这是一场特别的汇报,同学们展示的不仅是对理论知识的掌握程度,还有他们的科学素养、创新水平、协作程度等综合素质。Yigal Achmon教授提供了包括沙门氏菌、肉毒杆菌、幽门螺杆菌、霍乱弧菌等8种细菌作为汇报细分主题,学生随机组队,围绕抽签选中的细菌收集资料,最终通过课堂汇报的形式,向评委力证其小组所选中的细菌是“世界上最糟糕的细菌”。
汇报当天,Yigal Achmon教授邀请了Dganit Danino教授、梁嘉言教授、Harold Corke教授、Alex Samusev博士等12位老师担任评委,现场对学生的汇报进行提问并评分。
“很高兴能够以更多元的表现形式进行汇报,在提供给听众专业知识的同时,满足他们对新鲜感和创意的要求。”余逸然同学说道。黄宸维同学表示,在比赛中取得好成绩固然开心,但对他而言最有价值的部分是通过团队合作、互相学习提高交流与创新能力。正如Yigal Achmon教授所说,采用课堂汇报的方式,目的是培养学生的创造力、团队协作能力以及科学素养。在学生们今后求职面试、工作汇报等许多节点,创意都扮演着非常重要的角色。在他看来,同学们这次的展示非常精彩。“当你觉得这个小组一定是最棒的时候,下一个小组又会带来诸多惊喜,用他们的专业性、创造力征服你。”他期待同学们可以通过这次的汇报提高向公众传播科学知识的技能。
Welcome to the GTIIT Food and Microbiology course. Year 3 students from Biotechnology and Food Engineering were giving group presentations based on the topic of the Battle of Bacteria.
This was a special report, which showed not only their command of theoretical knowledge but also their scientific literacy, innovation and teamwork spirits. Asst. Prof. Yigal Achmon provided eight kinds of bacteria including Salmonella, Clostridium botulinum, Helicobacter pylori, Vibrio cholera, etc. as the report subdivision topics. Students were randomly divided into eight groups to collect information based on the bacteria they selected by the drawing lots, and report to the judges to prove that the bacteria selected by his team was the worst one in the world.
Twelve teachers including Prof. Dganit Danino, Prof. Leng Kayin, Prof. Harold Corke and Dr. Alex Samusev were invited as judges to ask questions and score students' presentations based on their comprehensive performance.
The students have wonderful thinking. They recorded news videos offline and performed live to show the general characteristics, transmission, and harm of bacteria. Some of them acted as reporters, broadcasting bacteria news at the TV station; another group played as doctors, introducing bacteria knowledge at the clinic. In their presentations, they collected a large amount of information and quote accurate data and evidence to better explain their argument with scientific attitude.
'Which characteristic that makes Vibrio cholera the worst bacteria in the world?' 'Why does Staphylococcus aureus have such a big impact on food industry and what types of food are susceptible to bacterial infection?' 'You just mentioned about the antibiotic resistance of Salmonella, then how do you treat the patients infected with these bacteria?' During the Q&A session, the judges raised many tough questions and the students answered them one by one. Finally, a group consisting of 7 students including Li Linglong won the championship.
"We manage to make our presentation both academic and intriguing, and are very happy to see our effort worked," said Yu Yiran. "I am pleased to get a good result in this presentation, but what is more valuable to me is the communication skills and innovation I developed through teamwork and mutual learning," said Huang Chenwei.
As Yigal Achmon said, this presentation aims to cultivate students' creativity, teamwork and scientific literacy. Creativity plays a very important role in their future, such as a job interview or presentations in a company. He added that they all did a good job. "Each team was very creative and professional, bringing me many surprises." He hoped that the students can also improve their scientific dissemination skills through this presentation.
Text/Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs