceEfraim Turban, David King, Jae Kyu Lee, Ting-Peng Liang,  Deborrah C. Turban
Ceramic MaterialsC. Barry Carter, M. Grant Norton
Foundations of Analytical  ChemistryMiguel Valcárcel Cases, Ángela I. López-Lorente, Ma Ángeles  López-Jiménez
Life Cycle AssessmentMichael Z. Hauschild, Ralph K. Rosenbaum, Stig Irving Olsen
A Clinical Guide to the  Treatment of the Human Stress ResponseGeorge S. Everly, Jr., Jeffrey M. Lating
Computational PhysicsPhilipp Scherer
Handbook of LGBT EldersDebra A. Harley, Pamela B. Teaster
Handbook of Cardiac Anatomy,  Physiology, and DevicesPaul A. Iaizzo
Quantum MechanicsDaniel Bes
Understanding Statistics  Using RRandall Schumacker, Sara Tomek
Mass SpectrometryJürgen H Gross
Statistical Mechanics for  EngineersIsamu Kusaka
The Gastrointestinal SystemPo Sing Leung
Additive Manufacturing  TechnologiesIan Gibson, David Rosen, Brent Stucker
Magnetic Interactions in  Molecules and SolidsCoen de Graaf, Ria Broer
Electricity and MagnetismTeruo Matsushita
Survival AnalysisDavid G. Kleinbaum, Mitchel Klein
Foundations of Quantum  MechanicsTravis Norsen
An Introduction to  Statistical LearningGareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani
Introduction to Mathematica®  for PhysicistsAndrey Grozin
Statistical Learning from a  Regression PerspectiveRichard A. Berk
Applied Partial Differential  EquationsJ. David Logan
Principles of AstrophysicsCharles Keeton
Air Pollution and Greenhouse  GasesZhongchao Tan
Polymer Synthesis: Theory and  PracticeDietrich Braun, Harald Cherdron, Matthias Rehahn, Helmut  Ritter, Brigitte Voit
Sustainable Supply ChainsYann Bouchery, Charles J. Corbett, Jan C. Fransoo, Tarkan Tan
RoboticsBruno Siciliano, Lorenzo Sciavicco, Luigi Villani, Giuseppe  Oriolo
EconometricsBadi H. Baltagi
The Sea FloorEugen Seibold, Wolfgang Berger
SPSS for Starters and 2nd  LevelersTon J. Cleophas, Aeilko H. Zwinderman
Regression Modeling  StrategiesFrank E. Harrell , Jr.
Legal Dynamics of EU External  RelationsHenri de Waele
Food Analysis Laboratory  ManualS. Suzanne Nielsen
Principles of Musical  AcousticsWilliam M. Hartmann
Fundamentals of Structural  EngineeringJerome J. Connor, Susan Faraji
Basics of Laser PhysicsKarl F. Renk
Applied Quantitative FinanceWolfgang Karl Härdle, Cathy Yi-Hsuan Chen, Ludger Overbeck
Handbook of Marriage and the  FamilyGary W. Peterson, Kevin R. Bush
Solid-State PhysicsHarald Ibach, Hans Lüth
Electrochemical Impedance  Spectroscopy and its ApplicationsAndrzej Lasia
Economics as Applied EthicsWilfred Beckerman
Electronics for Embedded  SystemsAhmet Bindal
Concise Guide to Software  EngineeringGerard O'Regan
Fundamentals of MultimediaZe-Nian Li, Mark S. Drew, Jiangchuan Liu
LogisticsHarald Gleissner, J. Christian Femerling
Group Theory Applied to  ChemistryArnout Jozef Ceulemans
The Psychology of Social  StatusJoey T. Cheng, Jessica L. Tracy, Cameron Anderson
A Modern Introduction to  Probability and StatisticsF.M. Dekking, C. Kraaikamp, H.P. Lopuhaä, L.E. Meester
Complex AnalysisJoseph Bak, Donald J. Newman
