
微巴士|美国IPO市场.递表 20230210

Ryanben Capital 港澳IPO上市 2024-02-17

2023年2月10日,来自浙江杭州的浙江优巴科技有限公司的实质控股股东WEBUS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED(以下简称“微巴士”)在美国证监会(SEC)公开披露招股书,股票代码WETO,拟在美国纳斯达克IPO上市。其与2022年9月23日在美国SEC秘密递表。 





根据弗若斯特沙利文报告,以2022 年上半年的收入计,微巴士在中国顶级在线团体出行服务平台中排名第二。


微巴士的在线渠道包括APP、官方网站、微信和支付宝小程序,对接国内三大在线旅行社平台携程、飞猪、同程,并与小红书建立了认证合作伙伴关系。微巴士的线下渠道包括与浙江省50多个市县的业务战略合作、旅行社、在线巴士预订平台gotobus,以及在在杭州高铁站、机场等交通站点设立服务台。微巴士在中国拥有超过11,000辆可调度车辆,在境外,约有8,000 名司机提供包车服务。

招股书显示,微巴士在上市前的股权架构中,郑家华 Zheng Jiahua,通过Micava Co., Ltd.持有40.76%;郑楠 Zheng Nan,通过Annan Tech Co., Ltd.持有40.74%。





郑加华 Zheng Jiahua, Chairman of the Board of the Directors of the Company (the “Board”)

Mr. Zheng Jiahua has been the chairman of the Board since Webus inception. He is the founder of the VIE and its subsidiary. Prior to founding the VIE, between 2011 and 2018, Mr. Zheng was the chairman of the board of Huzhou Xinhanrui Real Estate Co., Ltd., a company engages in real estate investment, where he was in charge of the company’s development strategies. Mr. Zheng has over 30 years of business experience with extensive resources both locally and regionally. He is particularly well versed in business strategies, corporate and government relations and crisis management. Mr. Zheng received his high school diploma from Yuhuang Huanghu High School in 1991. Mr. Zheng Jiahua is the father of our CEO Mr. Zheng Nan.


郑楠 Zheng Nan, Chief Executive Officer and Director Nominee

Mr. Zheng Nan has been the CEO of Webus since February 2023.He accepted the appointment as the director of Webus effective upon the effective date of the registration statement. Mr. Zheng has been the CEO of the VIE since January 2021 and is responsible for the VIE’s operation, product offerings and management. From June 2019 to March 2020, Mr. Zheng was the Chief Operating Officer of Uway Inc., a college student career service platform he founded in June 2019 when he was about to start college. Uway Inc. built the “Linker” platform to provide flexible employment information for students on campus. Mr. Zheng completed his middle school in China and received his high school diploma in the United States. He is a senior student at Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts. His education in the United States, entrepreneur endeavor and extensive global traveling experience enable him an in-depth understanding of packaged tour service and customized chartered bus service. Mr. Zheng Nan is the son of our Chairman Mr. Zheng Jiahua.


王世杰 Wang Shijie, Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Wang Shijie has been the CFO of Webus since February 2023. Mr. Wang has been the Chief Financial Officer of the VIE since September 2022. Mr. Wang has 8 years of accounting management and financial reporting experience. From April 2018 to August 2021, Mr. Wang was the Financial Manager and Operation Platform Manager of Hangzhou Liyixiang Digital Technology Co. Ltd., a digital technology company, where he was in charge of the company’s accounting management, financial reporting and general management of the platform’s operation. From January 2014 to April 2018, he was the Division Chief of General Management Division under the Financial Department at Zhongyuan University of Technology where he was responsible for the university’s accounting management and financial reporting. Mr. Wang received his Master’s degree in business administration from Zhongyuan University of Technology and Bachelor’s degree in auditing from Zhengzhou University. He holds a Certificate of Intermediate Accountant.

吴春云 Wu Chunyun, General Manager of Youba Tech

Mr. Wu Chunyun has been appointed as the General Manager of the VIE in August 2019 and is responsible for the company’s day-to-day operation and technology innovation. From July 2017 to August 2019, Mr. Wu served as CEO of Zhejiang Yinuo Technologies Co., Ltd., a one-stop chartered bus service provider. He oversaw the company’s product design and strategic development. Mr. Wu started his career at Alcatel-Lucent (formerly known as Lucent Technologies) and has extensive experience in digitalization and developing SaaS++ platforms. Mr. Wu received his bachelor’s degree in Radio Engineering and Wireless Communication from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in July 1996.


陈钇舟 Chen Yizhou, Co-Chief Operating Officer

Mr. Chen Yizhou has been the Co-COO of Webus since Febuary 2023. Mr. Chen has been the co-COO of the VIE since November 2020. From March 2016 to March 2020, Mr. Chen was the project manager and regional business manager of Zhejiang Hengsheng Changyun Technology Co., Ltd., an online transportation platform, where he was responsible for the company’s passenger transportation business. From July 2009 to March 2016, Mr. Chen was the Division Chief of Marketing Department of gotobus.com’s China Region. Gotobus.com is an online inter-city bus ticket booking platform serving the United States, Mexico, Canada and Europe. Mr. Chen received his bachelor’s degree in accounting from Dongguk University in the Republic of Korea. Mr. Chen has over 15 years of experience in bus transportation industry and has great resources in CMS and tourism industry.


He Wenxin, Co-Chief Operating Officer

Mr. He Wenxin has been the Co-COO of webus since February 2023. Mr. He has been the co-COO of the VIE since June 2021. From September 2017 to August 2020, he was the general manager and sales manager of Hangzhou office of Shenzhen Kuaibangxing Technology Co., Ltd. The company is headquartered in Seattle, Washington with offices in Beijing and Hangzhou, offering SaaS ++ platform to small and medium sized travel agencies. Mr. He received his bachelor’s degree in international trade from Zhejiang Sci-Tech University Science and Art College.




微巴士次IPO的的中介团队主要有:磊拓金融证券为其承销商;Marcum Asia CPAs LLP为其审计师;锦天城、VCL Law LLP分别为其公司中国律师、公司美国律师;盈科(杭州)乐博分别为其承销商中国律师、承销商美国律师。

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禧图集团 Millennium Group,在美国SEC递交招股书,拟纳斯达克IPO上市


微巴士|美国IPO市场.递表 20230210

Ryanben Capital 港澳IPO上市

