
JULY - New Summer Delights, Egg Chef's Table + Monthly Artist

Egg EGGcafe 2022-04-13


As summer beckons us with its glorious days of sunshine – and occasional downpour - here’s something more than good food and good vibe to rejuvenate your body and soul at both Egg Xiangyang + Egg Zhenning throughout the sweltering summer months. Starting from new delights at Egg Zhenning + a new month of Egg Chef’s Table nights to make the most of the season, scroll down to find out what’s here to keep you energized in the summer heat!



Egg Zhenning:

New Summer Delights

七月盛夏新品速递,以美味抚平一切“夏日焦躁”- 从摇滚之王猫王最爱的猫王法式吐司到芝香浓郁的培根芝士焦糖布雷,极致美味祝你击退夏日倦感。

SUMMER! We are hitting the season with our New Summer Delights to tame all the summer frizz, from the king of rock favorite Fat Elvis French Toast to a cheese lover must order Egg Bacon + Cheese Creme Brûlée, these comforting treats are here to cheer up the season.



Fat Elvis French Toast
Peanut butter French toast, banana,bacon,ganache



Egg Bacon + Cheese Creme Brûlée 

Mascarpone、bacon crumble



Egg Xiangyang:

Chef's Table Dinners

在我们Egg襄阳路店短暂整修后,我们回归了!同样,Egg的大厨餐桌系列正式回归,准备好让这些精致美食点亮你夏日 - 在精心准备的菜品中,一窥大厨们的「美食二三事」!

After Egg Xiangyang’s short break of the renovation, our Egg Chef’s Table dinner series has returned and is ready to rock your tastebuds! Come to revel in our chefs’ stories through special tasting menus created exclusively for these intimate evenings.

Xenia and Jenya



Xenia 和 Jenya是Borsh@Kompot的联合创始人。

Jenya 曾是上海知名食肆悦璞食堂的副主厨,后又因爱好成为了一名极富热情的咖啡师。Xenia 是 一名生态创业者,UseDem 的创始人,她认为产品应该设计成可持续的。

Xenia and Jenya co-founders of Borsh@Kompot

Jenya is a former sous-chef at Brut Eatery who made her way from kitchen to the front of the house to explore more of a barista side. Xenia  is a founder of UseDem,  ecopreneurupcyclist, who transforms her own understanding of designer mission in 21st century – product should be designed to be sustainable.


Both being passionate about cultural experience exchange, they introduced to Shanghai audience a pop up restaurant called Borsh@Kompot. That`s where the roots of traditional Russian and Ukrainian cooking are, that`s where you experience full immersion.    Where is that amazing red Ukrainian Borsh made from original ingredients? Where are those Russian pelmeni  in Shanghai? No one knows where to look for! The girls sorted it all for you. 

菜单:Borsh & Kompot

- 罗宋汤配自制酸奶油

- 黑麦面包佐传统腌制猪油

- 俄罗斯饺子

- Golubci(卷心菜肉酱汁)

- 红鱼子酱配煎饼

- 甜点:蜂蜜蛋糕(medovik)

Menu: Borsh & Kompot

- Borsh with homemade sour cream

- Traditionally cured pork lard with rye bread

- Vareniki/pelmeni (dumplings)

- Golubci (cabbages rolles with meat in sauce)

- Pancakes with red caviar

- Dessert: Honey cake (medovik)



Healthy but Tasty

Clementine 是一名综合营养师和法国健康厨师。她是备受欢迎的健康生活社区ClemHealt的创始人,同样是素食黄油Realicious Butters 的创始人。

她将在 7 月 15日星期四晚上为Egg的食客带来由 ClemHealth 提供的富含美味和营养的特别菜单——Healthy but Tasty。这是一个健康、美味和多彩的共享餐盘菜单,主厨 Clementine 将在其中突出蔬菜、谷物、坚果、香草、香料和纯素蛋白的美妙味道。由于主厨 Clementine 本人是一名鱼素主义者,她还将在菜单中加入一些鱼料理。

Clementine is an integrative nutritionist and a French healthy chef. She is the founder of ClemHealth, a popular healthy living community and the owner of Realicious Butters, a raw vegan and unprocessed nut butter brand.

She will be showcasing her special menu packed with yumminess and nutrients - Healthy but Tasty by ClemHealth on Thursday night of 10 June. Healthy but Tasty b ClemHealth is a heathy, tasty & colorful sharing plates menu in which Chef Clementine will highlight the beautiful tastes of veggies, grains, nuts, herbs, spices and vegan protein. Chef Clementine herself is a pescatarian so she will also include some fish in the menu.

Menu: Healthy but Tasty by Clementine


- 藜麦或花椰菜塔布勒

- 罗盖特沙拉 - 樱桃番茄、新鲜罗勒和帕尔马干酪

- 三文鱼鳄梨和芒果鞑靼 - 纯素香蒜酱

- 野橙调味汁腌制三文鱼

- 腌制天贝 - 配 3 种蘸酱(纯素蛋黄酱、南瓜籽黄油和发酵黑蒜芝麻酱)

- 鳄梨酱和生红薯片

- 发芽豆沙拉 -以色列风味

- 红薯塞满芝麻酱和香脂还原剂和超级食品谷物

- 沙拉面包配茄子鱼子酱和慢煮茄子蘸酱

- 橙子沙拉配新鲜薄荷和香脆椰子片

- 巧克力慕斯或软糖配杏仁黄油

- Quinoa / Cauliflower Tabbouleh

- Roquette Salad – cherry tomatoes, fresh basil + Parmesan cheese

- Salmon, Avocado + Mango Tartare – vegan pesto

- Salmon Tiradito – wild orange essential oil dressing

- Marinated Tempeh – dip trio (vegan mayonnaise, pumpkin seed butter + fermented black garlic tahini), guacamole, + raw sweet potato chips

- Sprouted Beans Israeli-style Salad

- Sweet Potatoes – tahini + balsamic reduction, superfoods grains

- Challah Bread – eggplant caviar + slow cooked eggplant dip

- Orange Salad – fresh mint + crispy coconut chips

- Chocolate Mousse drizzled with almond butter...!


Artist of the Month

米米乔巴 mimiqiaoba


Egg curates a monthly changing art exhibition in the upstairs Loft Gallery, by native and expatriate locals, bringing creativity and inspiration to the community.


This month we’re happy to have talented freelance illustrator mimiqiaoba who will be showcasing one of her most loved collection 「BUNNY&KITTY」!


Mimiqiaoba is a freelance illustrator based in shanghai, she is good at fusing and changing food and color within her illustration research. Her previous work was published and commercially used by OPPO, UHA, CITIC Press, etc.


The exhibition is about rabbit Halu and cat Infinity. We hope that audiences can feel the artist’s love for her pets. All artworks were printed by risograph using soy ink made from vegetable soybean oil.

 Egg Zhenning 镇宁路店 

08:00 - 18:30


1F, ANKEN AIR, No 181,  Lane 465 Zhenning lu

 Egg Xiangyang 襄阳北路店 

08:00 - 18:30

上海市襄阳北路12号, 近巨鹿路

12 Xiangyang Lu, near Julu Lu



ins: @eggshanghai