Food ChemistryH.-D. Belitz, Werner Grosch, Peter Schieberle
Exam Survival Guide: Physical  ChemistryJochen Vogt
The Python WorkbookBen Stephenson
Practical Electrical  EngineeringSergey N. Makarov, Reinhold Ludwig, Stephen J. Bitar
Strategic Retail ManagementJoachim Zentes, Dirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein
Food AnalysisS. Suzanne Nielsen
Psychoeducational Assessment  and Report WritingStefan C. Dombrowski
Machine Learning in Medicine  - a Complete OverviewTon J. Cleophas, Aeilko H. Zwinderman
Evidence-Based Interventions  for Children with Challenging BehaviorKathleen Hague Armstrong, Julia A. Ogg, Ashley N.  Sundman-Wheat, Audra St. John Walsh
Principles of Quantum  MechanicsR. Shankar
Recommender SystemsCharu C. Aggarwal
Pharmaceutical BiotechnologyDaan J. A. Crommelin, Robert D. Sindelar, Bernd Meibohm
Python Programming  FundamentalsKent D. Lee
The Finite Element Method and  Applications in Engineering Using ANSYS®Erdogan Madenci, Ibrahim Guven
Group TheoryMildred S. Dresselhaus, Gene Dresselhaus, Ado Jorio
Object-Oriented Analysis,  Design and ImplementationBrahma Dathan, Sarnath Ramnath
Introduction to Embedded  SystemsManuel Jiménez, Rogelio Palomera, Isidoro Couvertier
Elementary Mechanics Using  MatlabAnders Malthe-Sørenssen
An Introduction to  BiomechanicsJay D. Humphrey, Sherry L. O’Rourke
New Introduction to Multiple  Time Series AnalysisHelmut Lütkepohl
Introduction to Data ScienceLaura Igual, Santi Seguí
Calculus With ApplicationsPeter D. Lax, Maria Shea Terrell
An Introduction to Soil  MechanicsArnold Verruijt
Game TheoryHans Peters
Fundamentals of Clinical  TrialsLawrence M. Friedman, Curt D. Furberg, David L. DeMets, David  M. Reboussin, Christopher B. Granger
The Finite Volume Method in  Computational Fluid DynamicsF. Moukalled, L. Mangani, M. Darwish
The ASCRS Textbook of Colon  and Rectal SurgeryScott R. Steele, Tracy L. Hull, Thomas E. Read, Theodore J.  Saclarides, Anthony J. Senagore, Charles B. Whitlow
Applied Predictive ModelingMax Kuhn, Kjell Johnson
Introduction to Logic  Circuits & Logic Design with VHDL Brock J. LaMeres
Sustainability ScienceHarald Heinrichs, Pim Martens, Gerd Michelsen, Arnim Wiek
Physical Chemistry from a  Different AngleGeorg Job, Regina Rüffler
The Physics of SemiconductorsMarius Grundmann
Energy Harvesting and Energy  EfficiencyNicu Bizon, Naser Mahdavi Tabatabaei, Frede Blaabjerg, Erol  Kurt
Python For ArcGISLaura Tateosian
Statics and Mechanics of  StructuresSteen Krenk, Jan Høgsberg
Real AnalysisMiklós Laczkovich, Vera T. Sós
MATLAB for PsychologistsMauro Borgo, Alessandro Soranzo, Massimo Grassi
Physical Asset ManagementNicholas Anthony John Hastings
Essentials of Food ScienceVickie A. Vaclavik, Elizabeth W. Christian
Quantum MechanicsK.T. Hecht
Probability TheoryAchim Klenke
Concise Guide to DatabasesPeter Lake, Paul Crowther
Digital Image ProcessingWilhelm Burger, Mark J. Burge
Chemical and Bioprocess  EngineeringRicardo Simpson, Sudhir K. Sastry
Transmission Electron  MicroscopyDavid B. Williams, C. Barry Carter
Guide to Computer Network  SecurityJoseph Migga Kizza
Introduction to LawJaap Hage, Antonia Waltermann, Bram Akkermans
Advanced Quantum MechanicsRAINER DICK
Bayesian Essentials with RJean-Michel Marin, Christian P. Robert
Robotics, Vision and ControlPeter Corke
Applied ChemistryOleg Roussak, H. D. Gesser
Advanced Organic ChemistryFrancis A. Carey, Richard J. Sundberg
Advanced Organic ChemistryFrancis A. Carey, Richard J. Sundberg
International Humanitarian  ActionHans-Joachim Heintze, Pierre Thielbörger
Breast CancerUmberto Veronesi, Aron Goldhirsch, Paolo Veronesi, Oreste  Davide Gentilini, Maria Cristina Leonardi
Travel Marketing, Tourism  Economics and the Airline ProductMark Anthony Camilleri
Electronic Commerce 2018Efraim Turban, Jon Outland, David King, Jae Kyu Lee, Ting-Peng  Liang, Deborrah C. Turban
Disability and Vocational  Rehabilitation in Rural SettingsDebra A. Harley, Noel A. Ysasi, Malachy L. Bishop, Allison R.  Fleming
Teaching Medicine and Medical  Ethics Using Popular CultureEvie Kendal, Basia Diug
Market ResearchErik Mooi, Marko Sarstedt, Irma Mooi-Reci
Scanning Electron Microscopy  and X-Ray MicroanalysisJoseph I. Goldstein, Dale E. Newbury, Joseph R. Michael,  Nicholas W.M. Ritchie, John Henry J. Scott, David C. Joy
ArcGIS for Environmental and  Water IssuesWilliam Bajjali
Physics from SymmetryJakob Schwichtenberg
Communication and Bioethics  at the End of LifeLori A. Roscoe, David P. Schenck
Foundations of Programming  LanguagesKent D. Lee
Problems in Classical  ElectromagnetismAndrea Macchi, Giovanni Moruzzi, Francesco Pegoraro
Polymer ChemistrySebastian Koltzenburg, Michael Maskos, Oskar Nuyken
Probability and Statistics  for Computer ScienceDavid Forsyth
Empathetic Space on ScreenAmedeo D'Adamo
Political Social WorkShannon R. Lane, Suzanne Pritzker
Introductory Quantum  MechanicsPaul R. Berman
Guide to Competitive  ProgrammingAntti Laaksonen
Introduction to Artificial  IntelligenceWolfgang Ertel
Bioinformatics for  Evolutionary BiologistsBernhard Haubold, Angelika Börsch-Haubold
Concepts, Methods and  Practical Applications in Applied DemographyRichard K. Thomas
Introduction to Deep LearningSandro Skansi
Energy and the Wealth of  NationsCharles A.S. Hall, Kent Klitgaard
A Beginner's Guide to Scala,  Object Orientation and Functional ProgrammingJohn Hunt
Lessons on Synthetic  BioarchitecturesEva-Kathrin Ehmoser-Sinner, Cherng-Wen Darren Tan
Managing Sustainable BusinessGilbert G. Lenssen, N. Craig Smith
Engineering Mechanics 2Dietmar Gross, Werner Hauger, Jörg Schröder, Wolfgang A. Wall,  Javier Bonet
Fundamentals of Business  Process ManagementMarlon Dumas, Marcello La Rosa, Jan Mendling, Hajo A. Reijers
Clinical Methods in Medical  Family TherapyTai Mendenhall, Angela Lamson, Jennifer Hodgson, Macaran Baird
Guide to Scientific Computing  in C++Joe Pitt-Francis, Jonathan Whiteley
Motivation and Action Jutta Heckhausen, Heinz Heckhausen
Perspectives on Elderly Crime  and VictimizationPeter C. Kratcoski, Maximilian Edelbacher
Knowledge ManagementKlaus North, Gita Kumta
