
Graduates | 罗逸伦:从广以到鲁汶,勇于尝试,守正创新

广以君 广东以色列理工学院 2023-04-29


KU Leuven












在高考志愿填报这一人生中的关键时刻,逸伦的父亲选择倾听孩子内心的声音,帮助孩子选择热爱和值得的院校专业,引导孩子探索与成长。他也将自己帮助逸伦确定目标院校、适应大学生活的心路历程撰写成文:《Voice of Parents | 引导孩子探索与成长,打通学研的“任督二脉”》。



罗逸伦与广以数学系主任Eli Aljadeff



这位理工科的学生还拥有一颗文艺细腻的心。他用最喜欢的一部电影《死亡诗社》中的台词作为自己的人生信条:Carpe diem,意为活在当下,及时行乐。大学四年期间,他前往中以产学研合作紧密的广州国际生物岛实习、和志同道合的电影社朋友们一起欣赏佳片、发起欢乐温馨的万圣节“游园会”、前往初中课堂为孩子们讲课、和外籍教授们一起顶着炎炎烈日参加龙舟比赛训练……从丰富多彩的社团到特色满满的中以文化交流活动,在这所小而美的校园里,犹太与本土的文化碰撞出耀眼的火花,每一位师生都是最有力的亲历者与传播者。






New Start










KU Leuven

Time flies and the second cohort of students graduate from Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT) this year. In the series of interviews with the graduates from the Class of 2022, we will show their stories at GTIIT in the past four years.

Here is the story of Luo Yilun, a student of the Class of 2022 from the Materials Science and Engineering Program.

Luo Yilun

Materials Science and Engineering

High School: Guangzhou Pui Ching Middle School

Received Offers from: KU Leuven, University of Twente, University of Groningen

Awards:GTIIT Chancellor's Scholarship



Stick to the Choice

When Spring turned into Summer of 2018, GTIIT's first cohort just finished their first-year study, while Luo, got lost at his eighteen after Gaokao exam. Whether to make the safe choice to study at a traditional domestic university, or take the risk to study overseas for an opener atmosphere, became a question for the boy and his family.

Luo with His Father

Introduced by his father, GTIIT faded into Luo's sight as the only Sino-foreign joint university focusing on science and technology, as well as the China Campus of the Technion. Innovative education system in GTIIT, famous for its high-quality faculty team and the Jewish education style Chutzpah, attracted Luo and soon they decided to visit the campus in person. The university turned out to be beyond his imagination, with openness, inclusiveness, innovation and science. Luo's father also encouraged him to get improved in GTIIT, and further study abroad to master cutting-edge knowledge and skills.

Luo with Professor Eli Aljadeff,

Head of GTIIT Mathematics Program

With a solid foundation for science and English, Luo became accustomed to GTIIT's learning pace not long after being admitted. Same as his schoolmates, Luo got well-trained here. Strict academic standards urge students to catch up with knowledge-rich interdisciplinary curriculum; open academic environment encourages students to join the research group based on their interest from the first two years in university; abundant resources allows each student to enhance laboratory experiences by operating the equipment under the guide of the professors. "I gained so much in such an open and innovative campus!" said Luo. 

Luo (First from the Left)

with Research Team Members

Though under great pressure, Luo seldom gets depressed as he holds the life motto "Carpe diem", a quote from his favorite movie Dead Poets Society, with the meaning of "Seize the Day". In the bachelor's years, he took an internship in Guangzhou International Bio-Island, spent nights with friends at the innovation center at GTIIT to watch movies, organized the exciting Halloween party, taught the middle school students and joined the Dragon Boat team for local racing. Luo, together with the faculty and the peers,  was amused by the abundant activities held in GTIIT, and also took the role as the culture communicator between China and Israel.

Movie Activities held by Luo

Halloween Party held by Luo

Luo Volunteered to Teach in Middle School

Luo in Dragon Boat Racing


New Start


to A Bigger World

Luo studied Materials and Science Engineering Program, a cross-disciplinary subject, pushing the students to take almost the largest amount of classes comparing with other programs opened in 2018. His faith was once shaken due to the heavy study load and the uncertainty brought by the pandemic. After consultations with professors and senior students, he realized that he couldn't grab both breadth and depth in just four years, and thus needed to focus on a particular subject to further study.

Luo with Friend

When asked why choosing Nanotechnology as his research concentration, Luo explained that a person with knowledge and expertise became increasingly important due to the high demand for human resources required by the prospering Chinese New Infrastructure Development, which refers to infrastructure that is 'digital, smart, and innovative', with the semi-conductor industry as one clear example.

Luo decided to start his master's study in KU Leuven in Belgium. Same as GTIIT, KU Leuven values research-based education and was ranked by Reuters as the most innovative university of Europe since 2016. Luo introduced that his master's course and research would focus on digital chip design and semiconductor devices, with a strong interaction with the world-leading nanotechnology research institute IMEC. He looked forward to applying the knowledge to new products.

Luo with Parents and Friends

To Luo's surprise, the 600-year-old university provided a scholarship for the young man. "Thanks GTIIT for I stepped up from here to a bigger world. I will keep going on!" Luo expressed his sincere appreciation for his Alma Mater before setting out for Belgium.

Gao Jiajie, Luo's best friend and GTIIT graduate, chose a similar program. These young GTIIT alumni are chasing a further study related to China's key industries, hoping to fulfill themselves during the industry transformation of the country.

推荐阅读 · 优秀毕业生专访

Graduates Interview

Graduates | 刘静:保持热爱,常有惊喜

Graduates | 苏新炼:以篮球诠释热爱,用科研书写青春

Graduates | 张誉行:兴趣是我前进的动力

Graduates | 崔啸东:目标明确稳扎稳打,优秀少年斩获斯坦福offer

Graduates | 蔡嘉翔:平淡的日子也能闪闪发光

Graduates | 游昊轩:踏雪前行,探索不停

Graduates | 吴作栋:把握当下,圆梦加州

Graduates | 高嘉杰:在广以,有所体验,有所收获

Graduates | 宾馨:越努力,越幸运

Graduates | 成蕙池:当一个人想要变好时,潜力是无穷的

Graduates | 王雨欣:探索无限可能,诠释多面青春

Graduates | 严钟渝:坚持劳逸结合,保持积极乐观

Graduates | 邵远川:你必须很努力,才能看起来毫不费力

Graduates | 刘畅:趁年轻,多尝试

Graduates | 张鸿睿:收获多所世界名校offer,解锁多彩广以生活

Graduates | 刘栩琦:保持优秀的秘诀

Graduates | 于博文:少年心有爱,直博获全奖

Graduates | 吴诗培:每一次幸运背后,都是踏实的努力

Graduates | 国奖得主邹允凡:让学习和科研成为习惯

Graduates | 国奖得主林洽:仰望星空,脚踏实地



Text: GTIIT News & Public Affairs

Photos: Luo Yilun


