

LAC LAC STUDIO 2020-01-24

连接(Linking)学术(Academy)创新(Creation, 是LAC的由来,也是我们坚持的目标与初心;我们希望打破陈旧的设计教育, 帮助大家完成“中国学习模式”到“海外学习模式”的转变, 提前掌握国外院校的研究理论与设计逻辑。 我们希望挖掘学生个人潜力, 培养学员逐步拥有自己的设计思维, 在最擅长的领域延伸和放大。

基于教学需求, 经过半年的研发与筹备, 我们开始推出《LAC海外平行课》, 100%基于海外顶尖设计院校教案, 教学模式以及教学理念, 打造最具创意和颠覆的主题创作类课程, 引导学生从独特的视角解读场地, 探索研究相关理论, 切入设计, 逻辑性地发展深化至高质量的作品。

授课模式:1位导师, 限3-4名学生, 线上结合线下, 围绕一个典型学术理论/海外研究性设计课题/国际竞赛, 融合多种设计学科, 课程内容包含头脑风暴, 概念培养, 设计流训练, 图面表现等。




项目成果:one project

开题模式:online & offline

命题导师:Chengcheng Jiang


  • 本课题针对建筑/城市设计/景观建筑专业学生

  • 有相关兴趣并愿意全身心参与

  • 掌握Sketchup/Rhino等建模软件,Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator等平面软件

  • 可独立完成项目或合作(推荐合作完成)


 | 命题导师 | 

 | 海外项目背景 | 


Situated at the edgebetween a stadium, a theater, a circus and a spa, the contemporary gymnasiumkeeps a hedonistic memory incarnated in its obsessively sanitized floors. Inthe idealized image of the perfected body, the ambition of a beautiful and healthybody, the one built over tedious workout and hidden pharmaceutical support, iswhere the sensual nakedness of the original Greek palestra lies (of course,currently deprived from its philosophical extent). Despite the uncannymetaphor, and maybe closer to the eroded condition of a ruin, a fitness hallcan still be understood as a naked architecture for almost naked peopleenjoying or suffering their own bodies; as a voluntary seclusion into the rulesof their games. In those terms, both free time (pure leisure) or normalizedtime (institutionalized sport) are more or less regulated courts containedwithin the pervasive typology of an open plan, where architecture is reduced toits bones.

Yet, the veryinformality of the game, amusement and delight, allows for a more theatricalsetting or even a permissive free form. Perhaps as the natural consequence ofthe metabolist creed, in its high-tech eclectic “symbiosis”, the explicitly“weak” nudity of Kurokawa’s fitness Center in Chicago could be reinvented.



The literaltransparency from function to form was more a wishful thinking by the modernistprophets than a substantial principle of the architectonic space. It referredto a desirable efficiency, to a reasonable economy and a logical techné. Beyondsocial living and working spaces, even then, architecture was unable to fulfillthe irrational needs of culture. Play has been a rather neglected dimension ofarchitecture. However, architecture can be assumed as the very outline for afield of action, for a prescribed and regulated game. As a playground, a sporthall is the space to unfold the rules of a sport or the unregulated,uncontrolled recreation. Its function oscillates from health to “mere” leisure.Since play is a fundamental human need, Huizinga’s “homo ludens” spatiallyfunctions between the informal and the formless. As a ludic space (a system ofrooms to play) the proposed building will be deliberately delineated afterthose ludic protocols (as an arbitrary process of formal determination): if thebuilding can be understood as a play device (a big toy), the process to defineit will also be read as a game, this is: the playful translation ofarchitectonic fragments taken from a mysteriously large roman villa (a place initself devoted to body culture and pleasure). Thus the ludic room holds acontest for something but also for the very representation of that contest.



If Sullivan and Mieswere supposed to be embedded in Korokawa’s invisible fitness hall, perhaps withthe same curiosity that guided so many Adriana’s surveys, from Piranesi toLigorio, Le Corbusier or Kahn, a myriad of decontextualized architectonicfragments from the ruined monumental villa will be translated into the proposedbuilding. Based only on bibliographic sources (to keep a naïve distance toTivoli), the selected fragments will be redrawn and objectivized in 1:100 scalemodels. Each student will select 3 cases and propose 3 proportional variationsfor each case (9 models in total). Plan and section will be drawn with blacksolid walls. Models will be made in matte black painted cardboard.



The building will belocated in one of the existing Campus. It will occupy a rectangular volume of30x30x60m and be half buried into the natural ground in order to follow thehorizontal presence of the existing buildings. It will contain two mainfunctions: sport facilities and student housing. According to a given chart ofdimensions, the recreational program should include: gym reception, lounge, bar/café,six lanes indoor pool, basketball court, 4 squash courts, running track, groupcycling studio, triathlon training studio, weight lifting studio, fitnessstudio, yoga studio, dance studio, physical therapy, 2 massage rooms, femalelocker room, male locker room, female sauna, male sauna, hot tub, sun deck. Theresidential program should consider: 50 bedrooms (or small apartments),reception, study room, living room and common services.



  • Gymnasium: from greek adjective γυμνός(gymnos) meaning “naked”.

  • Johan Huizinga, Homo Ludens, A study of theplay-element in culture: Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1949 (1944).

  • Roger Caillois, Man, Play and Games:University of Illinois Press, Chicago, 1961 (Les jeux et les homines, 1958).J

  • osef Pieper, Leisure, The Basis of Culture:Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1963 (1952)


我在IIT就读时让我印象最深的一个项目是我当时在cloud Studio跟随导师Pezo von Ellrichshausen完成的。该项目的周期为6个月,我们以古罗马的哈德良别墅(villa Adriana)为基础,从它的平面入手,去感悟古罗马建筑的格局,尝试抓住古建筑中的细节并把它升华。在这个阶段我们用多个精细的小模型来展示思考的过程。最后我们会把研究结果应用于新的设计方面。概念上,我们把传统别墅的园林加住宅的形式转化为体育馆加学生宿舍,以现在的建筑观念去审视古罗马建筑的形式与空间,在细节上进行复原加创造,并最终应用于最后的设计中。


 | 项目导师自述 |


| 规划与期望 |

该项目主要分成两个周期,第一个周期中我们将以哈德良别墅(villa Adriana)为基础,选取有潜力的平面片段并加以发展,最终生成最后的inventory。而后我们把已有的inventory应用于新的设计中,完成体育馆加校舍的设计任务。



 | 平行课题周期 |

Week 1 

Introduction and Inventory

Submission:Drawings and Renders, Models (if u can)

Week 2:

Concept and Program (How to Apply the Inventory)

submission:3d model


Week 3:

Final Drawings

Submission:Plan, Render, Diagram


Week 4:


Submission:Detail Model


| 平行课题产出 |

1.Inventory: 平面图,效果图,分析图

2.Gym+Dormitory: 总平, 重要平面图,渲染图,分析图,模型照片

| 海外研究文献 |

  • 1. “Man, play, and games”,Roger Caillois, New York : Free Press of Glencoe, c1961.

  • 2.“Martha Schwartz : transfiguration of the commonplace” essay by Elizabeth K. Meyer, interview with Martha Schwartz ; edited by Heidi Landecker ; graphic design by Sarah Vance. Washington, DC : Spacemaker Press, c1997.

  • 3.”Architectural Projection”, Robin Evans,Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000.

  • 4.”The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences“,Michel Foucault,1966 (Éditions Gallimard),1970 (Pantheon Books, in English),1970 (Tavistock Publications, UK edition)

  • 5.”The originality of the avant-garde and other modernist myth”, Rosalind E. Krauss, Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1986, c1985.












联合 Linking | 学术 Academy | 创新 Creation