An Introduction to  ZooarchaeologyDiane Gifford-Gonzalez
Abstract AlgebraGregory T. Lee
Criminal Justice and Mental  HealthJada Hector, David Khey
Philosophy of RaceNaomi Zack
Of Cigarettes, High Heels,  and Other Interesting ThingsMarcel Danesi
Applied BioinformaticsPaul M. Selzer, Richard J. Marhöfer, Oliver Koch
Linear Algebra and Analytic  Geometry for Physical SciencesGiovanni Landi, Alessandro Zampini
Building Energy Modeling with  OpenStudioLarry Brackney, Andrew Parker, Daniel Macumber, Kyle Benne
Customer Relationship  ManagementV. Kumar, Werner Reinartz
The A-Z of the PhD TrajectoryEva O. L. Lantsoght
Strategic Human Resource  Management and Employment RelationsAshish Malik
Applied Linear AlgebraPeter J. Olver, Chehrzad Shakiban
Witnessing TortureAlexandra S. Moore, Elizabeth Swanson
Proofs from THE BOOKMartin Aigner, Günter M. Ziegler
Introduction to General  RelativityCosimo Bambi
Introduction to Particle and  Astroparticle PhysicsAlessandro De Angelis, Mário Pimenta
Fundamentals of Java  ProgrammingMitsunori Ogihara
Optimization of Process  Flowsheets through Metaheuristic Techniques José María Ponce-Ortega, Luis Germán Hernández-Pérez
RoboticsMatjaž Mihelj, Tadej Bajd, Aleš Ude, Jadran Lenarčič, Aleš  Stanovnik, Marko Munih, Jure Rejc, Sebastjan Šlajpah
Business Ethics - A  Philosophical and Behavioral ApproachChristian A. Conrad
A First Introduction to  Quantum PhysicsPieter Kok
Argumentation Theory: A  Pragma-Dialectical PerspectiveFrans H. van Eemeren
Logical Foundations of  Cyber-Physical SystemsAndré Platzer
Off-Grid Electrical Systems  in Developing CountriesHenry Louie
Entertainment ScienceThorsten Hennig-Thurau, Mark B. Houston
Physics of Oscillations and  WavesArnt Inge Vistnes
Introduction to Programming  with FortranIan Chivers, Jane Sleightholme
Fundamentals of Solid State  EngineeringManijeh Razeghi
Introduction to Digital  Systems DesignGiuliano Donzellini, Luca Oneto, Domenico Ponta, Davide  Anguita
Neural Networks and Deep  LearningCharu C. Aggarwal
Data Science and Predictive  AnalyticsIvo D. Dinov
Systems Programming in  Unix/LinuxK.C. Wang
Analytical Corporate FinanceAngelo Corelli
Fraud and CorruptionPeter C. Kratcoski, Maximilian Edelbacher
Conferencing and Presentation  English for Young AcademicsMichael Guest
A Concise Guide to Market  ResearchMarko Sarstedt, Erik Mooi
Global Supply Chain and  Operations ManagementDmitry Ivanov, Alexander Tsipoulanidis, Jörn Schönberger
Introduction to Parallel  ComputingRoman Trobec, Boštjan Slivnik, Patricio Bulić, Borut Robič
Mathematical LogicRoman Kossak
Stability and Control of  Linear SystemsAndrea Bacciotti
Introduction to Formal  PhilosophySven Ove Hansson, Vincent F. Hendricks
Analysis for Computer  ScientistsMichael Oberguggenberger, Alexander Ostermann
International Business  ManagementKamal Fatehi, Jeongho Choi
Research Methods for the  Digital Humanitieslewis levenberg, Tai Neilson, David Rheams
Introductory Computer  ForensicsXiaodong Lin
Control EngineeringLászló Keviczky, Ruth Bars, Jenő Hetthéssy, Csilla Bányász
