
举报UIUC教授徐钢事件进展,以及律师Ann Olivarius 介绍

AoAcademy 2018-09-08



Professor Accused of Sexual Abuse Sues Accuser

Xu Gang, a Chinese scholar and former professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in the U.S., is suing the person who first accused him of sexual misconduct, according to files seen by Sixth Tone. The case will open on July 24 in Shenzhen.

In March, Wesleyan University professor Wang Ao posted on social media about a student who claimed she'd been sexually harassed by Xu. More victims came forward later. Xu, who denies the claims, had contracts and allowances cancelled following the accusations, and is asking for 2.955 million yuan ($460,000) in compensation from Wang.

At the same time, Ann Olivarius, a lawyer specifying in civil right cases, told Sixth Tone that she is representing Xu’s former students to bring a lawsuit against him in the U.S. (Image: Xu Gang. From Shenzhen Biennale)

Correction: A previous version of this article misstated details of Xu’s lawsuit.

在美国方面,Ann Olivarius 是我们耶鲁校友联名写信请来的国际著名律师,在很多领域都做出过贡献,曾任南非前总统曼德拉的法律顾问,网站:https://douc.cc/1XAGg8

《Nature》 “2017年十大人物”介绍:

Ann Olivarius “正义的英雄” 致力于在学术机构内消除性骚扰,让女性可以平等地获得发展与进步的机会。 为了处理日益增多的电话咨询,Ann Olivarius 不得不多雇佣20%的员工。今年,来自英国梅登黑德的诸多女性正在通过电话寻求 Olivarius 的法律援助,让她帮助处理一系列的性骚扰案件,她们管自己的遭遇叫做 #MeToo(意即我也被性骚扰过)。

几十年来,Olivarius 已经处理了许多发生在学术机构里的性骚扰事件。但是,2017年她获得了超乎以往的关注,因为在她的努力下,一些科学界、娱乐界、媒体界和工业界位高权重的男人因为性骚扰而失去工作。

Olivarius 认为现在大家已经意识到了这个问题,一旦社会上形成共识,就会有更好的方法和机会来改善这种情况。

1970年代以来,Olivarius 一直在从事这项工作,在耶鲁大学读本科的时候,她被一个男教授性侵学生的事件所激怒。Olivarius  选择依据教育法修正案第九条跟几个原告一起起诉耶鲁大学,要求实现校园内的性别平等。她们个人的伤害虽然没有被抚平,但却获得了更广泛的胜利。法院最终承认,大学的性骚扰确实是一种性别歧视,这一里程碑式的判决为美国校园性骚扰案件确立了法律框架。

从耶鲁大学毕业后,Olivarius  在高盛等大企业从事法律与财务方面的工作,等她赚够了足够的钱可以从事喜欢做的事情时,她选择了一个最具挑战的项目——和记者出身的丈夫McAllister  Olivarius  共同成立了一家关注儿童性侵害案件的律师事务所。他们代表原告处理了在一系列在学术领域最突出的性骚扰案件,包括耶鲁大学、罗切斯特大学和牛津大学等机构。

在乔治城大学认知心理学家 Elissa Newport 看来,Olivarius 对受害者体贴周到,对加害者的辩护人防御心很重,Newport 正是罗切特斯特案中的一位申诉人。

对 Olivarius 而言,现在的问题是如何将所有对性骚扰问题的注意力转化为持久的法律变革,她的第一个想法是对发现违反教育法修正案第九条者课以严厉的经济处罚。Olivarius 为之奋斗的是改善女性的工作条件,让她们能在事业上取得成功。



Ann Olivarius has managed complex legal matters for over 25 years, focusing on both civil rights and corporate law.

She was deeply involved in litigating a landmark civil rights case,Alexander v. Yale,  which for the first time found that sexual harassment within a  university was illegal. Her groundbreaking work was recognized by the  Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund which presented her with  the Martha Stewart Miller Legal Challenge Award in 1992. Since Alexander v Yale she  has continued to break new ground and work on major cases in the area  of discrimination and employment law. In 2012 she was included by the  American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on its list of the most  influential people in the history of Title IX, the US  anti-discrimination law, and in 2017 the science journal Naturenamed  her as one of “Nature’s 10” people who mattered in science in 2017,  because of her work fighting sexual harassment at universities. Her  work also includes international corporate transactions, online privacy  and harassment, and divorces involving complex financial provisions.

After  first developing her corporate finance skills in the mergers and  acquisitions departments of Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, Ann’s  legal career includes service as a legal and financial advisor for Perot  Systems and Computer Memories, Inc., devising contracts that became  widely used in the software applications industry, and drafting London  arbitration rules that have framed international arbitration practice  for decades. She was the first CEO and General Counsel of the Sarnoff  Endowment for Cardiovascular Science, whose assets she grew from some  $26 million to over $100 million while helping to bring its scientific  programs to international prominence. Before founding McAllister  Olivarius, she ran the corporate department at Shearman & Sterling's  Washington, DC office.

Ann served on the board of National  Alliance for Autism Research (UK), also known as Autistica, and  OpenDemocracy USA. She is founder and Chair of the Rhodes Project, which  evaluates the careers and life choices of Rhodes Scholars worldwide.  Ann is a Trustee of GenerationNext!, a charity which supports the Vuleka  school in Johannesburg, South Africa. Nelson Mandela introduced her as  “a lawyer who has advised me well and who has courageously advanced the  cause of justice, and improved life opportunities, for hundreds of  millions of women, blacks and disadvantaged, worldwide”. She is  regularly interviewed by leading news organizations, including the BBC, ITV, Guardian, The Telegraph and The Sunday Times.

Ann graduated summa cum laudefrom  Yale College. As a Rhodes Scholar, she wrote a prize-winning doctorate  in Economics at Oxford University, before becoming the first person to  complete degrees from both the Yale School of Management and Yale Law  School, normally a five-year course, in three years, receiving highest  honors. She is licensed to practice law in New York, New Hampshire,  Minnesota, the District of Columbia, Idaho and Virginia, and is a  solicitor of England and Wales.

She is also Managing Partner of AO  Advocates, our sister firm that represents survivors of child sexual  abuse, often against churches, boarding schools and other institutions  that allowed the abuse to flourish.


