
SEPTEMBER - Egg Chef's Table Dates + Artist Of The Month!

Egg EGGcafe 2022-04-13



Shanghai, a city where cultures connect, is a unique place where cuisines from all over the world bloom and people, tastes + cultures intersect.


民以食为天,以食物作为媒介了解一种文化自然是最地道的做法。Egg Chef’s Table 正是想要把这种饮食文化以最亲密的形式展现出来:特邀上海最具特色的顶级大厨将他们最拿手的美食以最接地气的形式带到Egg,在味蕾被惊艳的同时,也能一睹这些美食背后的故事!


What better way to experience global inspirations than in the intimate setting of an Egg Chef’s Table? Hosted by some of Shanghai’s top chefs, these one-off dinners will tickle your taste buds and get you a behind-the-scenes look at how artfully crafted dishes come to life at Egg!



This month, we’re delighted to have the following guest chefs and our talented Artist of the month in Egg gallery!


Joey Cheong


From UMMAMI Global Kitchen

在中国广告业摸爬滚打了26年后,Joey Cheong决定离开广告业,重新在饮食中找回自己的热情和兴趣。华裔、成长于新加坡,这种多文化的多元背景让他从小就接触到来自世界各地的美食 – 这种关于美食的记忆和经历在他的心中埋下了深深的根基:从食材的搭配,味道的选择等等,Joey Cheong从小就获得了一种关于食物的“天赋”,再加以后天不断的自学和练习,Joey为他的餐厅UMAAMI Global Kitchen带来了别样丰富的饮食体验。


Chef Joey, a 26-year China veteran, retired from advertising and decided to pursue his passion for the kitchen. Coming from Singapore, a diversified + multi-cultural society, Chef Joey has been exposed to global cuisines from a young age, making him a master at mixing + matching ingredients + flavors seamlessly. Together with self-taught techniques, he creates unique dishes with complex flavors at UMAAMI Global Kitchen. 


Chef Joey将会给Egg的食客们带来来UMAAMI 最经典,极富新加坡风味的五大碟,从分享的小菜餐食到单人的菜品,这样新颖有趣的方式还会给你带来丰富的,由始至终的饮食体验。

Chef Joey will showcase UMAAMI’s Top Five dishes, presenting them in a combination of shared tapas-style bites + individual mains, and guide us through the inspirations and processes behind his creation of these hit dishes. Expect a strong Singaporean influence!

9月10日 20:00, 周四


Thursday, 10 September at 20:00

To book your tickets, extract the QR code below

Luigi “Gonzo” Coccimiglio

Executive Chef 

From Italo + Funkadeli Group

Italo 和Funkadeli餐饮集团 – 行政主厨

Executive Chef, Italo + Funkadeli Group

“One Way Ticket from Rome to Shanghai” 


Chef Luigi, born and raised in Rome, started cooking professionally at age 15. He was deeply influenced by his grandmother’s talent as a skilled chef and by the sweet childhood memories of assisting her at family dinners. Luigi harnessed Italian tradition and culinary knowledge, and through the years has evolved them with his personal touch, which can be seen in the exquisite pasta dishes at Italo, such as cacio e pepe with a zing of Sichuan peppercorn.

Chef Luigi是意大利厨师协会中国分会中最年轻的一员,同样引领了新型意大利美食的风格和技术,用他的话来说:“如果一件事是值得做的,就要把它做到最好。”

Chef Luigi is now one of the youngest members of the Italian Chefs Federation in China, and spearheads a new generation of style and techniques for elevating traditional Italian cuisine. In Luigi’s words, “If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing at its best.”

Chef Luigi 将会给Egg的食客带来一场罗马和中国文化交融的新颖饮食体验。

His menu will showcase his Roman roots interlaced with inspiration from his life in China.

“One Way Ticket from Rome to Shanghai” Preview Menu (菜单)

Mortadella + pistachio bigne 

Green pea velouté soup, pecorino cheese, Sichuan pepper mousse

The Carbonara

Scottadito lamb, smoked eggplant pure

The Pandora’s box

9月17日 20:00, 周四


Thursday, 17 September at 20:00

To book your tickets, extract the QR code below

Mark Sampson

Executive Chef

From Youkuai Foods 

(Z-Rou plant-based meat)

优脍(株肉植物肉)- 行政主厨

Executive Chef, Youkuai Foods (Z-Rou plant-based meat)

“Table Number Z-Rou” 

Chef Mark以其多样化的烹饪技巧和出众的高标准而闻名。在16岁的时候便开始在繁华的爱尔兰都柏林市的多家顶级餐厅工作,这扩大了他对精美烹饪艺术的视野。20岁时,他移居罗马,在沉浸式体验餐厅Supper Club提升自己的技能,几年后,他在伦敦和墨尔本的世界一流的日本美食餐厅Nobu获得了职位。在满足了他一生的热爱之后,他回到了上海的家,并成功带领了Mercato,Urbn Hotel,Refinery和True Legend的厨房团队。作为一名热爱新挑战的杰出厨师,Mark现在已经加入优脍食品(株肉植物肉)。


Chef Mark Sampson is renowned for his diverse culinary skills and his exceptionally high standards. At the age of 16, Mark began working in various top restaurants in the bustling city of Dublin, Ireland, which expanded his horizons on fine culinary arts. At age 20 he relocated to Rome, taking his skills next-level at immersive-experience restaurant Supper Club, and a few years later landed a position at world-class Japanese fine-dining restaurant Nobu, in London and later in Melbourne. After meeting the love of his life, he returned to her home city of Shanghai and successfully led the kitchens at Mercato, Urbn Hotel, Refinery and True Legend. As an exceptional chef ready to tackle new challenges, Sampson has now moved into the plant-based arena with Youkuai foods, the creators of innovative plant-based “meat” Z-Rou that is taking the city by storm.


Chef Mark 将会给Egg的食客带来一场全新的全素株肉植物肉美食体验,从开胃小菜到甜品,一场无可比拟的全新素食体验!


Chef Mark Sampson will bring a fun, more personal touch with his “Table Number Z-Rou” menu. Expect the unexpected with dishes using Z-Rou in innovative ways, from appetizers to desserts(!), with flavors inspired by his globe-trotting, fine-dining career.


9月24日 20:00, 周四



Thursday, 24 September at 20:00

To book your tickets, extract the QR code below

Artist of the Month 本月艺术家

Handowin He


Egg curates a monthly changing art exhibition in the upstairs Loft Gallery, by native and expatriate locals, bringing creativity and inspiration to the community.



This month we’re delighted to feature Shanghai/NYC-based Chinese artist Handowin He who’s showcasing her latest work - OMIKUJI CARD EXPERIMENTAL PROJECT.

开幕展 Opening Party 

Date + Time:September 5th Friday 19:30 - 

日期 + 时间:9月5日(周五)19:30 - 

关于艺术家 Handowin He

More About Handowin He

Handowin HE,在上海和纽约两边游走的获奖插画师,从品牌人转变成插画师,不安于现状,敢于走出舒适圈去挑战生活。她擅长用故事性的插画解读世界,并凭借对艺术创作的热情,努力用作品让大家感受到她奇思妙想下有趣的灵魂。Handowin曾与国内外多个品牌、媒体以及出版社合作。并且多次在国际插画或动画比赛上获奖。由于对于出版物和独立文化的挚爱,在过去三年内多次参加国际艺术书展、漫展、独立刊物展。希望让同道之人都能感受到她对出版物的独特敏感度以及通过她的作品发掘创作的无限可能。目前的职业方向是能在童书绘本、商业插画等领域里做一个出色的叙事性插画师。并通过她的视觉化呈现,感受到无与伦比的世界观。既然人生苦短,那为何不做个有趣的灵魂?

Handowin HE is an award-winning author-illustrator based in NYC/Shanghai. After having worked in brand marketing for years, she was determined to jump out of this “Comfort Zone”. Keen on a storytelling approach serving her various whims, Handowin holds a strong desire to endeavor to create artworks in which each one could feel her extraordinary imagination with a funky soul. She ever collaborated with various brands, media, and children’s book publishing houses domestically and internationally. She is also the recipient of Int'l Motion Art Awards 8 Selected Winner, World Illustration Awards Shortlist, Bolognia Children’s Book Illustrator Virtual Wall etc.

Besides, Handowin is also a zine-maker contributing to independent publication. In the past three years, she participated in plenty of art book fairs, illustration fairs, and zine fests throughout the world.

The current goal is to be a great storyteller in terms of editorial illustrations and children's books. Through her visualized stories, an incomparable world outlook could be recognized.


For booking and more information, add WeChat user ID: eggcafe 


周一 - 周四:08:00 - 18:30

周五 - 周日:08:00 - Late


上海市襄阳北路12号, 近巨鹿路

12 Xiangyang Lu, near Julu Lu



ins: @eggshanghai