Control Engineering: MATLAB  ExercisesLászló Keviczky, Ruth Bars, Jenő Hetthéssy, Csilla Bányász
ENZYMES: Catalysis, Kinetics  and MechanismsN.S. Punekar
Automatic Control with  ExperimentsVictor Manuel Hernández-Guzmán, Ramón Silva-Ortigoza
Internet of Things From Hype  to RealityAmmar Rayes, Samer Salam
Quantitative Methods for the  Social SciencesDaniel Stockemer
A Pythagorean Introduction to  Number TheoryRamin Takloo-Bighash
Philosophical and  Mathematical LogicHarrie de Swart
Structural DynamicsMario Paz, Young Hoon Kim
Plant Physiology, Development  and MetabolismSatish C Bhatla, Manju A. Lal
Quantum Mechanics for  Pedestrians 1Jochen Pade
Plant AnatomyRichard Crang, Sheila Lyons-Sobaski, Robert Wise
Quantum Mechanics for  Pedestrians 2Jochen Pade
Excel Data AnalysisHector Guerrero
Quick Start Guide to VHDLBrock J. LaMeres
Java in Two SemestersQuentin Charatan, Aaron Kans
Managing Media and Digital  OrganizationsEli M. Noam
Media and Digital ManagementEli M. Noam
An Anthology of London in  Literature, 1558-1914Geoffrey G. Hiller, Peter L. Groves, Alan F. Dilnot
AstronauticsUlrich Walter
Perceptual OrganizationStephen Handel
Research Methods for Social  Justice and Equity in EducationKamden K. Strunk, Leslie Ann Locke
Educational TechnologyRonghuai Huang, J. Michael Spector, Junfeng Yang
Quick Start Guide to VerilogBrock J. LaMeres
Spine SurgeryBernhard Meyer, Michael Rauschmann
Introduction to Logic  Circuits & Logic Design with VHDL Brock J. LaMeres
Social Justice Theory and  Practice for Social WorkLynelle Watts, David Hodgson
School Leadership and  Educational Change in SingaporeBenjamin Wong, Salleh Hairon, Pak Tee Ng
Digital Business ModelsBernd W. Wirtz
Introduction to Logic  Circuits & Logic Design with VerilogBrock J. LaMeres
Pharmaceutical BiotechnologyDaan J. A. Crommelin, Robert D. Sindelar, Bernd Meibohm
Mapping Global Theatre  HistoriesMark Pizzato
Social Marketing in ActionDebra Z. Basil, Gonzalo Diaz-Meneses, Michael D. Basil
Analyzing Qualitative Data  with MAXQDAUdo Kuckartz, Stefan Rädiker
Handbook of Evolutionary  Research in ArchaeologyAnna Marie Prentiss
Evidence-Based Practice in  Clinical Social WorkJames W. Drisko, Melissa D. Grady
Foundations of Behavioral  HealthBruce Lubotsky Levin, Ardis Hanson
Social Psychology in ActionKai Sassenberg, Michael L.W. Vliek
Essentials of Business  AnalyticsBhimasankaram Pochiraju, Sridhar Seshadri
A Course in Rasch Measurement  TheoryDavid Andrich, Ida Marais
Multimedia Big Data Computing  for IoT ApplicationsSudeep Tanwar, Sudhanshu Tyagi, Neeraj Kumar
Policing and Minority  CommunitiesJames F. Albrecht, Garth den Heyer, Perry Stanislas
A Beginners Guide to Python 3  ProgrammingJohn Hunt
Advanced Guide to Python 3  ProgrammingJohn Hunt
Literature and MedicineRonald Schleifer, Jerry B. Vannatta
Food Fraud PreventionJohn W. Spink
Plant EcologyErnst-Detlef Schulze, Erwin Beck, Nina Buchmann, Stephan  Clemens, Klaus Müller-Hohenstein, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen

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